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Graph Representation

In this tutorial, we'll explore the different ways to represent graphs in computer programming. Understanding graph representation is fundamental to implementing graph algorithms efficiently.


A graph is a collection of nodes (vertices) connected by edges. Unlike linear data structures like arrays or linked lists, graphs represent complex relationships between elements. Before we can implement algorithms like breadth-first search or Dijkstra's shortest path, we need to understand how to represent graphs in code.

There are several common ways to represent graphs:

  • Adjacency Matrix
  • Adjacency List
  • Edge List

Each representation has its advantages and trade-offs regarding memory usage, operation efficiency, and implementation complexity.

Adjacency Matrix Representation

An adjacency matrix is a 2D array where both dimensions represent vertices. If there's an edge between vertex i and vertex j, we set matrix[i][j] to 1 (or to the weight of the edge for weighted graphs). Otherwise, we set it to 0 or infinity.


Here's how to implement an adjacency matrix for an undirected graph:

public class GraphWithAdjacencyMatrix {
private int V; // Number of vertices
private int[][] adjMatrix;

public GraphWithAdjacencyMatrix(int v) {
V = v;
adjMatrix = new int[v][v];

// Add an edge between vertices v and w
public void addEdge(int v, int w) {
// Add edge from v to w
adjMatrix[v][w] = 1;

// Add edge from w to v (for undirected graph)
adjMatrix[w][v] = 1;

// Print the adjacency matrix
public void printGraph() {
System.out.println("Graph representation using adjacency matrix:");
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < V; j++) {
System.out.print(adjMatrix[i][j] + " ");

Example Usage

public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a graph with 5 vertices
GraphWithAdjacencyMatrix graph = new GraphWithAdjacencyMatrix(5);

// Add edges
graph.addEdge(0, 1);
graph.addEdge(0, 4);
graph.addEdge(1, 2);
graph.addEdge(1, 3);
graph.addEdge(1, 4);
graph.addEdge(2, 3);
graph.addEdge(3, 4);

// Print the graph


Graph representation using adjacency matrix:
0 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0

Visual Representation

Pros and Cons


  • Simple implementation
  • Edge lookup is O(1)
  • Removing an edge takes O(1) time
  • Good for dense graphs


  • Uses O(V²) space, wasteful for sparse graphs
  • Iterating over all edges from a vertex takes O(V) time
  • Adding a new vertex requires recreating the matrix

Adjacency List Representation

An adjacency list stores a list of adjacent vertices for each vertex in the graph. This is typically implemented using an array (or ArrayList) of linked lists or other collections.


Here's how to implement an adjacency list:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class GraphWithAdjacencyList {
private int V; // Number of vertices
private List<List<Integer>> adjList;

public GraphWithAdjacencyList(int v) {
V = v;
adjList = new ArrayList<>(v);

// Initialize the adjacency list
for (int i = 0; i < v; i++) {
adjList.add(new ArrayList<>());

// Add an edge between vertices v and w
public void addEdge(int v, int w) {
// Add edge from v to w

// Add edge from w to v (for undirected graph)

// Print the adjacency list
public void printGraph() {
System.out.println("Graph representation using adjacency list:");
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
System.out.print("Vertex " + i + " is connected to: ");
for (Integer neighbor : adjList.get(i)) {
System.out.print(neighbor + " ");

Example Usage

public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a graph with 5 vertices
GraphWithAdjacencyList graph = new GraphWithAdjacencyList(5);

// Add edges
graph.addEdge(0, 1);
graph.addEdge(0, 4);
graph.addEdge(1, 2);
graph.addEdge(1, 3);
graph.addEdge(1, 4);
graph.addEdge(2, 3);
graph.addEdge(3, 4);

// Print the graph


Graph representation using adjacency list:
Vertex 0 is connected to: 1 4
Vertex 1 is connected to: 0 2 3 4
Vertex 2 is connected to: 1 3
Vertex 3 is connected to: 1 2 4
Vertex 4 is connected to: 0 1 3

Pros and Cons


  • Space-efficient for sparse graphs: O(V + E)
  • Adding a vertex is easier
  • Iterating over all edges of a specific vertex is efficient
  • Good for most graph algorithms like BFS, DFS


  • Edge lookup is O(degree of vertex) which can be O(V) in the worst case
  • More complex implementation compared to adjacency matrix
  • Requires more memory management

Edge List Representation

An edge list is simply a collection of all edges in the graph. Each edge is represented as a pair of vertices or a triplet (for weighted graphs).


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class GraphWithEdgeList {
private int V; // Number of vertices
private List<Edge> edges;

public GraphWithEdgeList(int v) {
V = v;
edges = new ArrayList<>();

class Edge {
int source, destination, weight;

Edge(int source, int destination, int weight) {
this.source = source;
this.destination = destination;
this.weight = weight;

// Add an edge between vertices source and destination with weight
public void addEdge(int source, int destination, int weight) {
Edge edge = new Edge(source, destination, weight);

// Add an edge between vertices source and destination (default weight = 1)
public void addEdge(int source, int destination) {
addEdge(source, destination, 1);

// Print all the edges
public void printGraph() {
System.out.println("Graph representation using edge list:");
for (Edge e : edges) {
System.out.println("Edge: " + e.source + " -> " + e.destination + ", Weight: " + e.weight);

Example Usage

public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a graph with 5 vertices
GraphWithEdgeList graph = new GraphWithEdgeList(5);

// Add edges with weights
graph.addEdge(0, 1, 5);
graph.addEdge(0, 4, 2);
graph.addEdge(1, 2, 3);
graph.addEdge(1, 3, 7);
graph.addEdge(1, 4, 4);
graph.addEdge(2, 3, 1);
graph.addEdge(3, 4, 6);

