Bipartite Matching
Bipartite matching is a fundamental concept in graph theory and algorithm design that focuses on finding maximum matchings in bipartite graphs. This technique has widespread applications in resource allocation, job assignment, and network flow problems.
At its core, bipartite matching answers a simple question: Given two separate groups (like job seekers and jobs), how can we optimally pair elements from one group with elements from the other?
In this tutorial, we'll explore:
- What bipartite graphs and matchings are
- Algorithms to find maximum bipartite matchings
- Real-world applications
- Step-by-step implementation
Understanding Bipartite Graphs
A bipartite graph is a special type of graph where vertices can be divided into two distinct sets, with all edges connecting vertices from different sets. Think of it as two groups of nodes where connections only occur between groups, never within a group.
Properties of Bipartite Graphs
- Vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets (often called U and V)
- Every edge connects a vertex in U to a vertex in V
- No edges connect vertices within the same set
- Bipartite graphs can be colored with just 2 colors (vertices of the same color never share an edge)
What is Bipartite Matching?
A matching in a bipartite graph is a subset of edges where no two edges share a common vertex. In other words, each vertex can be matched with at most one vertex from the other group.
The highlighted edges form a matching between Group A and Group B.
Types of Matchings
- Matching: Any set of edges without common vertices
- Maximum Matching: A matching with the largest possible number of edges
- Perfect Matching: A matching where every vertex is matched (only possible when both partitions have the same number of vertices)
Algorithms for Bipartite Matching
Let's explore the two most common algorithms for finding maximum bipartite matchings.
1. Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm approaches bipartite matching as a special case of the maximum flow problem. Here's how we adapt it for bipartite matching:
- Create a source vertex (s) connected to all vertices in the left group
- Create a sink vertex (t) with edges from all vertices in the right group
- Set a capacity of 1 for all edges
- Run the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to find maximum flow
- The edges with flow 1 between the original bipartite sets constitute the maximum matching
2. Augmenting Path Algorithm (Hungarian Algorithm)
This algorithm directly works with the bipartite graph and is often more efficient for this specific problem:
- Start with an empty matching M
- Find an augmenting path (a path that alternates between unmatched and matched edges, starting and ending with unmatched vertices)
- Use this path to increase the size of the matching
- Repeat until no more augmenting paths exist
Let's implement this approach using the efficient Hopcroft-Karp algorithm variation, which finds a maximal set of augmenting paths in each phase:
def hopcroft_karp(graph, u, v):
Find maximum bipartite matching using Hopcroft-Karp algorithm.
graph: Adjacency list representation of bipartite graph
u: Number of vertices in left set
v: Number of vertices in right set
Number of matches and the matching pairs
# Initialize NIL vertices and matches count
NIL = 0
matching = [0] * (v + 1)
dist = [float('inf')] * (u + 1)
# Return matching size
def bfs():
queue = []
for i in range(1, u + 1):
if match[i] == NIL:
dist[i] = 0
dist[i] = float('inf')
dist[NIL] = float('inf')
while queue and dist[NIL] == float('inf'):
current = queue.pop(0)
if current != NIL:
for v in graph[current]:
if dist[matching[v]] == float('inf'):
dist[matching[v]] = dist[current] + 1
return dist[NIL] != float('inf')
def dfs(u_vertex):
if u_vertex != NIL:
for v_vertex in graph[u_vertex]:
if dist[matching[v_vertex]] == dist[u_vertex] + 1:
if dfs(matching[v_vertex]):
matching[v_vertex] = u_vertex
match[u_vertex] = v_vertex
return True
dist[u_vertex] = float('inf')
return False
return True
# Initialize matching data structures
match = [NIL] * (u + 1)
match_count = 0
# Main algorithm
while bfs():
for i in range(1, u + 1):
if match[i] == NIL and dfs(i):
match_count += 1
# Return the matches
result = []
for i in range(1, v + 1):
if matching[i] != NIL:
result.append((matching[i], i))
return match_count, result
Let's see how this works with an example:
# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example bipartite graph
# Vertices are 1-indexed for simplicity
# Left side vertices: 1, 2, 3, 4
# Right side vertices: 1, 2, 3, 4
graph = {
1: [1, 2],
2: [1, 3],
3: [2, 4],
4: [2, 3]
u = 4 # Number of vertices in left set
v = 4 # Number of vertices in right set
count, matching = hopcroft_karp(graph, u, v)
print(f"Maximum matching: {count}")
for match in matching:
print(f"Left {match[0]} -> Right {match[1]}")
Maximum matching: 4
Left 1 -> Right 2
Left 2 -> Right 1
Left 3 -> Right 4
Left 4 -> Right 3
Time Complexity Analysis
The Hopcroft-Karp algorithm achieves:
- Time complexity: O(E√V)
- Space complexity: O(V + E)
- E is the number of edges
- V is the number of vertices
This is much more efficient than the basic augmenting path approach which has O(VE) time complexity.
