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MongoDB startTransaction


MongoDB transactions allow you to perform multiple operations as a single atomic unit of work. If one operation fails, all operations within the transaction are rolled back, ensuring data consistency. The startTransaction() method is the entry point for initiating a transaction in MongoDB.

In this guide, we'll explore how to use startTransaction(), understand its options, and see practical examples of transactions in real-world applications.


Before you start working with MongoDB transactions, ensure that:

  • You're using MongoDB 4.0 or later
  • Your database deployment supports transactions (replica sets or sharded clusters)
  • You understand basic MongoDB CRUD operations

Understanding MongoDB Transactions

Transactions in MongoDB follow a pattern similar to other database systems:

  1. Start a transaction with startTransaction()
  2. Perform operations
  3. Commit the transaction with commitTransaction() or abort it with abortTransaction()

Basic Syntax

Here's the basic syntax for starting a transaction:

const session = client.startSession();
try {

// Perform operations within the transaction

await session.commitTransaction();
} catch (error) {
await session.abortTransaction();
console.error('Transaction aborted:', error);
} finally {

The startTransaction Method

The startTransaction() method is a function called on a session object to initiate a transaction. Here's a breakdown:




The options parameter is an optional object that can contain the following properties:

readConcernObjectSpecifies the read concern for the transaction
writeConcernObjectSpecifies the write concern for the transaction
readPreferenceObjectSpecifies the read preference for the transaction
maxCommitTimeMSNumberMaximum time in milliseconds to allow for commit operations

Basic Example

Let's look at a basic example of starting and completing a transaction:

const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');

async function transferMoney(from, to, amount) {
const uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
const client = new MongoClient(uri);

try {
await client.connect();
const database = client.db('banking');
const accounts = database.collection('accounts');

// Start a session
const session = client.startSession();

try {
// Start a transaction

// Withdraw money from the first account
const withdrawResult = await accounts.updateOne(
{ _id: from },
{ $inc: { balance: -amount } },
{ session }

if (withdrawResult.modifiedCount !== 1) {
throw new Error('Failed to withdraw money');

// Deposit money to the second account
const depositResult = await accounts.updateOne(
{ _id: to },
{ $inc: { balance: amount } },
{ session }

if (depositResult.modifiedCount !== 1) {
throw new Error('Failed to deposit money');

// Commit the transaction
await session.commitTransaction();
console.log('Transaction committed successfully');
} catch (error) {
// Abort the transaction in case of error
await session.abortTransaction();
console.error('Transaction aborted:', error);
throw error;
} finally {
// End the session
} finally {
// Close the client
await client.close();

// Example usage
transferMoney('account1', 'account2', 100)
.then(() => console.log('Transfer completed'))
.catch(error => console.error('Transfer failed:', error));


If successful:

Transaction committed successfully
Transfer completed

If there's an error:

Transaction aborted: Error: Failed to withdraw money
Transfer failed: Error: Failed to withdraw money

Using Transaction Options

You can customize your transaction's behavior using the options parameter:

readConcern: { level: 'snapshot' },
writeConcern: { w: 'majority' },
readPreference: { mode: 'primary' },
maxCommitTimeMS: 5000

Common Read Concern Levels

  • 'local': Returns data from the current replica set member without guarantee of durability
  • 'majority': Returns data that has been acknowledged by a majority of the replica set members
  • 'snapshot': Returns data from a snapshot of majority-committed data

Error Handling in Transactions

Proper error handling is crucial for transactions. Here's an enhanced example showing detailed error handling:

async function updateMultipleDocuments() {
const session = client.startSession();

try {

try {
// First operation
const result1 = await collection.updateOne(
{ _id: 'doc1' },
{ $set: { status: 'updated' } },
{ session }

// Check if the first operation succeeded
if (result1.matchedCount === 0) {
throw new Error('Document doc1 not found');

// Second operation
const result2 = await collection.updateOne(
{ _id: 'doc2' },
{ $set: { status: 'updated' } },
{ session }

// Check if the second operation succeeded
if (result2.matchedCount === 0) {
throw new Error('Document doc2 not found');

// Commit transaction
await session.commitTransaction();
return { success: true, message: 'Both documents updated' };
} catch (operationError) {
// Application-level error handling
await session.abortTransaction();
return {
success: false,
message: 'Operation failed',
error: operationError.message
} catch (transactionError) {
// Transaction-level error handling (network issues, etc.)
return {
success: false,
message: 'Transaction failed',
error: transactionError.message
} finally {

