MongoDB Migration Validation
Ensuring your data migrates correctly between MongoDB instances is a critical step that should never be skipped. In this lesson, we'll explore the important techniques and practices for validating MongoDB migrations to prevent data loss and maintain data integrity.
Introduction to Migration Validation
When migrating data between MongoDB deployments, whether it's between development and production environments, during version upgrades, or when moving to a new infrastructure, validation is a crucial step that confirms your data has been transferred correctly and completely.
Migration validation ensures:
- All expected data was transferred
- Data integrity was maintained during migration
- No corruption or transformation errors occurred
- Indexes and performance characteristics are preserved
Why Validation Matters
Consider a scenario where you're migrating a production e-commerce database. Without proper validation, you might miss critical customer orders or payment information, leading to:
- Financial losses
- Customer trust issues
- Compliance violations
- Extended system downtime
Let's explore the essential validation techniques to prevent these issues.
Pre-Migration Validation Steps
Before beginning your migration, perform these important preparatory validation steps:
1. Document Your Source Data
// Count documents in each collection
db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collectionName) {
const count = db[collectionName].countDocuments({});
print(`${collectionName}: ${count} documents`);
users: 5432 documents
orders: 23456 documents
products: 1200 documents
inventory: 1150 documents
2. Validate Database Integrity
// Validate collection integrity on source database
db.runCommand({ validate: "users", full: true });
"ns" : "mystore.users",
"nrecords" : 5432,
"nIndexes" : 3,
"keysPerIndex" : {
"users_1" : 5432,
"email_1" : 5432,
"username_1" : 5432
"valid" : true,
"errors" : [ ],
"warning" : [ ],
"ok" : 1
3. Document Schema and Indexes
// Get all indexes for a collection
function getCollectionIndexes(collName) {
print(`Indexes for ${collName}:`);
db[collName].getIndexes().forEach(function(idx) {
// Example usage
Indexes for users:
Post-Migration Validation Strategies
After completing your migration, use these techniques to verify success:
1. Count-Based Validation
The simplest validation is comparing document counts between source and target databases:
// Source database count
const sourceCount = db.users.countDocuments({});
// Connect to target database
// const targetDb = connect("mongodb://target-server:27017/mydb");
// Target database count
const targetCount = db.users.countDocuments({});
// Compare counts
if (sourceCount === targetCount) {
print("Document count matches! Source:", sourceCount, "Target:", targetCount);
} else {
print("WARNING: Count mismatch! Source:", sourceCount, "Target:", targetCount);
2. Sample-Based Validation
Checking random document samples across collections:
// Function to compare random documents
function validateRandomDocuments(collection, sampleSize = 10) {
print(`Validating ${sampleSize} random documents from ${collection}...`);
// Get random sample from source collection
const sourceSample = db[collection].aggregate([
{ $sample: { size: sampleSize } }
let matchCount = 0;
// Check each document in target
sourceSample.forEach(function(doc) {
const targetDoc = db[collection].findOne({ _id: doc._id });
if (targetDoc && JSON.stringify(doc) === JSON.stringify(targetDoc)) {
} else {
print(`Mismatch found for document with _id: ${doc._id}`);
print(`Matched ${matchCount}/${sampleSize} documents`);
return matchCount === sampleSize;
// Example usage
validateRandomDocuments("orders", 20);
3. Checksum-Based Validation
For more comprehensive validation, you can calculate checksums of collections:
// Function to calculate collection checksum
function getCollectionChecksum(collName) {
// Get all documents sorted by _id to ensure consistent order
const docs = db[collName].find().sort({_id: 1}).toArray();
// Convert to string and create a simple hash
let checksum = 0;
const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(docs);
// Simple string hash function
for (let i = 0; i < jsonStr.length; i++) {
const char = jsonStr.charCodeAt(i);
checksum = ((checksum << 5) - checksum) + char;
checksum = checksum & checksum; // Convert to 32bit integer
return checksum;
// Compare checksums between source and target
const sourceChecksum = getCollectionChecksum("products");
// Connect to target and get checksum
const targetChecksum = getCollectionChecksum("products");
if (sourceChecksum === targetChecksum) {
print("Checksum validation passed!");
} else {
print("WARNING: Checksum mismatch!");
4. Schema Validation
Ensuring your schema transferred correctly:
// Check for schema consistency on a sample document
function validateSchema(collection) {
// Get a sample document
