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MongoDB Field Level Security


Field Level Security (FLS) in MongoDB allows you to control which users can access specific fields within documents. Unlike document-level security, which restricts access to entire documents, field-level security provides more granular control, allowing you to hide sensitive fields from certain users while making other fields accessible.

This is particularly useful when:

  • Different user roles need different views of the same data
  • Some fields contain sensitive information (like personal data or financial details)
  • You need to comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR or HIPAA

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to implement field-level security in MongoDB using various approaches.


Before diving into field-level security, ensure you have:

  • MongoDB Enterprise Server 3.2 or later (for built-in field-level redaction)
  • Basic understanding of MongoDB's Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • MongoDB Compass or mongo shell for testing

Understanding Field-Level Security Approaches

MongoDB offers several ways to implement field-level security:

  1. Schema-Based Approach: Using different schemas or collections for different access levels
  2. View-Based Approach: Creating views that project only certain fields
  3. Role-Based Field-Level Redaction: Using the $redact operator with role-based restrictions
  4. Application-Level Security: Implementing field restrictions in your application code

Let's explore each approach with practical examples.

1. View-Based Field-Level Security

MongoDB views allow you to create virtual collections with specific projections of documents. This is one of the simplest ways to implement field-level security.

Creating a Secured View

Imagine we have a patients collection with medical records:

// Sample document in patients collection
"_id": ObjectId("5f8d7c0f9b8a3e2d6c1a4b5e"),
"patientId": "PT12345",
"name": "John Doe",
"dob": "1980-05-15",
"ssn": "123-45-6789",
"diagnosis": "Hypertension",
"medication": "Lisinopril",
"billingInfo": {
"insurance": "Blue Cross",
"policyNumber": "POL987654321",
"paymentMethod": "Credit Card"

Now, we can create different views for different roles:

// View for doctors (no billing info)
$project: {
patientId: 1,
name: 1,
dob: 1,
diagnosis: 1,
medication: 1,
ssn: 1

// View for front desk staff (no SSN or diagnosis details)
$project: {
patientId: 1,
name: 1,
dob: 1,
billingInfo: 1

Configuring Access to Views

After creating the views, we need to assign appropriate permissions to different roles:

// Create roles
role: "doctorRole",
privileges: [
resource: { db: "hospital", collection: "patientsForDoctors" },
actions: ["find"]
roles: []

role: "staffRole",
privileges: [
resource: { db: "hospital", collection: "patientsForStaff" },
actions: ["find"]
roles: []

Now, doctors can only access fields through the patientsForDoctors view, and staff can only access fields through the patientsForStaff view.

2. Role-Based Field-Level Redaction

For more dynamic field-level security, MongoDB Enterprise offers the $redact operator, which can be used with the $cond operator to check user roles at query time.

Setting Up Role-Based Redaction

First, let's create a user with specific roles:

user: "doctor",
pwd: "securePassword",
roles: [
{ role: "doctorRole", db: "hospital" }

Now we can apply redaction based on roles:

// When a doctor queries the collection
$redact: {
$cond: {
if: { $in: ["doctorRole", "$$USER_ROLES"] },
then: "$$DESCEND",
else: "$$PRUNE"

This approach requires you to tag each document or field with the roles that are allowed to access it.

3. Application-Level Field Security

For more flexibility, you can implement field-level security at the application level.

Example in Node.js with Mongoose

// Define the patient schema with field-level access control
const patientSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
patientId: String,
name: String,
dob: String,
ssn: {
type: String,
access: 'restricted'
diagnosis: {
type: String,
access: 'medical-staff'
medication: String,
billingInfo: {
type: Object,
access: 'billing-staff'

// Add a method to filter fields based on user role
patientSchema.methods.toJSON = function() {
const obj = this.toObject();
const userRole = getCurrentUserRole(); // This function would get the role from your auth system

// Remove fields based on user role
if (userRole !== 'medical-staff' && userRole !== 'admin') {
delete obj.diagnosis;

if (userRole !== 'billing-staff' && userRole !== 'admin') {
delete obj.billingInfo;

if (userRole !== 'doctor' && userRole !== 'admin') {
delete obj.ssn;

return obj;

const Patient = mongoose.model('Patient', patientSchema);

With this approach, the fields returned will depend on the user's role, and sensitive information will be automatically filtered out.

