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Approximation Algorithms


Have you ever faced a problem that seemed impossible to solve perfectly within a reasonable time? Many real-world optimization problems fall into a category called "NP-hard," which means finding an optimal solution is computationally expensive as the input size grows. This is where approximation algorithms come to our rescue!

An approximation algorithm is a technique that finds a solution that may not be optimal but is guaranteed to be within some factor of the optimal solution. Instead of seeking perfection, we settle for a "good enough" answer that we can compute efficiently.

Why Do We Need Approximation Algorithms?

Many important problems like:

  • Finding the shortest route visiting multiple cities (Traveling Salesman Problem)
  • Packing items optimally into containers (Bin Packing Problem)
  • Finding the maximum set of non-adjacent vertices in a graph (Independent Set Problem)

are NP-hard, meaning they likely cannot be solved optimally in polynomial time (unless P=NP, a famous unsolved question in computer science).

For practical applications, we often prefer:

  • A solution that's 95% optimal but takes seconds to compute
  • Rather than a perfect solution that might take years to calculate

Key Concepts

Approximation Ratio

The approximation ratio (or factor) measures how close our approximation is to the optimal solution:

  • For minimization problems: ratio = approximation / optimal ≥ 1
  • For maximization problems: ratio = optimal / approximation ≥ 1

A smaller ratio means a better approximation. For example, a 2-approximation algorithm guarantees a solution that is at most twice the optimal solution for minimization problems.

Example: Vertex Cover Problem

The Vertex Cover problem asks us to find the smallest set of vertices in a graph such that every edge has at least one endpoint in the set. This problem is NP-hard, but we can approximate it:

function approximateVertexCover(graph) {
const cover = new Set();
const edges = [...graph.edges]; // Make a copy of all edges

while (edges.length > 0) {
// Pick any edge (u,v)
const [u, v] = edges.pop();

// Add both endpoints to the cover

// Remove all edges incident to u or v
for (let i = edges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const [a, b] = edges[i];
if (a === u || a === v || b === u || b === v) {
edges.splice(i, 1);

return cover;

This algorithm gives us a 2-approximation for the Vertex Cover problem. That means if the optimal solution requires k vertices, our approximation will use at most 2k vertices.

Example Input and Output

// Input graph represented as an adjacency list
const graph = {
vertices: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"],
edges: [
["A", "B"], ["B", "C"], ["C", "D"],
["D", "E"], ["E", "A"], ["B", "E"]

const cover = approximateVertexCover(graph);
console.log("Approximate vertex cover:", [...cover]);
// Output: Approximate vertex cover: ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
// Note: The optimal solution might be ["B", "D", "E"], using only 3 vertices

Common Approximation Techniques

1. Greedy Algorithms

Greedy algorithms make locally optimal choices at each step, hoping to reach a globally good solution.

Example: Set Cover Problem

The Set Cover problem involves selecting the minimum number of sets from a collection to cover all elements.

function greedySetCover(universe, subsets) {
const result = [];
let remainingElements = new Set([...universe]);

// Continue until all elements are covered
while (remainingElements.size > 0) {
// Find the subset that covers the most uncovered elements
let bestSubset = null;
let maxCovered = 0;

for (let i = 0; i < subsets.length; i++) {
if (result.includes(i)) continue; // Skip if already selected

let coveredCount = 0;
for (const element of subsets[i]) {
if (remainingElements.has(element)) {

if (coveredCount > maxCovered) {
maxCovered = coveredCount;
bestSubset = i;

// If we found a subset that covers something
if (bestSubset !== null) {
// Remove covered elements
for (const element of subsets[bestSubset]) {
} else {
break; // No subset covers any remaining element

return result;

// Example usage:
const universe = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const subsets = [
[1, 2, 3],
[2, 4],
[3, 5],
[1, 5]

const coverIndices = greedySetCover(universe, subsets);
console.log("Selected subsets:", => subsets[i]));
// Output: Selected subsets: [[1, 2, 3], [2, 4], [3, 5]]

This greedy approach for Set Cover gives an O(log n) approximation, where n is the size of the universe.

2. Linear Programming Relaxation

This technique works by:

  1. Formulating the problem as an Integer Linear Program (ILP)
  2. Relaxing the integer constraints to create a Linear Program (LP) that can be solved efficiently
  3. Rounding the fractional solution to get an approximate solution

Local search starts with a feasible solution and iteratively improves it by making small changes until no further improvement is possible.

