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Ansible Network Facts


Network facts are essential pieces of information about network devices that you can gather and use in your automation workflows. In Ansible, "facts" refer to system properties or attributes that are collected from remote systems. When working with network devices, these facts include details such as device model, operating system version, interface configuration, routing tables, and more.

Unlike server automation where Ansible uses the setup module to gather facts automatically, network devices require specific modules designed for each network platform. This guide will show you how to collect, display, and utilize network facts to build smarter, more dynamic network automation.

Why Network Facts Matter

Before diving into implementation, let's understand why network facts are crucial:

  1. Inventory Enrichment - Gather real-time data about your devices beyond what's in your inventory files
  2. Conditional Automation - Make decisions in playbooks based on device attributes
  3. Documentation - Automatically generate up-to-date network documentation
  4. Compliance - Verify device configurations against standards
  5. Troubleshooting - Quickly collect device state information

Basic Network Facts Collection

Each network platform in Ansible has a dedicated facts module. Here are some examples:

  • Cisco IOS/IOS-XE: ios_facts
  • Cisco NX-OS: nxos_facts
  • Juniper Junos: junos_facts
  • Arista EOS: eos_facts

Let's start with a simple playbook that collects facts from Cisco IOS devices:

- name: Gather Cisco IOS Facts
hosts: cisco_routers
gather_facts: no

- name: Collect device facts
gather_subset: all

- name: Display device facts
var: ansible_facts

When you run this playbook against a Cisco router, Ansible will:

  1. Connect to the device
  2. Run commands to collect information
  3. Store the results in the ansible_facts variable
  4. Display all the collected facts

Understanding Network Facts Structure

The facts gathered are organized in a structured format. Let's examine what's typically included:

ansible_net_api: "cliconf"
hardware: "CSR1000V"
image: "bootflash:packages.conf"
platform: "Virtual XE"
serialnum: "9KIBQAQ3OPE"
ansible_net_hostname: "router1"
bandwidth: 1000000
description: "Management Interface"
duplex: "Full"
- address: ""
subnet: "24"
lineprotocol: "up"
macaddress: "0800.2700.0001"
mtu: 1500
operstatus: "up"
type: "CSR vNIC"
# Similar structure for other interfaces
ansible_net_model: "CSR1000V"
- host: "switch1"
port: "GigabitEthernet0/1"
- host: "switch2"
port: "GigabitEthernet0/2"
ansible_net_python_version: "3.8.10"
ansible_net_serialnum: "9KIBQAQ3OPE"
ansible_net_system: "ios"
ansible_net_version: "16.9.3"

The exact structure varies by platform, but generally includes:

  • Basic device information (model, serial number, hostname)
  • Operating system details (version, image)
  • Interface configuration (IP addresses, state, descriptions)
  • Neighbor information (CDP/LLDP neighbors)

Customizing Facts Collection

Most network facts modules allow you to gather specific subsets of information, which helps improve performance by collecting only what you need:

- name: Collect specific facts
- "!hardware" # Exclude hardware facts
- "config" # Include config
- "interfaces" # Only gather interface resources
- "l2_interfaces"

The gather_subset parameter can include:

  • all - Gather all basic facts
  • hardware - Hardware-related facts
  • config - Configuration facts
  • interfaces - Interface information
  • You can prefix with ! to exclude a subset

The gather_network_resources parameter collects resource module-specific facts like:

  • interfaces
  • vlans
  • l2_interfaces
  • l3_interfaces
  • And more, depending on platform support

Practical Examples

Example 1: Generate Interface Documentation

Let's create a playbook that generates Markdown documentation of all interfaces:

- name: Generate Interface Documentation
hosts: network_devices
gather_facts: no

- name: Collect interface facts
ansible.builtin.include_tasks: collect_facts.yml

- name: Create interface documentation
dest: "docs/{{ inventory_hostname }}"

The included task file (collect_facts.yml):

- name: Collect Cisco IOS facts
- interfaces
when: ansible_network_os == 'ios'

- name: Collect Juniper facts
- interfaces
when: ansible_network_os == 'junos'

# Similar tasks for other platforms

And the Jinja2 template (

# {{ ansible_facts.ansible_net_hostname }} Interface Documentation

Generated on: {{ }}

| Interface | Status | IP Address | Description |
{% for interface_name, interface in ansible_facts.ansible_net_interfaces.items() %}
| {{ interface_name }} | {{ interface.operstatus }} | {% if interface.ipv4 is defined %}{{ interface.ipv4[0].address }}/{{ interface.ipv4[0].subnet }}{% else %}N/A{% endif %} | {{ interface.description | default('No description') }} |
{% endfor %}

Example 2: Conditional Automation Based on Facts

Using facts to make decisions in your playbooks:

- name: Upgrade IOS based on current version
hosts: cisco_routers
gather_facts: no

- name: Collect IOS facts
- "!config"

