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Ansible Backup Recovery


In modern infrastructure management, ensuring reliable backup and recovery procedures is critical for maintaining business continuity and protecting against data loss. Ansible, a powerful automation tool, offers robust capabilities for creating, managing, and restoring backups across your entire infrastructure. This guide will walk you through implementing effective backup and recovery strategies using Ansible, allowing you to automate these essential processes and reduce the risk of human error.

Why Use Ansible for Backup and Recovery?

Ansible provides several advantages for backup and recovery operations:

  • Idempotency: Run the same playbook multiple times without causing unexpected side effects
  • Agentless architecture: No need to install backup agents on target systems
  • Parallel execution: Run backup operations across multiple systems simultaneously
  • Version control: Store your backup configurations as code in your repository
  • Scheduled automation: Combine with cron or other scheduling mechanisms for fully automated backups

Basic Backup Strategy with Ansible

Let's start by creating a simple playbook to back up configuration files on remote servers:

# backup_configs.yml
- name: Backup configuration files
hosts: webservers
become: yes
backup_dir: "/var/backups/ansible"
timestamp: "{{ }}_{{ ansible_date_time.time | replace(':', '-') }}"

- name: Ensure backup directory exists
path: "{{ backup_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'

- name: Backup nginx configuration
src: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
dest: "{{ backup_dir }}/nginx.conf.{{ timestamp }}"
remote_src: yes

- name: Backup application config
src: /opt/myapp/config.yml
dest: "{{ backup_dir }}/myapp_config.{{ timestamp }}"
remote_src: yes

- name: Create backup archive
path: "{{ backup_dir }}/*.{{ timestamp }}"
dest: "{{ backup_dir }}/config_backup_{{ timestamp }}.tar.gz"
format: gz

- name: Clean up temporary files
path: "{{ item }}"
state: absent
- "{{ backup_dir }}/*.{{ timestamp }}"

In this playbook:

  1. We define a timestamp variable to ensure backup uniqueness
  2. We create a backup directory if it doesn't exist
  3. We copy important configuration files with the timestamp appended
  4. We archive the collected files and clean up temporary files

Database Backup with Ansible

Backing up databases is a common requirement. Here's how to back up a MySQL/MariaDB database:

# backup_database.yml
- name: Backup MySQL databases
hosts: db_servers
become: yes
backup_dir: "/var/backups/mysql"
timestamp: "{{ }}_{{ ansible_date_time.time | replace(':', '-') }}"
mysql_user: "backup_user"
mysql_password: "{{ vault_mysql_backup_password }}" # Use Ansible Vault to store passwords securely

- name: Ensure backup directory exists
path: "{{ backup_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'

- name: Get list of databases
command: mysql -u {{ mysql_user }} -p{{ mysql_password }} -e "SHOW DATABASES;"
register: database_list
changed_when: false
no_log: true

- name: Parse database list
databases: "{{ database_list.stdout_lines | select('match', '^[a-zA-Z]') | list | difference(['information_schema', 'performance_schema', 'mysql', 'sys']) }}"

- name: Backup each database
command: mysqldump -u {{ mysql_user }} -p{{ mysql_password }} --single-transaction --quick --lock-tables=false {{ item }} | gzip > {{ backup_dir }}/{{ item }}_{{ timestamp }}.sql.gz
with_items: "{{ databases }}"
no_log: true

- name: Set proper permissions on backup files
path: "{{ backup_dir }}"
mode: '0600'
recurse: yes

This playbook:

  1. Discovers available databases automatically
  2. Excludes system databases
  3. Creates compressed SQL dumps of each database
  4. Sets proper permissions on backup files

Securing Your Backups

When implementing backup strategies, security is paramount. Let's encrypt our backups using Ansible:

# encrypt_backups.yml
- name: Encrypt backup archives
hosts: backup_server
become: yes
backup_dir: "/var/backups"
gpg_recipient: "[email protected]" # GPG key to use for encryption

- name: Find backup archives
paths: "{{ backup_dir }}"
patterns: "*.tar.gz,*.sql.gz"
recurse: yes
file_type: file
excludes: "*.gpg" # Don't include already encrypted files
register: backup_files

- name: Encrypt backup files
command: gpg --batch --yes --trust-model always --recipient {{ gpg_recipient }} --encrypt {{ item.path }}
with_items: "{{ backup_files.files }}"
register: encryption_result

- name: Remove original files if encryption successful
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
with_items: "{{ backup_files.files }}"
when: encryption_result is succeeded

