Topological Sort
Topological sorting is an algorithm for ordering the vertices of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in such a way that for every directed edge (u, v), vertex u comes before vertex v in the ordering. In simpler terms, it creates a linear sequence of vertices where each vertex appears before all the vertices it points to.
A topological sort is only possible if the graph has no directed cycles, meaning it must be a DAG. If a graph has a cycle, then no linear ordering is possible.
Why Do We Need Topological Sort?
Topological sorting helps solve many real-world problems where we need to handle dependencies between tasks:
- Task Scheduling: When tasks have dependencies (some tasks must be completed before others can start)
- Course Prerequisites: Determining the order in which to take courses when some are prerequisites for others
- Build Systems: Managing dependencies between compilation units
- Package Management: Installing software packages in the correct order based on dependencies
Understanding Topological Sort
Let's understand topological sort with a simple example:
Consider a graph representing course prerequisites:
In this graph, a valid topological sort would be:
- A (Calculus I)
- B (Linear Algebra)
- C (Calculus II)
- E (Differential Equations)
- D (Machine Learning)
Notice that each course appears before any course that depends on it.
Algorithms for Topological Sorting
There are two main algorithms for topological sorting:
- Depth-First Search (DFS) Based Algorithm
- Kahn's Algorithm (using indegrees of vertices)
Let's explore both approaches.
1. DFS-Based Topological Sort
The DFS-based approach works by performing a depth-first search and adding vertices to the result in postorder (when all descendants have been processed).
Algorithm Steps:
- Create a temporary stack to store the result
- Create a visited array to keep track of visited vertices
- For each unvisited vertex:
- Call a recursive helper function that does the following:
- Mark the current vertex as visited
- Recursively call the helper function for all adjacent vertices
- After all adjacent vertices are processed, push the current vertex to the stack
- Call a recursive helper function that does the following:
- The contents of the stack, when read from top to bottom, give the topological sort
Implementation in Python:
def topological_sort(graph):
Perform topological sort on a directed acyclic graph.
graph: Dictionary representing adjacency list of the graph
List containing vertices in topologically sorted order
visited = set()
temp_stack = []
def dfs(vertex):
# Visit all the adjacent vertices
if vertex in graph:
for neighbor in graph[vertex]:
if neighbor not in visited:
# After all the descendants are visited, push the vertex
# Visit all vertices
for vertex in graph:
if vertex not in visited:
# Return reversed stack
return temp_stack[::-1]
# Example usage
graph = {
'A': ['C'],
'B': ['D'],
'C': ['D', 'E'],
'D': [],
'E': []
result = topological_sort(graph)
print("Topological Sort Order:", result)
Topological Sort Order: ['B', 'A', 'C', 'E', 'D']
2. Kahn's Algorithm (Using In-degrees)
Kahn's algorithm uses the concept of in-degree (the number of edges pointing to a vertex) to perform topological sorting.
Algorithm Steps:
- Calculate in-degree for all vertices
- Add all vertices with 0 in-degree to a queue
- While the queue is not empty:
- Remove a vertex from the queue and add it to the result
- Reduce the in-degree of all its neighbors by 1
- If any neighbor's in-degree becomes 0, add it to the queue
- If all vertices are in the result, return it; otherwise, the graph has a cycle
Implementation in Python:
from collections import defaultdict, deque
def kahns_topological_sort(graph):
Perform topological sort using Kahn's algorithm.
graph: Dictionary representing adjacency list of the graph
List containing vertices in topologically sorted order,
or empty list if graph has a cycle
# Create a dictionary to store indegrees of all vertices
indegree = defaultdict(int)
# Initialize all vertices with indegree 0
for vertex in graph:
if vertex not in indegree:
indegree[vertex] = 0
# Calculate indegree for each vertex
for vertex in graph:
for neighbor in graph[vertex]:
indegree[neighbor] += 1
# Create a queue and add all vertices with indegree 0
queue = deque([vertex for vertex, degree in indegree.items() if degree == 0])
# Initialize the result list
result = []
# Process vertices
while queue:
# Remove a vertex from the queue
vertex = queue.popleft()
# Reduce indegree of all neighbors
if vertex in graph:
for neighbor in graph[vertex]:
indegree[neighbor] -= 1
# If indegree becomes 0, add to queue
if indegree[neighbor] == 0:
# Check if topological sort is possible
if len(result) == len(indegree):
return result
return [] # Graph has at least one cycle
# Example usage
graph = {
'A': ['C'],
'B': ['D'],
'C': ['D', 'E'],
'D': [],
'E': []
result = kahns_topological_sort(graph)
print("Topological Sort Order:", result)
Topological Sort Order: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'D']
Time and Space Complexity
Both algorithms have the same time and space complexity:
- Time Complexity: O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges.
- Space Complexity: O(V), for storing the visited array, result, and recursion stack (for DFS) or queue (for Kahn's).