const sampleDoc = db[collection].findOne();
if (!sampleDoc) return true; // Empty collection
// Get document keys from source
const sourceKeys = Object.keys(sampleDoc).sort().join(',');
// Get a document with the same _id from target
const targetDoc = db[collection].findOne({_id: sampleDoc._id});
if (!targetDoc) {
print(`Document with _id ${sampleDoc._id} missing in target!`);
return false;
// Get target keys
const targetKeys = Object.keys(targetDoc).sort().join(',');
// Compare key structures
if (sourceKeys !== targetKeys) {
print(`Schema mismatch in ${collection}!`);
print(`Source keys: ${sourceKeys}`);
print(`Target keys: ${targetKeys}`);
return false;
return true;
// Example usage
5. Index Validation
Ensuring indexes are properly recreated:
// Compare indexes between source and target databases
function validateIndexes(collection) {
// Get source indexes
const sourceIndexes = db[collection].getIndexes();
// Get target indexes (assuming we've connected to target)
const targetIndexes = db[collection].getIndexes();
// Compare index count
if (sourceIndexes.length !== targetIndexes.length) {
print(`Index count mismatch! Source: ${sourceIndexes.length}, Target: ${targetIndexes.length}`);
return false;
// Compare each index
for (let i = 0; i < sourceIndexes.length; i++) {
const srcIdx = sourceIndexes[i];
// Find matching index in target
const matchingIdx = targetIndexes.find(idx =>
JSON.stringify(idx.key) === JSON.stringify(srcIdx.key));
if (!matchingIdx) {
print(`Missing index in target: ${JSON.stringify(srcIdx.key)}`);
return false;
print(`All indexes for ${collection} validated successfully`);
return true;
// Example usage
Automated Migration Validation Pipeline
For larger migrations, creating an automated validation pipeline can help ensure thorough and repeatable validation.
Here's a simple validation script example:
// Comprehensive validation script
function validateMigration() {
const collections = db.getCollectionNames();
const results = {
collectionCount: collections.length,
validated: 0,
failures: []
collections.forEach(collection => {
print(`\n=== Validating collection: ${collection} ===`);
// Skip system collections
if (collection.startsWith('system.')) {
print("Skipping system collection");
// 1. Count validation
const sourceCount = db[collection].countDocuments({});
const targetCount = db[collection].countDocuments({});
if (sourceCount !== targetCount) {
error: "Count mismatch",
source: sourceCount,
target: targetCount
print(`❌ Count mismatch! Source: ${sourceCount}, Target: ${targetCount}`);
print(`✓ Document count matches: ${sourceCount}`);
// 2. Index validation
if (!validateIndexes(collection)) {
error: "Index mismatch"
print(`✓ Indexes validated successfully`);
// 3. Sample document validation
if (!validateRandomDocuments(collection, 5)) {
error: "Sample document mismatch"
print(`✓ Sample documents validated`);
// If all tests pass, mark as validated
// Print summary
print("\n=== Migration Validation Summary ===");
print(`Collections: ${results.collectionCount}`);
print(`Successfully validated: ${results.validated}`);
print(`Failed: ${results.failures.length}`);
if (results.failures.length > 0) {
print("Failed collections:");
results.failures.forEach(f => {
print(`- ${f.collection}: ${f.error}`);
return results;
// Run the validation
Real-World Example: E-commerce Migration Validation
Let's walk through a practical example of validating an e-commerce database migration:
// Connect to source database (already connected in this example)
// const sourceDb = db;
// Connect to target database
// const targetDb = connect("mongodb://new-server:27017/ecommerce");
// 1. Basic collection counts
print("Validating document counts...");
const collections = ["users", "products", "orders", "payments", "reviews"];
collections.forEach(collection => {
const sourceCount = db[collection].countDocuments({});
const targetCount = db[collection].countDocuments({});
if (sourceCount === targetCount) {
print(`✓ ${collection}: ${sourceCount} documents`);
} else {
print(`❌ ${collection}: Source=${sourceCount}, Target=${targetCount}`);
// 2. Critical business data validation
print("\nValidating critical business data...");
// Check recent orders (last 24 hours)
const yesterday = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1));
const recentOrdersSource = db.orders.countDocuments({createdAt: {$gte: yesterday}});
const recentOrdersTarget = db.orders.countDocuments({createdAt: {$gte: yesterday}});
print(`Recent orders: Source=${recentOrdersSource}, Target=${recentOrdersTarget}`);
// Check total revenue
const sourceRevenue = db.orders.aggregate([
{$match: {status: "completed"}},
{$group: {_id: null, total: {$sum: "$total"}}}
]).toArray()[0]?.total || 0;
const targetRevenue = db.orders.aggregate([
{$match: {status: "completed"}},
{$group: {_id: null, total: {$sum: "$total"}}}
]).toArray()[0]?.total || 0;