Real-World Applications
Bipartite matching algorithms have numerous practical applications:
1. Job Assignment
Imagine you have a group of workers and a group of jobs. Each worker is qualified for certain jobs. Bipartite matching can help assign workers to jobs optimally to maximize the number of assignments.
2. College Admissions
Students apply to colleges, and each college has a limited number of seats. Bipartite matching can help determine optimal student-college assignments.
3. Network Resource Allocation
Allocating computing resources to tasks in a distributed system, where certain resources are only compatible with specific tasks.
4. Image Pattern Recognition
Matching features between different images for object recognition or motion tracking.
Implementation Example: Job Assignment Problem
Let's solve a practical job assignment problem:
def solve_job_assignment(candidates, jobs, qualifications):
Assign candidates to jobs based on their qualifications.
candidates: List of candidate names
jobs: List of job titles
qualifications: List of tuples (candidate_idx, job_idx) representing qualifications
List of tuples representing assignments (candidate, job)
# Build the bipartite graph
graph = {i+1: [] for i in range(len(candidates))}
for candidate_idx, job_idx in qualifications:
graph[candidate_idx + 1].append(job_idx + 1)
# Find maximum bipartite matching
count, matching = hopcroft_karp(graph, len(candidates), len(jobs))
# Convert indices to names
assignments = []
for candidate_idx, job_idx in matching:
assignments.append((candidates[candidate_idx - 1], jobs[job_idx - 1]))
return assignments
# Example usage
candidates = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David"]
jobs = ["Software Developer", "UI Designer", "Project Manager", "Data Analyst"]
# Qualifications (candidate_idx, job_idx)
qualifications = [
(0, 0), (0, 3), # Alice is qualified for Software Developer and Data Analyst
(1, 0), (1, 2), # Bob is qualified for Software Developer and Project Manager
(2, 1), (2, 2), # Charlie is qualified for UI Designer and Project Manager
(3, 1), (3, 3) # David is qualified for UI Designer and Data Analyst
assignments = solve_job_assignment(candidates, jobs, qualifications)
print("Optimal Job Assignments:")
for candidate, job in assignments:
print(f"{candidate} -> {job}")
Optimal Job Assignments:
Alice -> Data Analyst
Bob -> Software Developer
Charlie -> Project Manager
David -> UI Designer
Advanced Concepts in Bipartite Matching
1. Weighted Bipartite Matching
In many real scenarios, edges have weights representing costs or preferences. The Hungarian algorithm (also known as the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm) can find the maximum weight bipartite matching in O(V³) time.
2. Online Bipartite Matching
In online scenarios, vertices from one partition arrive one at a time, and decisions must be made immediately without knowing future arrivals.
3. b-Matching
A generalization where each vertex can be matched to multiple vertices up to a given capacity.
Bipartite matching is a powerful algorithmic technique for solving assignment problems:
- Bipartite graphs represent relationships between two distinct groups
- Matching problems seek to pair elements from one group with another optimally
- The Hopcroft-Karp algorithm efficiently finds maximum bipartite matchings
- Real-world applications include job assignments, college admissions, and resource allocation
The algorithms we covered can be extended to handle more complex constraints like preferences, capacities, and weights.
- Modify the Hopcroft-Karp implementation to handle weighted edges and find the maximum weight bipartite matching.
- Implement a function to check if a graph is bipartite.
- Solve the stable marriage problem using bipartite matching.
- Extend the job assignment example to handle cases where each candidate can take on multiple jobs up to a certain limit.
- Design an algorithm that finds all possible maximum matchings in a bipartite graph.
Additional Resources
- Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) - Chapter on Maximum Flow
- Graph Algorithms by Shimon Even - Chapter on Matching
- Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by Ahuja, Magnanti, and Orlin
- Stanford CS Theory - Bipartite Matching Notes
- Competitive Programming Handbook - Graph Algorithms
Understanding bipartite matching unlocks solutions to many practical problems and serves as a foundation for more advanced algorithmic techniques. By mastering this concept, you'll have a powerful tool in your algorithmic toolbox!
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