Linked List Problem Strategies
Linked lists are among the most fundamental data structures you'll encounter in computer programming, and they appear frequently in coding interviews and LeetCode challenges. Unlike arrays, linked lists don't store elements in contiguous memory locations but instead use references (or "pointers") to connect nodes together in a sequence.
Introduction to Linked Lists
A linked list is a linear data structure where each element (node) contains:
- Data (the value)
- A reference to the next node
In its simplest form, a linked list node in JavaScript might look like:
class ListNode {
constructor(val = 0, next = null) {
this.val = val; = next;
Common Linked List Problem Patterns
When working with linked lists on LeetCode, you'll encounter several recurring patterns. Mastering these will help you solve a wide range of problems.
1. Two-Pointer Technique
The two-pointer (or runner) technique is perhaps the most versatile approach for linked list problems.
Slow and Fast Pointers
This technique uses two pointers moving at different speeds:
function findMiddle(head) {
if (!head) return null;
let slow = head;
let fast = head;
// Fast moves twice as quickly as slow
while (fast && {
slow =;
fast =;
// When fast reaches the end, slow is at the middle
return slow;
Example: Detecting a Cycle
LeetCode Problem #141: Linked List Cycle
function hasCycle(head) {
if (!head || ! return false;
let slow = head;
let fast = head;
while (fast && {
slow =;
fast =;
// If there's a cycle, fast will eventually catch up to slow
if (slow === fast) return true;
return false;
2. Dummy Node Technique
Using a dummy node can simplify operations that might modify the head of a linked list.
function removeElements(head, val) {
// Create a dummy node
const dummy = new ListNode(0); = head;
let current = dummy;
while ( {
if ( === val) { =;
} else {
current =;
Example: Merge Two Sorted Lists
LeetCode Problem #21: Merge Two Sorted Lists
function mergeTwoLists(list1, list2) {
const dummy = new ListNode(0);
let tail = dummy;
while (list1 && list2) {
if (list1.val < list2.val) { = list1;
list1 =;
} else { = list2;
list2 =;
tail =;
// Attach the remaining list = list1 || list2;
3. Reverse Linked List Pattern
Reversing a linked list or parts of it is another common operation.
function reverseList(head) {
let prev = null;
let current = head;
while (current) {
const next =; = prev;
prev = current;
current = next;
return prev;
Visual Representation of Reversal:
4. Recursion with Linked Lists
Many linked list operations can be elegantly expressed using recursion:
function reverseListRecursively(head) {
// Base case
if (!head || ! return head;
// Recursive case
const newHead = reverseListRecursively(; = head; = null;
return newHead;
Advanced Linked List Strategies
1. Intersection and Cycle Detection
Finding the intersection point of two linked lists or detecting cycles requires clever pointer manipulation:
function getIntersectionNode(headA, headB) {
if (!headA || !headB) return null;
let pointerA = headA;
let pointerB = headB;
// This approach ensures both pointers will travel the same total distance
while (pointerA !== pointerB) {
pointerA = pointerA ? : headB;
pointerB = pointerB ? : headA;
return pointerA; // Either the intersection or null
2. In-place Modifications
Some problems require modifying the list without using extra space:
Example: Reorder List
LeetCode Problem #143: Reorder List
function reorderList(head) {
if (!head || ! return;
// Step 1: Find the middle
let slow = head;
let fast = head;
while ( && {
slow =;
fast =;
// Step 2: Reverse the second half
let prev = null;
let current =; = null; // Break the list into two parts
while (current) {
const next =; = prev;
prev = current;
current = next;
// Step 3: Merge the two lists
let first = head;
let second = prev;
while (second) {
const temp1 =;
const temp2 =; = second; = temp1;
first = temp1;
second = temp2;
Practical Applications of Linked Lists
Linked lists are used extensively in real-world programming:
Browser History Navigation: Forward and backward functionality in browsers use a linked list structure.
Memory Management: The operating system uses linked lists to keep track of allocated and free memory blocks.
Music Player Playlists: Songs in a playlist can be implemented as a linked list, allowing easy addition and removal.
Example: Simple Playlist Implementation
class Song {
constructor(title, artist, next = null) {
this.title = title;
this.artist = artist; = next;
class Playlist {
constructor() {
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
this.length = 0;
addSong(title, artist) {
const newSong = new Song(title, artist);
if (!this.head) {
this.head = newSong;
this.tail = newSong;
} else { = newSong;
this.tail = newSong;
return this;
playSongs() {
let current = this.head;
let playlist = [];
while (current) {
playlist.push(`${current.title} by ${current.artist}`);
current =;
return playlist;
// Usage
const myPlaylist = new Playlist();
myPlaylist.addSong("Bohemian Rhapsody", "Queen");
myPlaylist.addSong("Stairway to Heaven", "Led Zeppelin");
myPlaylist.addSong("Hey Jude", "The Beatles");
// Output: ["Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen", "Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin", "Hey Jude by The Beatles"]
Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Null Pointer Exceptions: Always check for
before accessing
property. -
Losing References: When modifying links, store temporary references to avoid losing parts of the list.
Off-by-One Errors: Be careful when counting nodes or traversing to specific positions.
Infinite Loops: When dealing with cycles, ensure your termination conditions are correct.
Problem-Solving Framework for Linked Lists
When approaching any linked list problem, consider this systematic framework:
Identify the Pattern: Is this a two-pointer problem? Do you need to reverse the list?
Handle Edge Cases: Empty list? Single node? Cycles?
Draw It Out: Visualize the operations on a simple example.
Consider Space Complexity: Can you solve it in-place?
Test Your Approach: Trace through your algorithm with a simple example.
Summary and Practice
Linked lists offer a flexible data structure for organizing sequential data. The strategies we've covered—two-pointers, dummy nodes, reversal techniques, and recursion—form a comprehensive toolkit for solving a wide range of linked list problems.
To truly master these concepts, consistent practice is key. Try solving these classic problems:
- Reverse a linked list (LeetCode #206)
- Detect a cycle (LeetCode #141)
- Find the middle node (LeetCode #876)
- Merge two sorted lists (LeetCode #21)
- Remove the nth node from the end (LeetCode #19)
Remember that linked list problems often test your ability to manipulate pointers carefully and efficiently. By understanding the patterns and practicing deliberately, you'll develop the intuition needed to tackle even the most complex linked list challenges.
Additional Resources
- Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- LeetCode's Linked List Explore Card
The key to mastery is consistent practice and understanding the underlying patterns. Happy coding!
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)