// Print the graph


Graph representation using edge list:
Edge: 0 -> 1, Weight: 5
Edge: 0 -> 4, Weight: 2
Edge: 1 -> 2, Weight: 3
Edge: 1 -> 3, Weight: 7
Edge: 1 -> 4, Weight: 4
Edge: 2 -> 3, Weight: 1
Edge: 3 -> 4, Weight: 6

Pros and Cons


  • Simple to implement
  • Space-efficient: O(E)
  • Good for algorithms that primarily work with edges (like Kruskal's algorithm)


  • Edge lookup is inefficient: O(E)
  • Finding all edges connected to a vertex is inefficient
  • Not suitable for many common graph operations

Real-world Applications

Let's look at some real-world problems where different graph representations are particularly useful:

Social Network Analysis

In a social network like Facebook or LinkedIn, users are vertices and connections are edges. Since each user typically has a limited number of connections compared to the total number of users, an adjacency list is more efficient.

class SocialNetwork {
private Map<Integer, User> users;

class User {
int userId;
String name;
List<Integer> friends;

User(int id, String name) {
userId = id; = name;
friends = new ArrayList<>();

public SocialNetwork() {
users = new HashMap<>();

public void addUser(int userId, String name) {
users.put(userId, new User(userId, name));

public void addFriendship(int user1Id, int user2Id) {
// Add bi-directional friendship

public List<Integer> getFriends(int userId) {
return users.get(userId).friends;

public void suggestFriends(int userId) {
// Friend suggestion algorithm (friends of friends)
Set<Integer> directFriends = new HashSet<>(getFriends(userId));
Set<Integer> suggestedFriends = new HashSet<>();

for (int friendId : directFriends) {
for (int potentialSuggestion : getFriends(friendId)) {
if (potentialSuggestion != userId && !directFriends.contains(potentialSuggestion)) {

System.out.println("Friend suggestions for user " + userId + ": " + suggestedFriends);

Road Network

Road networks can be modeled as weighted graphs where cities are vertices, roads are edges, and weights could be distances or travel times. This is a perfect use case for edge lists, especially for algorithms like Dijkstra's shortest path.

class RoadNetwork {
private int V; // Number of cities
private List<Edge> roads;
private String[] cityNames;

class Edge {
int source, destination;
double distance; // in kilometers

Edge(int source, int destination, double distance) {
this.source = source;
this.destination = destination;
this.distance = distance;

public RoadNetwork(int cities) {
V = cities;
roads = new ArrayList<>();
cityNames = new String[cities];

public void setCity(int cityId, String name) {
cityNames[cityId] = name;

public void addRoad(int city1, int city2, double distance) {
roads.add(new Edge(city1, city2, distance));
roads.add(new Edge(city2, city1, distance)); // Roads are bidirectional

public void printShortestRoute(int startCity, int endCity) {
System.out.println("The shortest route from " + cityNames[startCity] +
" to " + cityNames[endCity] + " would be calculated using Dijkstra's algorithm");
// Implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm would go here

Web Page Connectivity

Search engines like Google represent web pages as vertices and hyperlinks as directed edges. Given the sparse nature of web connectivity, an adjacency list is most suitable.

class WebGraph {
private Map<String, List<String>> webGraph; // URL -> List of outgoing URLs

public WebGraph() {
webGraph = new HashMap<>();

public void addPage(String url) {
if (!webGraph.containsKey(url)) {
webGraph.put(url, new ArrayList<>());

public void addLink(String fromUrl, String toUrl) {
// Ensure both URLs exist in the graph

// Add the directed edge (hyperlink)

public List<String> getOutgoingLinks(String url) {
return webGraph.getOrDefault(url, new ArrayList<>());

public void calculatePageRank() {
System.out.println("PageRank would be calculated here using the graph structure");
// PageRank algorithm implementation would go here

Choosing the Right Representation

The choice of graph representation depends on:

  1. Graph density: Is your graph sparse (few edges) or dense (many edges)?
  2. Operations: What operations will you perform most frequently?
  3. Memory constraints: How large is your graph?

Here's a quick comparison:

RepresentationSpace ComplexityEdge LookupAdd EdgeAdd VertexIterate Over EdgesBest For
Adjacency MatrixO(V²)O(1)O(1)O(V²)O(V)Dense graphs, frequent edge lookups
Adjacency ListO(V + E)O(degree)O(1)O(1)O(degree)Sparse graphs, traversal algorithms
Edge ListO(E)O(E)O(1)O(1)O(E)Algorithms focusing on edges


In this tutorial, we've explored three different ways to represent graphs in code:

  1. Adjacency Matrix: A 2D array where matrix[i][j] indicates an edge between vertices i and j.
  2. Adjacency List: Each vertex maintains a list of its adjacent vertices.
  3. Edge List: A simple list of all edges in the graph.

Each representation has its own advantages and use cases. Choosing the right representation is crucial for efficient implementation of graph algorithms.

Practice Exercises

  1. Implement a directed graph using adjacency list representation.
  2. Write a function to convert between adjacency matrix and adjacency list representations.
  3. Implement a weighted graph using both adjacency matrix and adjacency list.
  4. Create a function to check if a graph is connected using any representation.
  5. Implement a function that finds all isolated vertices (vertices with no edges) in a graph.

Additional Resources

  • Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen (CLRS)
  • Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
  • Graph Theory tutorials on Khan Academy
  • Visualizations of graph algorithms: VisuAlgo

Understanding these graph representations will serve as the foundation for learning and implementing various graph algorithms like BFS, DFS, Dijkstra's algorithm, and many more.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)