Implementing a Centralized Backup Strategy

For larger infrastructures, centralizing backups is recommended. Here's how to collect backups from multiple servers:

# centralized_backup.yml
- name: Collect backups from servers
hosts: backup_server
become: yes
central_backup_dir: "/mnt/backup_storage"
timestamp: "{{ }}"

- name: Ensure central backup directory exists
path: "{{ central_backup_dir }}/{{ timestamp }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'

- name: Fetch backups from web servers
src: "/var/backups/ansible/"
dest: "{{ central_backup_dir }}/{{ timestamp }}/webservers/"
mode: pull
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['webservers'] }}"

- name: Fetch backups from database servers
src: "/var/backups/mysql/"
dest: "{{ central_backup_dir }}/{{ timestamp }}/databases/"
mode: pull
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['db_servers'] }}"

- name: Create backup manifest
src: templates/backup_manifest.j2
dest: "{{ central_backup_dir }}/{{ timestamp }}/manifest.yml"

Automating Backup Rotation and Retention

Managing backup retention is crucial to prevent running out of storage. Here's how to implement a backup rotation policy:

# backup_rotation.yml
- name: Implement backup rotation
hosts: backup_server
become: yes
backup_dir: "/mnt/backup_storage"
daily_retention: 7 # Keep daily backups for 7 days
weekly_retention: 4 # Keep weekly backups for 4 weeks
monthly_retention: 6 # Keep monthly backups for 6 months

- name: Find daily backups older than retention period
paths: "{{ backup_dir }}"
patterns: "daily_*"
age: "{{ daily_retention }}d"
recurse: no
file_type: directory
register: old_daily_backups

- name: Remove expired daily backups
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
with_items: "{{ old_daily_backups.files }}"

- name: Find weekly backups older than retention period
paths: "{{ backup_dir }}"
patterns: "weekly_*"
age: "{{ weekly_retention * 7 }}d"
recurse: no
file_type: directory
register: old_weekly_backups

- name: Remove expired weekly backups
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
with_items: "{{ old_weekly_backups.files }}"

- name: Find monthly backups older than retention period
paths: "{{ backup_dir }}"
patterns: "monthly_*"
age: "{{ monthly_retention * 30 }}d"
recurse: no
file_type: directory
register: old_monthly_backups

- name: Remove expired monthly backups
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
with_items: "{{ old_monthly_backups.files }}"

Testing Backup Recovery

Creating backups is only half the solution—you need to verify they can be restored. Let's create a playbook for testing recovery:

# test_recovery.yml
- name: Test backup recovery
hosts: test_recovery_server
become: yes
backup_dir: "/mnt/backup_storage/latest"
restore_dir: "/opt/restore_test"
test_database: "test_recovery_db"
mysql_user: "restore_user"
mysql_password: "{{ vault_mysql_restore_password }}"

- name: Ensure restore directory exists
path: "{{ restore_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'

- name: Extract configuration backup
src: "{{ backup_dir }}/webservers/config_backup_latest.tar.gz"
dest: "{{ restore_dir }}/configs"
remote_src: yes

- name: Create test database
name: "{{ test_database }}"
state: present
login_user: "{{ mysql_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mysql_password }}"

- name: Restore database from backup
name: "{{ test_database }}"
state: import
target: "{{ backup_dir }}/databases/customer_db_latest.sql.gz"
login_user: "{{ mysql_user }}"
login_password: "{{ mysql_password }}"

- name: Verify database recovery
command: mysql -u {{ mysql_user }} -p{{ mysql_password }} -e "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users;" {{ test_database }}
register: db_test_result
changed_when: false
no_log: true

- name: Display test results
msg: "Recovery test completed. Database has {{ db_test_result.stdout_lines[-1] }} user records."

Implementing a Complete Workflow

Putting everything together, let's create a diagram of a complete backup and recovery workflow:

Real-World Example: Complete Disaster Recovery

Let's look at a comprehensive disaster recovery playbook:

# disaster_recovery.yml
- name: Disaster Recovery Procedure
hosts: all
become: yes
backup_source: "/mnt/backup_storage/latest"

- name: Check server status
register: connectivity
ignore_errors: yes

- name: Create server groups based on status
key: "{{ 'online_servers' if connectivity is succeeded else 'offline_servers' }}"

- name: Restore offline servers
hosts: offline_servers
become: yes
gather_facts: no