Detecting Cycles
Both algorithms can be modified to detect cycles in a directed graph:
- In the DFS approach, we can maintain an additional "being processed" set and check if we visit a vertex that's already being processed.
- In Kahn's algorithm, if the final result doesn't contain all vertices, the graph has at least one cycle.
Real-World Applications
1. Course Scheduling
Suppose you're registering for university courses, and each course has prerequisites:
def can_finish_courses(num_courses, prerequisites):
Determine if it's possible to finish all courses given prerequisites.
num_courses: Number of courses
prerequisites: List of [course, prerequisite] pairs
True if all courses can be finished, False otherwise
# Build adjacency list
graph = defaultdict(list)
indegree = [0] * num_courses
for course, prereq in prerequisites:
indegree[course] += 1
# Add all courses with no prerequisites to the queue
queue = deque([i for i in range(num_courses) if indegree[i] == 0])
# Count courses that can be taken
count = 0
while queue:
course = queue.popleft()
count += 1
for next_course in graph[course]:
indegree[next_course] -= 1
if indegree[next_course] == 0:
# If count equals number of courses, we can finish all courses
return count == num_courses
2. Build System Dependency Resolution
In build systems like Make, we need to compile files in the correct order based on their dependencies:
def build_order(projects, dependencies):
Find a valid build order for projects with dependencies.
projects: List of project names
dependencies: List of [project, dependency] pairs
List containing valid build order, or None if impossible
# Build the graph
graph = {project: [] for project in projects}
indegree = {project: 0 for project in projects}
for project, dependency in dependencies:
indegree[project] += 1
# Start with projects having no dependencies
queue = deque([p for p, count in indegree.items() if count == 0])
build_order = []
while queue:
project = queue.popleft()
for dependent in graph[project]:
indegree[dependent] -= 1
if indegree[dependent] == 0:
# Check if all projects can be built
if len(build_order) != len(projects):
return None # Circular dependency detected
return build_order
3. Task Scheduling with Deadlines
When you have tasks with dependencies and deadlines, topological sort can help determine if all tasks can be completed in time:
def schedule_tasks(tasks, dependencies, durations):
Schedule tasks based on dependencies and calculate earliest completion time.
tasks: List of task IDs
dependencies: List of [task, dependency] pairs
durations: Dictionary mapping task IDs to their durations
Dictionary with earliest start times for each task, or None if impossible
# Build the graph
graph = {task: [] for task in tasks}
indegree = {task: 0 for task in tasks}
for task, dependency in dependencies:
indegree[task] += 1
# Start with tasks having no dependencies
queue = deque([task for task, count in indegree.items() if count == 0])
# Calculate earliest start time for each task
earliest_start = {task: 0 for task in tasks}
while queue:
current_task = queue.popleft()
# Calculate earliest start time for dependent tasks
for dependent_task in graph[current_task]:
# Dependent task can start after current task finishes
new_start_time = earliest_start[current_task] + durations[current_task]
earliest_start[dependent_task] = max(
indegree[dependent_task] -= 1
if indegree[dependent_task] == 0:
# Check if all tasks can be scheduled
if any(indegree.values()):
return None # Circular dependency detected
return earliest_start
Common Pitfalls and Tips
Always Check for Cycles: Topological sort is only defined for DAGs. Always check if your graph has cycles before applying the algorithm.
Multiple Valid Orderings: A DAG can have multiple valid topological orderings. Don't assume there's only one correct answer.
Empty Graph: An empty graph is considered a DAG, and the topological sort is an empty list.
Single Vertex: A graph with a single vertex and no edges is a DAG, and the topological sort is just that vertex.
Disconnected Components: If your graph has disconnected components, remember that each component needs to be processed.
Topological sorting is a powerful algorithm for ordering vertices in a directed acyclic graph. It has numerous practical applications in scheduling, dependency resolution, and compilation systems.
Key takeaways:
- Topological sort provides a linear ordering of vertices such that for every directed edge (u, v), vertex u comes before vertex v
- Two main approaches: DFS-based and Kahn's algorithm (using in-degrees)
- Only works on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)
- Time complexity: O(V + E)
- Used in task scheduling, course prerequisites, build systems, etc.
Implement a function to check if a graph is a DAG using topological sort.
Modify the DFS topological sort algorithm to detect and report cycles in a graph.
Given a list of tasks with dependencies, find the minimum time to complete all tasks if multiple tasks can be done in parallel.
Implement a function that returns all possible topological orderings of a given DAG.
Apply topological sort to solve the "alien dictionary" problem: given a sorted dictionary of an alien language, find the order of characters in that language.
Additional Resources
- Topological Sort - GeeksforGeeks
- Khan's Algorithm for Topological Sorting - GeeksforGeeks
- Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (Section 22.4: Topological Sort)
- Coursera - Algorithms specialization (Course 3: Graphs)
Happy coding!
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)