Real-World Applications

1. Network Design

Telecommunication companies use approximation algorithms to design networks with the minimum amount of cable needed to connect all locations.

function approximateMST(vertices, edges) {
// Implementation of Kruskal's algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree
// This is actually an exact algorithm for MST, but is often used
// as an approximation for more complex network design problems

// Sort edges by weight
edges.sort((a, b) => a.weight - b.weight);

const parent = {};
vertices.forEach(v => parent[v] = v);

function find(v) {
if (parent[v] !== v) {
parent[v] = find(parent[v]);
return parent[v];

function union(u, v) {
parent[find(u)] = find(v);

const result = [];
let edgeCount = 0;
let i = 0;

while (edgeCount < vertices.length - 1 && i < edges.length) {
const { u, v, weight } = edges[i++];

if (find(u) !== find(v)) {
result.push({ u, v, weight });
union(u, v);

return result;

2. Job Scheduling

Data centers and cloud providers use approximation algorithms to schedule jobs efficiently on their servers.

function approximateJobScheduling(jobs, machines) {
// Sort jobs in decreasing order of processing time
jobs.sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time);

// Initialize machines with 0 load
const machineLoads = new Array(machines).fill(0);
const jobAssignment = new Array(jobs.length);

// Assign each job to the least loaded machine
for (let i = 0; i < jobs.length; i++) {
// Find machine with minimum load
let minLoadMachine = 0;
for (let j = 1; j < machines; j++) {
if (machineLoads[j] < machineLoads[minLoadMachine]) {
minLoadMachine = j;

// Assign job to this machine
machineLoads[minLoadMachine] += jobs[i].time;
jobAssignment[i] = minLoadMachine;

return {
assignment: jobAssignment,
makespan: Math.max(...machineLoads)

// Example:
const jobs = [
{ id: 1, time: 8 },
{ id: 2, time: 7 },
{ id: 3, time: 6 },
{ id: 4, time: 5 },
{ id: 5, time: 4 }

const result = approximateJobScheduling(jobs, 2);
console.log("Job assignments:", result.assignment);
console.log("Makespan:", result.makespan);
// Output: Job assignments: [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
// Makespan: 18

This algorithm is a (2-1/m)-approximation for scheduling on m identical machines.

3. Facility Location

Retailers use approximation algorithms to decide where to place warehouses to minimize shipping costs.

Common NP-hard Problems with Approximation Algorithms

ProblemApproximation RatioTechnique
Traveling Salesman3/2 (for metric TSP)Minimum Spanning Tree + Matching
Knapsack1+ε (PTAS)Dynamic Programming + Rounding
Set CoverO(log n)Greedy
Vertex Cover2Maximal Matching
Max Cut0.878Semidefinite Programming

Limitations of Approximation Algorithms

Not all problems can be approximated equally well:

  1. Some problems have a Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS), allowing arbitrarily good approximations
  2. Others have constant-factor approximations (like our 2-approximation for Vertex Cover)
  3. Some problems are provably hard to approximate beyond certain thresholds (e.g., Set Cover)


Approximation algorithms offer a practical approach to solving computationally hard problems:

  • They provide solutions with guaranteed quality bounds
  • They run efficiently (in polynomial time)
  • They help us tackle real-world optimization problems
  • They represent a trade-off between optimality and efficiency

When faced with an NP-hard problem in practice, consider whether an approximate solution would meet your needs. Often, a fast algorithm with a good approximation guarantee is more useful than waiting for a perfect but computationally infeasible solution.

Additional Resources and Exercises

Further Reading

  • "Approximation Algorithms" by Vijay V. Vazirani
  • "The Design of Approximation Algorithms" by David P. Williamson and David B. Shmoys


  1. Basic: Implement a 2-approximation algorithm for the Bin Packing problem using the First-Fit heuristic.

  2. Intermediate: Improve the Vertex Cover approximation by implementing a local search that tries to remove redundant vertices.

  3. Advanced: Implement a PTAS (Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme) for the Knapsack problem that can achieve any approximation ratio (1+ε) for ε > 0.

  4. Challenge: Research and implement the Christofides algorithm for the Metric Traveling Salesman Problem, which provides a 1.5-approximation.

Happy approximating! Remember that sometimes, "good enough" is actually perfect for practical applications.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)