4. Schema-Based Approach

Another simple approach is to store sensitive data in separate collections with different access controls.

Example of Split Collections

// Basic patient info - accessible to most staff
patientId: "PT12345",
name: "John Doe",
dob: "1980-05-15"

// Medical records - accessible only to medical staff
patientId: "PT12345",
diagnosis: "Hypertension",
medication: "Lisinopril",
ssn: "123-45-6789"

// Billing info - accessible only to billing staff
patientId: "PT12345",
insurance: "Blue Cross",
policyNumber: "POL987654321",
paymentMethod: "Credit Card"

You can then configure role-based access to each collection:

role: "basicInfoAccess",
privileges: [
{ resource: { db: "hospital", collection: "patientBasicInfo" }, actions: ["find"] }
roles: []

role: "medicalInfoAccess",
privileges: [
{ resource: { db: "hospital", collection: "patientMedicalInfo" }, actions: ["find"] }
roles: []

role: "billingInfoAccess",
privileges: [
{ resource: { db: "hospital", collection: "patientBillingInfo" }, actions: ["find"] }
roles: []

Best Practices for Field-Level Security

  1. Layer your security approaches: Combine multiple security methods for defense in depth
  2. Don't rely on security by obscurity: Always implement proper authentication and authorization
  3. Use views for read-only access: Views work well for controlling read access but don't control write operations
  4. Audit access regularly: Monitor who accesses what data
  5. Encrypt sensitive fields: Use field-level encryption for highly sensitive data

Real-World Applications

Banking Application

In a banking application, different employees need different levels of access:

// Bank account document
"_id": ObjectId("..."),
"accountNumber": "1234567890",
"customerName": "Alice Johnson",
"balance": 5000.00,
"socialSecurityNumber": "123-45-6789",
"creditScore": 750,
"transactionHistory": [
{ "date": "2023-07-15", "amount": -120.50, "description": "Grocery Store" },
{ "date": "2023-07-14", "amount": 2500.00, "description": "Salary Deposit" }

// View for tellers (cannot see SSN or credit score)
$project: {
accountNumber: 1,
customerName: 1,
balance: 1,
transactionHistory: 1

// View for loan officers (can see everything except transaction details)
$project: {
accountNumber: 1,
customerName: 1,
balance: 1,
socialSecurityNumber: 1,
creditScore: 1

E-commerce Platform

For an e-commerce platform with both customers and administrators:

// User document
"_id": ObjectId("..."),
"username": "user123",
"email": "[email protected]",
"passwordHash": "$2a$10$...",
"phone": "555-123-4567",
"address": {
"street": "123 Main St",
"city": "Anytown",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "12345"
"paymentMethods": [
"type": "credit_card",
"lastFour": "1234",
"expiryDate": "05/25"

// View for customer service (can't see payment info or password hash)
$project: {
username: 1,
email: 1,
phone: 1,
address: 1

Visualizing Field-Level Security

Here's a diagram showing how different roles access different fields in the patient example:

Performance Considerations

Field-level security can impact performance, especially with dynamic redaction:

  • Views are efficient for read-only scenarios
  • Application-level filtering adds CPU overhead
  • Separate collections may increase join complexity
  • Field-level encryption adds performance overhead

Always test your security implementation with realistic workloads to ensure performance remains acceptable.


Field-level security in MongoDB provides granular control over who can access specific fields within documents. We've explored several approaches:

  1. View-Based Security: Creating filtered views of collections for different roles
  2. Role-Based Redaction: Using the $redact operator for dynamic field filtering
  3. Application-Level Security: Implementing field access control in the application code
  4. Schema-Based Approach: Splitting sensitive data into separate collections

Each approach has its own advantages and use cases. For most scenarios, a combination of these techniques provides the most robust security solution.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a view for a products collection that shows different fields based on whether the user is a customer or an inventory manager.

  2. Implement application-level field security for a user profile system where users can only see their own private information.

  3. Design a field-level security system for a multi-tenant application where each tenant's data must be completely isolated.

  4. Create a schema using separate collections for different sensitivity levels of medical data, and implement appropriate access controls.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)