Real-World Use Cases

1. E-commerce Order Processing

In an e-commerce application, processing an order requires multiple changes to the database:

async function processOrder(orderId, userId, items) {
const session = client.startSession();

try {

// 1. Create a new order document
const order = {
_id: orderId,
total: items.reduce((sum, item) => sum + item.price * item.quantity, 0),
status: 'pending',
createdAt: new Date()

await ordersCollection.insertOne(order, { session });

// 2. Update inventory for each item
for (const item of items) {
const inventoryResult = await inventoryCollection.updateOne(
{ _id: item.productId, stock: { $gte: item.quantity } },
{ $inc: { stock: -item.quantity } },
{ session }

if (inventoryResult.modifiedCount === 0) {
throw new Error(`Not enough stock for product ${item.productId}`);

// 3. Record the transaction in the user's history
await userCollection.updateOne(
{ _id: userId },
{ $push: { orderHistory: orderId } },
{ session }

// Commit the transaction if all operations succeed
await session.commitTransaction();
return { success: true, orderId };
} catch (error) {
await session.abortTransaction();
return { success: false, error: error.message };
} finally {

2. Data Migration with Validation

When migrating data between collections, you can use transactions to ensure consistency:

async function migrateUserData(userId) {
const session = client.startSession();

try {

// 1. Get the user's data from the old collection
const userData = await oldUsersCollection.findOne(
{ _id: userId },
{ session }

if (!userData) {
throw new Error('User not found in old collection');

// 2. Transform the data for the new schema
const newUserData = {
_id: userData._id,
fullName: `${userData.firstName} ${userData.lastName}`,
// Add any new fields or transformations
profileUpdated: true,
migratedAt: new Date()

// 3. Insert into the new collection
await newUsersCollection.insertOne(newUserData, { session });

// 4. Mark as migrated in the old collection
await oldUsersCollection.updateOne(
{ _id: userId },
{ $set: { migrated: true } },
{ session }

await session.commitTransaction();
return { success: true, userId };
} catch (error) {
await session.abortTransaction();
return { success: false, error: error.message };
} finally {

Best Practices for MongoDB Transactions

  1. Keep Transactions Short: Long-running transactions can cause performance issues and increase the likelihood of conflicts.

  2. Limit Transaction Size: Try to limit the number of operations in a single transaction to improve performance.

  3. Handle Network Issues: Implement proper retry logic for transient errors.

  4. Always Include Error Handling: Every transaction should have proper error handling and cleanup.

  5. Use Session Timeout: Be aware of the session timeout (default is 30 minutes).

  6. Avoid Operations That Cannot Be Part of a Transaction:

    • Creating collections
    • Creating indexes
    • Operations on the config, admin, and local databases

Common Errors and Solutions


This occurs when you try to commit or abort a transaction that hasn't been started.

// Incorrect
const session = client.startSession();
await session.commitTransaction(); // Error: TransactionNotStartedError

// Correct
const session = client.startSession();
await session.commitTransaction();

Transaction Already in Progress

This happens when you try to start a transaction on a session that already has an active transaction.

// Incorrect
session.startTransaction(); // Error: Transaction already in progress

// Correct
await session.commitTransaction();
session.startTransaction(); // Start a new transaction

Write Concern Errors

If your write concern requires acknowledgment from a certain number of replicas, but that condition isn't met:

try {
writeConcern: { w: 'majority', wtimeout: 5000 }

// Operations...

await session.commitTransaction();
} catch (error) {
if (error.codeName === 'WriteConcernFailed') {
console.error('Write concern failed:', error);
await session.abortTransaction();


MongoDB's startTransaction() method is the gateway to using transactions in your applications, allowing you to maintain data consistency across multiple operations. In this guide, we've covered:

  • The basic syntax and parameters of startTransaction()
  • How to structure a transaction with proper error handling
  • Real-world examples of using transactions
  • Best practices for MongoDB transactions
  • Common errors and their solutions

When used correctly, transactions can significantly improve the reliability of your MongoDB applications, especially when dealing with complex multi-document operations.

Additional Resources

Practice Exercises

  1. Bank Account Transfer: Create a function that transfers money between accounts, ensuring that the sender has sufficient funds.

  2. User Registration Flow: Implement a transaction that creates a user account, a default profile, and initial settings all together.

  3. Shopping Cart Checkout: Build a transaction that processes a cart checkout, updating inventory, order history, and customer account balance.

  4. Retry Logic: Enhance one of the examples with retry logic for handling transient errors.

  5. Transaction with Read Concern: Implement a transaction that reads data with different read concern levels and compare the results.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)