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Docker CMD


The CMD instruction is one of the most important commands in Docker configuration. It defines the default command that executes when a container starts. Think of it as telling Docker "run this program when you launch my container."

While similar to the RUN instruction, CMD serves a completely different purpose. RUN executes commands during image building, whereas CMD specifies what program should run when the container starts.

In this guide, we'll explore the Docker CMD instruction in depth, understand its syntax variations, and see how it works in real-world examples.

Understanding Docker CMD

What is CMD?

The CMD instruction defines the default command to run when a container starts. It provides the default executable and arguments for a running container. If you don't override the command when starting the container, Docker will execute whatever is specified in CMD.

CMD Syntax

Docker supports three forms of the CMD instruction:

  1. Shell form: CMD command param1 param2
  2. Exec form (preferred): CMD ["executable", "param1", "param2"]
  3. Parameter form: CMD ["param1", "param2"] (used with ENTRYPOINT)

Let's examine each of these forms in detail:

Shell Form

When using the shell form, the command is executed in a shell:

# Shell form
CMD echo "Hello, Docker!"

This actually runs /bin/sh -c "echo Hello, Docker!" inside the container. The shell form comes with some limitations:

  • It doesn't pass signals properly to the container
  • The actual running process is the shell, not your command
  • It makes it harder to get environment variables

Exec Form (Preferred)

The exec form directly executes the command without a shell wrapper:

# Exec form (preferred)
CMD ["echo", "Hello, Docker!"]

This form:

  • Executes the command directly (no shell)
  • Allows proper signal handling
  • Makes your containers more efficient
  • Is the recommended approach

Parameter Form

The parameter form provides default arguments for ENTRYPOINT:

# Parameter form
CMD ["Hello, Docker!"]

When used together, the CMD arguments are passed to the ENTRYPOINT executable.

CMD vs RUN: Understanding the Difference

A common confusion for Docker beginners is understanding the difference between CMD and RUN:

InstructionWhen it executesPurpose
RUNDuring image buildInstall packages, setup, etc.
CMDWhen container startsSet default command for the container

Practical Examples

Basic Usage Example

Let's see a simple Dockerfile that uses the CMD instruction:

FROM ubuntu:20.04

# Install Python
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3

# Set default command
CMD ["python3", "-c", "print('Hello from Python in Docker!')"]

When you build and run this image:

docker build -t python-hello .
docker run python-hello

The output will be:

Hello from Python in Docker!

Overriding CMD at Runtime

A key feature of CMD is that it can be overridden when starting a container:

# Override the default CMD with a different command
docker run python-hello echo "This is different"


This is different

This flexibility makes CMD extremely useful for creating general-purpose images that can be customized at runtime.

Web Server Example

Let's create a more practical example with a simple web server:

FROM node:14


# Copy package.json and install dependencies
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install

# Copy the rest of the application
COPY . .

# Expose port

# Set default command to start the server
CMD ["npm", "start"]

This Dockerfile creates an image for a Node.js application:

  • It sets up the environment
  • Installs dependencies
  • Copies the application code
  • Sets the default command to start the server

When you run this container, it will automatically start the Node.js server.

Multiple Commands Example

What if you need to run multiple commands when your container starts? You have a few options:

Option 1: Use a Shell Script

FROM ubuntu:20.04

RUN chmod +x /

CMD ["/"]

The script could contain:

echo "Starting services..."
service one start
service two start
echo "Services started!"
exec tail -f /dev/null # Keep container running

Option 2: Use a Shell Command with &&

FROM ubuntu:20.04

CMD echo "Starting..." && service one start && service two start && tail -f /dev/null

Note: The second approach uses the shell form, which has the limitations we discussed earlier.

Best Practices for Using CMD

1. Always Use Exec Form

Always prefer the exec form CMD ["executable", "param1", "param2"] over the shell form:

# Good
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

# Avoid
CMD nginx -g "daemon off;"

2. One CMD Per Dockerfile

Docker only uses the last CMD instruction in a Dockerfile. Any previous CMD instructions are ignored:

FROM ubuntu:20.04

# This will be ignored
CMD ["echo", "This won't run"]

# Only this will execute
CMD ["echo", "This will run"]


When your container has a fixed executable, use ENTRYPOINT for the executable and CMD for default parameters:

# Web server that takes port as argument
ENTRYPOINT ["nginx"]
CMD ["-g", "daemon off;"]

This allows users to override parameters while keeping the main executable:

docker run my-nginx -c /custom/nginx.conf

4. Consider Using Shell Scripts for Complex Commands

For complex startup logic, use a shell script:

RUN chmod +x /
CMD ["/"]

Common Gotchas and Solutions

Environment Variables

Environment variables don't expand in the exec form:

# This WON'T work as expected
CMD ["echo", "$HOME"]


  1. Use the shell form (less ideal):
CMD echo $HOME
  1. Use a shell script that can handle environment variables properly:
RUN chmod +x /
CMD ["/"]

Default Shell Commands

Commands like ls, echo, etc. are shell commands and won't work directly:

# This will fail
CMD ["ls", "-la"]

Solution: Explicitly use a shell:

CMD ["/bin/sh", "-c", "ls -la"]

Running as a Service

Many applications need to run in the foreground:

# Wrong - Nginx will start and exit immediately
CMD ["nginx"]

# Correct - Runs in foreground
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]


The Docker CMD instruction is a crucial part of container configuration that:

  • Specifies the default command to run when a container starts
  • Can be overridden at runtime
  • Works best in exec form CMD ["executable", "param1"]
  • Should be used thoughtfully with ENTRYPOINT

Understanding the nuances of CMD helps you create more flexible and robust Docker containers, making your applications more portable and easier to deploy.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a simple Dockerfile that uses CMD to display a custom message.
  2. Build an image that runs a Python script by default, but allows overriding it.
  3. Create a web server image with proper CMD configuration to run in the foreground.
  4. Experiment with using CMD and ENTRYPOINT together for a more flexible image.
  5. Debug a Dockerfile where environment variables aren't being expanded correctly in CMD.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)