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Angular Property Binding


Property binding is one of Angular's core data binding techniques that allows you to set properties of DOM elements or directives using values from your component class. It creates a one-way communication from your component's data to a property of an HTML element. This is a fundamental concept in Angular that helps make your applications dynamic and responsive to changes in your data.

Unlike interpolation which works with text content, property binding connects to an element's properties directly, enabling you to change things like button states, image sources, or CSS classes based on component logic.

Basic Syntax

Property binding in Angular uses square brackets [ ] around the target property. The syntax looks like:

<element [propertyName]="componentProperty"></element>


  • propertyName is the DOM property you want to bind to
  • componentProperty is the property from your component class that supplies the value

Property Binding vs Interpolation

Before diving deeper, let's understand when to use property binding versus interpolation:

  1. Interpolation ({{ value }}) - Best for text content between HTML tags or as attribute values
  2. Property Binding ([property]="value") - Best for setting properties of DOM elements or directives

Simple Property Binding Examples

Binding to HTML Element Properties

Let's look at some common element property bindings:

// In component class
export class AppComponent {
imageUrl = '';
buttonDisabled = true;
divWidth = 100;
<!-- In template -->
<!-- Image source binding -->
<img [src]="imageUrl" alt="Angular Logo">

<!-- Button disabled state -->
<button [disabled]="buttonDisabled">Click Me</button>

<!-- Element width -->
<div [style.width.px]="divWidth">This div has dynamic width</div>

In this example:

  • The image source is bound to the imageUrl property
  • The button's disabled state is controlled by buttonDisabled
  • The div's width is set dynamically based on divWidth

Property Names vs. Attribute Names

It's important to understand that in property binding, you're binding to DOM properties, not HTML attributes. Though they often have the same names, they are different:

  • Attributes are defined in HTML and initialize DOM properties
  • Properties are part of the DOM and can change

For example, the HTML attribute disabled corresponds to the DOM property disabled. When you write:

<button [disabled]="buttonDisabled">Click Me</button>

You're binding to the button element's DOM property, not the HTML attribute.

Boolean Property Binding

For boolean properties like disabled, Angular sets the property to true when the bound expression evaluates to a truthy value:

export class AppComponent {
isButtonDisabled = false;
toggleButton() {
this.isButtonDisabled = !this.isButtonDisabled;
<button [disabled]="isButtonDisabled">
{{ isButtonDisabled ? 'Disabled' : 'Enabled' }}

<button (click)="toggleButton()">Toggle Button State</button>

Property Binding with Expressions

You can use expressions in property binding, not just simple property references:

export class AppComponent {
score = 75;
passingScore = 60;
<div [style.color]="score > passingScore ? 'green' : 'red'">
Your score: {{ score }}

Here, the div's text color will be green if the score is above the passing score, and red otherwise.

Special Property Bindings

Class Binding

You can bind to the class property in several ways:

export class AppComponent {
isSpecial = true;
currentClasses = {
'special-class': true,
'warning-class': false,
'error-class': false
<!-- Single class binding -->
<div [class.special-class]="isSpecial">This div may be special</div>

<!-- Multiple classes object binding -->
<div [ngClass]="currentClasses">Multiple classes</div>

Style Binding

Similarly, you can bind to styles:

export class AppComponent {
isImportant = true;
currentStyles = {
'font-weight': 'bold',
'font-size': '24px',
'color': 'blue'
<!-- Single style binding -->
<div [style.font-weight]="isImportant ? 'bold' : 'normal'">Important content</div>

<!-- With units -->
<div [style.font-size.px]="isImportant ? 24 : 16">Sized content</div>

<!-- Multiple styles binding -->
<div [ngStyle]="currentStyles">Styled content</div>

Real-World Application

Let's look at a practical example of a product card component that uses property binding:

export class ProductCardComponent {
product = {
id: 1,
name: 'Awesome Laptop',
description: 'A high performance laptop for developers',
price: 1299.99,
imageUrl: 'assets/laptop.jpg',
isInStock: true,
rating: 4.5

get ratingColor(): string {
if (this.product.rating >= 4.5) return 'green';
if (this.product.rating >= 3.0) return 'orange';
return 'red';
<div class="product-card">
<!-- Image binding -->
<img [src]="product.imageUrl" [alt]="">

<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<p>{{ product.description }}</p>

<!-- Price with conditional styling -->
<p [style.font-weight]="'bold'" [style.font-size.px]="20">
${{ product.price }}

<!-- Rating with dynamic color based on score -->
<div class="rating" [style.color]="ratingColor">
Rating: {{ product.rating }}/5

<!-- Stock status affects button state -->
{{ product.isInStock ? 'Add to Cart' : 'Out of Stock' }}

In this example, we're using property binding to:

  1. Set the image source and alt text
  2. Apply dynamic styling to the price
  3. Change the color of the rating based on its value
  4. Disable the button and apply a class when the product is out of stock

Handling Security with Property Binding

Angular automatically sanitizes values used in property binding to prevent security vulnerabilities like XSS attacks. If you need to bind potentially unsafe content (like HTML), you need to bypass security using the DomSanitizer:

import { DomSanitizer, SafeHtml } from '@angular/platform-browser';

export class AppComponent {
htmlContent = '<strong>This is bold</strong> and <em>this is emphasized</em>';
safeHtml: SafeHtml;

constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {
this.safeHtml = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(this.htmlContent);
<div [innerHTML]="safeHtml"></div>

Only bypass security when you're sure the content comes from a trusted source!

Best Practices for Property Binding

  1. Use appropriate binding syntax: Use property binding for DOM properties, not for setting up event listeners (use event binding for that).

  2. Avoid complex expressions: Keep expressions in your templates simple. Complex logic should be in the component class.

  3. Consider performance: Property binding triggers change detection. For frequently changing values, consider using OnPush change detection or other optimization strategies.

  4. Use descriptive property names: Make your component properties descriptive so it's clear what they represent when bound in templates.

  5. Sanitize user input: Always sanitize data from external sources before binding them to properties that could pose security risks.

Common Gotchas and Troubleshooting

Binding to the Wrong Property

The DOM property might not be what you expect. For example, to set an input's value:

<!-- Correct -->
<input [value]="username">

<!-- Incorrect (setting the HTML attribute) -->
<input value="{{ username }}">

Property vs. Attribute Binding

Remember, you're binding to DOM properties, not HTML attributes:

<!-- This binds to the href DOM property -->
<a [href]="url">Link</a>

<!-- This sets the href HTML attribute (rarely needed) -->
<a [attr.href]="url">Link</a>


Property binding is a core concept in Angular that enables one-way data flow from your component class to DOM elements. Using the [property]="expression" syntax, you can dynamically control element properties based on your application's state.

Key points to remember:

  • Property binding uses square brackets [ ]
  • It creates a one-way binding from component to DOM
  • You bind to DOM properties, not HTML attributes
  • Angular sanitizes values to prevent security vulnerabilities
  • Different types of binding like class binding and style binding provide specific functionality

With property binding, your Angular templates become dynamic reflections of your component's state, creating responsive and interactive user interfaces.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a simple image gallery component that uses property binding to display different images when clicking "Next" and "Previous" buttons.

  2. Build a form with various input fields where the validation state (valid/invalid) affects the styling of the inputs using property binding.

  3. Create a "theme switcher" component that uses class and style binding to change multiple visual aspects of your application based on a selected theme.

  4. Implement a progress bar component that uses property binding to show progress percentage and changes colors based on the progress value.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)