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Edmonds-Karp Algorithm


The Edmonds-Karp algorithm is a specific implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson method for computing the maximum flow in a flow network. Developed by Jack Edmonds and Richard Karp in 1972, it improves upon the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm by specifying that the augmenting path is found using breadth-first search (BFS). This choice guarantees a polynomial time complexity of O(V×E²), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph.

In this tutorial, we'll explore how the Edmonds-Karp algorithm works, implement it step by step, and see how it can be applied to real-world problems.


Before diving into Edmonds-Karp, you should be familiar with:

  • Graph theory basics
  • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  • The concept of network flows
  • The Ford-Fulkerson method

Understanding Network Flow

A flow network is a directed graph where each edge has a capacity, indicating the maximum amount of flow that can pass through it. The goal is to find the maximum flow from a source node (s) to a sink node (t).

Key concepts:

  • Flow: The amount of something moving through an edge
  • Capacity: The maximum amount an edge can handle
  • Residual capacity: The remaining capacity on an edge
  • Augmenting path: A path from source to sink where more flow can be added

The Edmonds-Karp Algorithm

Edmonds-Karp is an improvement over the Ford-Fulkerson method with a specific rule: always choose the shortest augmenting path (in terms of number of edges) from source to sink using BFS.

Algorithm Steps:

  1. Initialize flow on all edges to 0
  2. Create a residual graph (initially identical to the original graph)
  3. While there exists an augmenting path from source to sink in the residual graph:
    • Find the shortest augmenting path using BFS
    • Determine the bottleneck capacity (minimum residual capacity along the path)
    • Increase flow along this path by the bottleneck capacity
    • Update the residual graph
  4. Return the total flow


Let's implement the Edmonds-Karp algorithm in Python:

from collections import defaultdict, deque

def edmonds_karp(graph, source, sink):
# Initialize the flow to 0
flow = 0

# Create a residual graph
residual_graph = defaultdict(dict)

# Initialize residual graph with capacities from the original graph
for u in graph:
for v, capacity in graph[u].items():
residual_graph[u][v] = capacity
# Add reverse edge with 0 capacity if it doesn't exist
if v not in graph or u not in graph[v]:
residual_graph[v][u] = 0

# Continue augmenting flow while there is a path from source to sink
while True:
# Use BFS to find an augmenting path
parent = bfs(residual_graph, source, sink)

# If no augmenting path exists, we're done
if parent is None:

# Find the minimum residual capacity on the path
path_flow = float("Inf")
s = sink
while s != source:
path_flow = min(path_flow, residual_graph[parent[s]][s])
s = parent[s]

# Add flow to the total flow
flow += path_flow

# Update residual capacities of edges and reverse edges along the path
s = sink
while s != source:
u = parent[s]
residual_graph[u][s] -= path_flow
residual_graph[s][u] += path_flow
s = parent[s]

return flow

def bfs(graph, source, sink):
# Initialize all vertices as not visited
visited = set()

# Create a queue for BFS and a parent dictionary to store the path
queue = deque([source])
parent = {}

# Standard BFS loop
while queue:
u = queue.popleft()

# Search all adjacent vertices of u
for v, capacity in graph[u].items():
# If there is available capacity and v is not visited
if capacity > 0 and v not in visited:
parent[v] = u

# If we reached the sink, we found a path
if v == sink:
return parent

# No augmenting path was found
return None

Example Usage

Let's see the algorithm in action with a simple flow network:

# Define a sample graph
graph = {
's': {'a': 10, 'c': 10},
'a': {'b': 4, 'c': 2, 'd': 8},
'b': {'t': 10},
'c': {'d': 9},
'd': {'b': 6, 't': 10},
't': {}

max_flow = edmonds_karp(graph, 's', 't')
print(f"The maximum flow is: {max_flow}") # Output: The maximum flow is: 19

Let's visualize this graph:

Step-by-Step Execution Trace

Let's trace the execution of the algorithm on our example:

  1. Initialization:

    • Flow = 0
    • Residual graph = original graph capacities
  2. First iteration:

    • BFS finds path: s → a → b → t with bottleneck capacity = 4
    • Flow = 0 + 4 = 4
    • Update residual graph
  3. Second iteration:

