MongoDB Arbiters
In MongoDB's replication system, high availability is achieved through replica sets - a group of MongoDB instances that maintain the same data set. While primary and secondary nodes store and replicate data, there's another type of node that plays a critical role in maintaining the integrity of a replica set without storing any data: arbiters.
An arbiter is a special MongoDB instance that participates in replica set elections but doesn't hold any data. Its sole purpose is to provide an additional vote during the election of a primary node, helping to maintain an odd number of voting members in the replica set.
In this tutorial, you'll learn:
- What MongoDB arbiters are and why they're useful
- How to set up and configure an arbiter
- Best practices and limitations
- When to use (and when to avoid) arbiters
Understanding MongoDB Arbiters
What is an Arbiter?
An arbiter is a lightweight MongoDB instance that:
- Contains no data
- Cannot become a primary node
- Exists solely to participate in elections
- Requires minimal resources (CPU, memory, and disk space)
Why Use Arbiters?
Arbiters serve a specific purpose in MongoDB's high-availability strategy:
Maintain an odd number of voters: In MongoDB replica sets, an odd number of voting members is crucial to avoid tie situations during elections.
Cost efficiency: When you need an additional vote but don't want the overhead of a full data-bearing node.
Resource constraints: When you have limited hardware resources but still need proper election mechanics.
Setting Up an Arbiter
Adding an arbiter to your replica set is straightforward. Unlike regular nodes, arbiters require minimal configuration since they don't store data.
Step 1: Create a Directory for the Arbiter
mkdir -p /data/arbiter
Step 2: Start the MongoDB Instance as an Arbiter
mongod --port 27019 --dbpath /data/arbiter --replSet rs0
Step 3: Add the Arbiter to Your Replica Set
Connect to the primary node of your replica set using the MongoDB shell:
mongosh --host primary-host:27017
Once connected, add the arbiter to your replica set:
Example Response:
"ok": 1,
"operationTime": Timestamp(1597405994, 1),
"$clusterTime": {
"clusterTime": Timestamp(1597405994, 1),
"signature": {
"keyId": NumberLong(0)
Step 4: Verify the Replica Set Configuration
To check that the arbiter was added correctly, run:
You should see output similar to this:
"_id": "rs0",
"version": 2,
"protocolVersion": NumberLong(1),
"members": [
"_id": 0,
"host": "primary-host:27017",
"arbiterOnly": false,
"buildIndexes": true,
"hidden": false,
"priority": 1,
"tags": {},
"secondaryDelaySecs": NumberLong(0),
"votes": 1
"_id": 1,
"host": "secondary-host:27018",
"arbiterOnly": false,
"buildIndexes": true,
"hidden": false,
"priority": 1,
"tags": {},
"secondaryDelaySecs": NumberLong(0),
"votes": 1
"_id": 2,
"host": "arbiter-host:27019",
"arbiterOnly": true,
"buildIndexes": true,
"hidden": false,
"priority": 0,
"tags": {},
"secondaryDelaySecs": NumberLong(0),
"votes": 1
"settings": {
"chainingAllowed": true,
"heartbeatIntervalMillis": 2000,
"heartbeatTimeoutSecs": 10,
"electionTimeoutMillis": 10000,
"catchUpTimeoutMillis": -1,
"catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis": 30000
Notice that the arbiter has "arbiterOnly": true
and "priority": 0
Practical Examples
Example 1: Two Data Centers with Limited Resources
Imagine you have two data centers and need to deploy a MongoDB replica set across them for high availability. However, you're limited in resources and can only afford two full data-bearing nodes.
_id: "rs0",
members: [
{ _id: 0, host: "dc1-server:27017", priority: 2 }, // Prefer this as primary
{ _id: 1, host: "dc2-server:27017", priority: 1 },
{ _id: 2, host: "dc2-server:27018", arbiterOnly: true }
In this setup:
- The primary node is in Data Center 1
- The secondary node and arbiter are in Data Center 2
- The arbiter provides the third vote needed for proper elections
- We've set a higher priority for the DC1 node to prefer it as primary
Example 2: Small Development Environment
For a development environment where you want to simulate a replica set but have limited resources:
// Start three MongoDB instances on the same machine
// Primary on port 27017
// Secondary on port 27018
// Arbiter on port 27019
// Connect to the instance that will become primary
mongosh --port 27017
// Initiate the replica set
_id: "devSet",
members: [
{ _id: 0, host: "localhost:27017" },
{ _id: 1, host: "localhost:27018" },
{ _id: 2, host: "localhost:27019", arbiterOnly: true }
This provides a full replica set experience for development with minimal resource usage.
Best Practices and Limitations
When to Use Arbiters
✅ Use arbiters when:
- You need an odd number of voting members but don't want to store additional data copies
- You have resource constraints but need proper election mechanics
- You need to break ties in a two-node replica set
When to Avoid Arbiters
❌ Avoid arbiters when:
- You can afford additional full data-bearing nodes
- You need additional data redundancy
- You're using MongoDB 4.0+ with write concern majority (due to potential data availability issues)
Important Limitations
Security: Arbiters still need proper security configuration even though they don't store data
Write Concern Majority: In MongoDB 4.0+, arbiters can cause issues with
{w: "majority"}
write concerns because they count in the voting majority but don't acknowledge writes -
Network Partition Sensitivity: Replica sets with arbiters can be more sensitive to network partitions
Scalability: MongoDB recommends no more than one arbiter per replica set
Security Considerations
Even though arbiters don't store data, they still need to be secured:
mongod --port 27019 --dbpath /data/arbiter --replSet rs0 --auth \
--keyFile /path/to/keyfile
The keyFile
provides authentication between replica set members.
MongoDB arbiters offer a lightweight solution for maintaining proper election mechanics in a replica set without the overhead of additional data storage. They're particularly useful in resource-constrained environments or when you need to maintain an odd number of voters.
Key takeaways:
- Arbiters participate in elections but don't store data
- They require minimal resources compared to full data-bearing nodes
- They help maintain an odd number of voting members in a replica set
- Best used in specific scenarios, particularly when resource constraints exist
- Care must be taken with write concerns when using arbiters in MongoDB 4.0+
Additional Resources
To deepen your understanding of MongoDB arbiters and replication:
- Set up a local three-node replica set with one arbiter on your development machine.
- Simulate a primary node failure and observe how the election process works with an arbiter.
- Compare the resource usage (CPU, memory, disk) between a secondary node and an arbiter.
- Experiment with different replica set configurations to understand when arbiters are most beneficial.
- Investigate how write concern majority behaves in a replica set with arbiters.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)