- name: Display current IOS version
msg: "Current IOS version: {{ ansible_facts.ansible_net_version }}"

- name: Upgrade devices with outdated IOS
- name: Copy IOS image to device
src: files/ios_images/{{ ios_target_version }}.bin
dest: flash:/{{ ios_target_version }}.bin

- name: Set boot image
- "boot system flash:/{{ ios_target_version }}.bin"

- name: Schedule reload
- command: "reload in 120"
prompt: "Confirm"
answer: "y"
when: ansible_facts.ansible_net_version is version(minimum_ios_version, '<')
minimum_ios_version: "16.9.0"
ios_target_version: "c1000v-universalk9.16.09.04.SPA"

Example 3: Network Topology Visualization

We can use facts to automatically generate a topology diagram:

- name: Generate Network Topology Diagram
hosts: network_devices
gather_facts: no

- name: Collect CDP/LLDP neighbor facts
include_tasks: collect_neighbor_facts.yml

- name: Generate Mermaid diagram
src: topology.mermaid.j2
dest: "docs/network_topology.mermaid"

With this Jinja2 template (topology.mermaid.j2):

graph TD
{% for host in play_hosts %}
{% for interface, neighbors in hostvars[host].ansible_facts.ansible_net_neighbors.items() %}
{% for neighbor in neighbors %}
{{ host | replace('-', '_') }} -- {{ interface }}-{{ neighbor.port }} --- {{ | replace('-', '_') }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

This generates a diagram structure like:

Working with Facts in Templates and Variables

Facts become particularly powerful when used in templates and variable manipulations. Here's how to work with them:

Accessing Nested Facts

Use the dot notation or square brackets to access nested data:

- name: Display hostname
msg: "Device hostname is: {{ ansible_facts.ansible_net_hostname }}"

- name: Display IP of a specific interface
msg: "Management IP is: {{ ansible_facts.ansible_net_interfaces['GigabitEthernet1'].ipv4[0].address }}"

Transforming Facts with Filters

Ansible provides filters to transform and manipulate data:

- name: Count interfaces
msg: "Device has {{ ansible_facts.ansible_net_interfaces | length }} interfaces"

- name: Get all interface names
var: ansible_facts.ansible_net_interfaces.keys() | list

- name: Find interfaces with description containing 'WAN'
msg: "WAN interfaces: {% for iface, data in ansible_facts.ansible_net_interfaces.items() %}{% if data.description is defined and 'WAN' in data.description %}{{ iface }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}"

Registering and Using Facts in Variables

You can register task results and use them alongside facts:

- name: Run show command
commands: show ip route
register: route_output

- name: Combine facts with command output
msg: "Device {{ ansible_facts.ansible_net_hostname }} has the following routes: {{ route_output.stdout[0] }}"

Persistent Facts

By default, facts are collected during playbook execution and lost when the playbook completes. You can make facts persistent using the set_fact module:

- name: Collect network facts
gather_subset: all

- name: Save facts to cached file
device_model: "{{ ansible_facts.ansible_net_model }}"
device_version: "{{ ansible_facts.ansible_net_version }}"
cacheable: yes

The cacheable: yes parameter tells Ansible to save these facts to a cache file, making them available across playbook runs.

Best Practices for Working with Network Facts

  1. Be Selective - Only gather the facts you need to improve performance
  2. Cache When Possible - Use fact caching for data that doesn't change frequently
  3. Handle Missing Data - Use Jinja2's default filter or conditional checks when accessing potentially missing data
  4. Use Facts for Documentation - Generate up-to-date documentation using fact data
  5. Version Control Compliance - Automatically check OS versions against required baselines
  6. Structure for Reuse - Create task files for fact gathering that can be included in multiple playbooks

Troubleshooting Network Facts

If you're having trouble with fact gathering:

  1. Enable Verbose Output - Run ansible-playbook with -v or -vvv flags
  2. Check Authentication - Ensure your authentication variables are correct
  3. Platform Support - Verify your network OS is supported
  4. Module Availability - Ensure the appropriate collection is installed
  5. Network Connectivity - Check that the management network allows the required protocols


Network facts are a powerful feature in Ansible that allow you to collect, display, and use information about your network devices. They transform static automation into dynamic workflows that adapt to your environment's actual state. By gathering facts about your devices, you can make informed decisions in your playbooks, generate documentation, and ensure compliance with your standards.

As you build more sophisticated network automation, facts will become a central part of your toolbox—enabling you to create more intelligent, adaptable, and maintainable automation solutions.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a playbook that collects facts from multiple network platforms and saves them to YAML files.
  2. Build a dynamic inventory script that uses cached facts to group devices by OS version.
  3. Write a compliance checking playbook that compares collected facts against your organization's standards.
  4. Generate a network documentation site using facts from all your devices.
  5. Create a playbook that uses interface facts to find and report on unused interfaces (those with "down" status for more than 30 days).

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)