- name: Attempt to power on servers via out-of-band management
command: ipmitool -I lanplus -H {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ipmi_address'] }} -U {{ ipmi_user }} -P {{ ipmi_password }} power on
delegate_to: localhost
when: hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ipmi_address'] is defined
ignore_errors: yes

- name: Wait for server to come online
host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
port: 22
delay: 30
timeout: 300
delegate_to: localhost

- name: Restore systems
hosts: all
become: yes
serial: 5 # Restore 5 servers at a time
backup_source: "/mnt/backup_storage/latest"

- name: Mount recovery media
path: /mnt/recovery
src: "{{ backup_server }}:/backups/{{ inventory_hostname }}"
fstype: nfs
state: mounted

- name: Restore system configuration
name: system_restore

- name: Restore application stack
name: application_restore

- name: Validate restoration
name: validation
register: validation_result

- name: Report recovery status
msg: "Recovery of {{ inventory_hostname }} {{ 'successful' if validation_result.success else 'failed' }}"

- name: Add to success group
key: "recovery_success"
when: validation_result.success|bool

- name: Add to failure group
key: "recovery_failure"
when: not validation_result.success|bool

- name: Final recovery report
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- name: Generate recovery report
src: templates/recovery_report.j2
dest: "/var/log/ansible/recovery_{{ }}.log"

- name: Send notification
subject: "Disaster Recovery Operation Completed"
to: [email protected]
body: "{{ lookup('file', '/var/log/ansible/recovery_{{ }}.log') }}"
when: groups['recovery_success'] is defined or groups['recovery_failure'] is defined

Best Practices for Ansible Backup and Recovery

  1. Test regularly: Schedule periodic recovery tests to ensure your backup strategy works.
  2. Use Ansible Vault: Encrypt sensitive data like database credentials using Ansible Vault.
  3. Document thoroughly: Maintain comprehensive documentation of your backup and recovery procedures.
  4. Monitor and alert: Implement monitoring and alerting for backup jobs.
  5. Version control: Keep your Ansible playbooks in version control for change tracking.
  6. Immutable backups: Consider implementing immutable backups that cannot be altered once created.
  7. Geographic redundancy: Store backups in multiple geographic locations.

Monitoring Backup Operations

Monitoring your backup operations is critical. Here's a simple playbook to check backup status:

# monitor_backups.yml
- name: Monitor backup status
hosts: backup_server
become: yes
backup_dir: "/mnt/backup_storage"
alert_email: "[email protected]"
max_age_hours: 24

- name: Check for recent backups
paths: "{{ backup_dir }}"
file_type: directory
age: "{{ max_age_hours }}h"
age_stamp: mtime
recurse: no
register: recent_backups

- name: Check backup file integrity
command: find {{ backup_dir }}/latest -type f -name "*.gz" -exec gunzip -t {} \;
register: integrity_check
changed_when: false
failed_when: false

- name: Send alert if no recent backups
subject: "ALERT: No recent backups found"
to: "{{ alert_email }}"
body: "No backups have been created in the last {{ max_age_hours }} hours. Please investigate."
when: recent_backups.matched == 0

- name: Send alert if integrity check failed
subject: "ALERT: Backup integrity check failed"
to: "{{ alert_email }}"
body: "The integrity check for backups has failed. Error: {{ integrity_check.stderr }}"
when: integrity_check.rc != 0


Implementing an automated backup and recovery strategy with Ansible provides significant benefits for infrastructure management:

  • Consistency: Ensure backups are taken consistently across your entire infrastructure
  • Reliability: Automated processes reduce the risk of human error
  • Efficiency: Save time and resources through automation
  • Scalability: Easily adapt your backup strategy as your infrastructure grows
  • Auditability: Maintain clear records of backup and recovery operations

By following the practices outlined in this guide, you can build a robust backup and recovery system using Ansible that will help protect your infrastructure from data loss and minimize downtime in case of disasters.

Additional Resources

  • Practice implementing the playbooks in a test environment
  • Expand the playbooks to include specific backup procedures for your applications
  • Create custom roles for different types of systems in your infrastructure
  • Consider integrating with a backup monitoring system for enhanced visibility


  1. Modify the database backup playbook to include specific options for backing up PostgreSQL databases.
  2. Create a playbook that tests restoration into a containerized environment.
  3. Implement a pre-backup verification step that checks for available disk space.
  4. Design a role-based structure for organizing your backup playbooks.
  5. Extend the monitoring playbook to send notifications through different channels (Slack, Teams, etc.).

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)