    • BFS finds path: s → a → d → t with bottleneck capacity = 8
    • Flow = 4 + 8 = 12
    • Update residual graph
  4. Third iteration:

    • BFS finds path: s → c → d → t with bottleneck capacity = 7
    • Flow = 12 + 7 = 19
    • Update residual graph
  5. Fourth iteration:

    • No augmenting path exists
    • Return flow = 19

Time Complexity Analysis

The time complexity of the Edmonds-Karp algorithm is O(V×E²), where:

  • V is the number of vertices
  • E is the number of edges

This complexity comes from:

  • There can be at most O(V×E) augmenting paths found (proven mathematically)
  • Each BFS operation takes O(E) time
  • Therefore, the total time complexity is O(V×E×E) = O(V×E²)

This polynomial time complexity makes Edmonds-Karp more reliable than the basic Ford-Fulkerson method, which could have exponential time complexity in certain cases.

Real-World Applications

The Edmonds-Karp algorithm and network flows have numerous practical applications:

1. Transportation Networks

Consider a logistics company that needs to determine the maximum amount of goods that can be shipped from a warehouse to a distribution center through various routes with different capacities.

# Represent the transportation network
transport_network = {
'warehouse': {'route1': 1000, 'route2': 800, 'route3': 500},
'route1': {'checkpoint1': 800, 'checkpoint2': 600},
'route2': {'checkpoint2': 700, 'checkpoint3': 400},
'route3': {'checkpoint3': 500},
'checkpoint1': {'distribution_center': 900},
'checkpoint2': {'distribution_center': 800},
'checkpoint3': {'distribution_center': 700},
'distribution_center': {}

max_throughput = edmonds_karp(transport_network, 'warehouse', 'distribution_center')
print(f"Maximum throughput: {max_throughput} units")

2. Network Bandwidth Allocation

In computer networks, you can use the algorithm to determine the maximum bandwidth available between two nodes in a network.

3. Bipartite Matching

We can solve the maximum bipartite matching problem using network flow:

def max_bipartite_matching(graph, group_a, group_b):
# Create a flow network with source and sink
flow_network = defaultdict(dict)

source = 'source'
sink = 'sink'

# Add edges from source to all vertices in group A with capacity 1
for a in group_a:
flow_network[source][a] = 1

# Add edges from all vertices in group B to sink with capacity 1
for b in group_b:
flow_network[b][sink] = 1

# Add edges from group A to group B according to the bipartite graph
for a in group_a:
for b in graph[a]:
flow_network[a][b] = 1

# Run Edmonds-Karp algorithm
return edmonds_karp(flow_network, source, sink)

# Example: Job assignment problem
employees = ['E1', 'E2', 'E3']
jobs = ['J1', 'J2', 'J3', 'J4']

# Skills matrix (which employee can do which job)
skills = {
'E1': ['J1', 'J2'],
'E2': ['J2', 'J3'],
'E3': ['J2', 'J4']

max_assignments = max_bipartite_matching(skills, employees, jobs)
print(f"Maximum number of jobs that can be assigned: {max_assignments}")


The Edmonds-Karp algorithm is a powerful implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson method that guarantees polynomial time complexity by using BFS to find the shortest augmenting paths. It's widely used for solving maximum flow problems in network flows.

Key takeaways:

  • Edmonds-Karp uses BFS to find augmenting paths, ensuring O(V×E²) time complexity
  • It's a specific implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson method
  • The algorithm is guaranteed to terminate and find the maximum flow
  • It has many practical applications in transportation, networking, and assignment problems

Practice Exercises

  1. Implement a function to find the minimum cut in a flow network using the Edmonds-Karp algorithm.
  2. Modify the algorithm to handle undirected graphs by treating each undirected edge as two directed edges.
  3. Apply the Edmonds-Karp algorithm to solve the maximum bipartite matching problem with a larger dataset.
  4. Implement a visualization tool that shows each step of the algorithm on a graph.
  5. Compare the performance of Edmonds-Karp with other max flow algorithms like Dinic's algorithm or Push-Relabel.

Additional Resources

Remember that network flow problems are powerful tools in computer science, and mastering the Edmonds-Karp algorithm is a step toward understanding more advanced concepts in this domain.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)