print(`Total revenue: Source=$${sourceRevenue.toFixed(2)}, Target=$${targetRevenue.toFixed(2)}`);
// 3. Validate specific critical documents
print("\nValidating specific critical documents...");
// Check VIP customer data
const vipCustomers = db.users.find({vipStatus: true}).toArray();
print(`Found ${vipCustomers.length} VIP customers to validate`);
let vipMismatchCount = 0;
vipCustomers.forEach(vipUser => {
const targetVipUser = db.users.findOne({_id: vipUser._id});
if (!targetVipUser || targetVipUser.vipStatus !== true) {
print(`❌ VIP customer mismatch: ${vipUser._id} (${})`);
if (vipMismatchCount === 0) {
print("✓ All VIP customers validated successfully");
Performance Validation
Data correctness is just one aspect of migration validation. You should also validate that your application will perform correctly with the new database:
// Query performance test function
function testQueryPerformance(collection, query, limit = 100) {
print(`Running performance test on ${collection}...`);
// Source DB performance
const startSource = new Date();
const sourceResult = db[collection].find(query).limit(limit).explain("executionStats");
const sourceTime = sourceResult.executionStats.executionTimeMillis;
// Target DB performance (assuming we're connected to target)
const startTarget = new Date();
const targetResult = db[collection].find(query).limit(limit).explain("executionStats");
const targetTime = targetResult.executionStats.executionTimeMillis;
print(`Source execution time: ${sourceTime}ms`);
print(`Target execution time: ${targetTime}ms`);
// Compare execution plans
if (JSON.stringify(sourceResult.queryPlanner) !==
JSON.stringify(targetResult.queryPlanner)) {
print("Warning: Different execution plans used!");
return {
difference: Math.abs(sourceTime - targetTime),
percentChange: ((targetTime - sourceTime) / sourceTime) * 100
// Example performance test
const userQueryTest = testQueryPerformance(
{ lastLogin: { $gt: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 30)) } }
console.log(`Performance change: ${userQueryTest.percentChange.toFixed(2)}%`);
Migration Validation Checklist
Use this checklist to ensure comprehensive validation of your MongoDB migration:
- [✓] Document counts match between source and target databases
- [✓] Collection statistics (size, storage) are consistent with expectations
- [✓] Indexes are correctly recreated in the target database
- [✓] Random sampling of documents match between source and target
- [✓] Critical business data is accurately migrated
- [✓] Query performance is comparable or better in the target database
- [✓] Application functionality tests pass against the migrated database
- [✓] All data types (especially dates, decimals, and ObjectIDs) migrated correctly
- [✓] Authentication and authorization mechanisms work correctly
- [✓] Backup strategy is implemented for the new database
Common Validation Issues and Solutions
Issue | Symptoms | Solution |
Missing documents | Document count mismatch | Check migration script for filtering/limits |
Data type conversion | Schema inconsistencies | Use explicit type handling in migration scripts |
Missing indexes | Slow queries after migration | Export and recreate indexes separately |
Character encoding issues | String field corruption | Ensure consistent character encoding |
Missing relationships | Broken references | Validate foreign key references |
Date/time zone issues | Timestamp differences | Standardize on UTC during migration |
Visual Migration Validation Process
Validating MongoDB migrations is a critical step that helps ensure data integrity when moving between environments. By implementing a comprehensive validation strategy—combining document counts, schema validation, data sampling, and performance testing—you can confidently migrate your data while minimizing risks.
Remember these key points:
- Always validate before declaring a migration complete
- Use multiple validation techniques for comprehensive coverage
- Automate validation to make it repeatable and thorough
- Pay special attention to critical business data
- Validate both data correctness AND performance
Additional Resources
- MongoDB Documentation: MongoDB Data Migration Guide
- MongoDB University: M201: MongoDB Performance
Create a simple validation script that compares document counts between two MongoDB databases for all collections.
Write a function that validates that all indexes from a source database exist in a target database.
Develop a schema validation function that ensures the field types match between source and target databases for a given collection.
Create a comprehensive validation pipeline for a database with at least three collections, including count validation, sample document validation, and index validation.
Implement a performance test that compares query execution times between source and target databases and reports significant differences.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)