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Django Development Server

When you're building a web application with Django, you need a way to test your code and see your pages in a browser as you develop. That's exactly what the Django development server is for - it's a lightweight, easy-to-use web server that comes built-in with Django, designed specifically for development purposes.

What is the Django Development Server?

The Django development server (sometimes called the "runserver") is a built-in, lightweight web server that Django provides to help developers test their applications during development. It's not meant for production use but offers a convenient way to see your Django project in action without setting up a full production server.

Starting the Development Server

To start the Django development server, navigate to your project's root directory (where the file is located) in your terminal or command prompt and run:

python runserver

When you execute this command, you'll see output similar to this:

Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
July 25, 2023 - 15:30:20
Django version 4.2.3, using settings 'myproject.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Now your development server is running! You can access your Django application by opening a web browser and navigating to or http://localhost:8000/.

Customizing the Server

Changing the Port

By default, the development server runs on port 8000. If you want to use a different port, you can specify it as an argument:

python runserver 8080

This starts the server on port 8080 instead.

Binding to Different IP Addresses

If you want your development server to be accessible from other devices on your network, you can bind it to (all available IPv4 addresses):

python runserver

This allows other devices on your network to access your Django application using your computer's IP address, like (replace with your actual IP address).

Key Features of the Development Server

Automatic Reloading

One of the most useful features of Django's development server is that it automatically detects changes to your Python code and restarts itself. When you modify a file, the server reloads, allowing you to see your changes without manual restarts.

# In your file
def hello_world(request):
return HttpResponse("Hello, World!")

# After changing to:
def hello_world(request):
return HttpResponse("Hello, Django Developer!")
# The server automatically reloads

Debug Information

When DEBUG = True in your settings file (which is the default for new projects), Django provides detailed error pages when exceptions occur. These pages show extensive debugging information including:

  • The full traceback of the exception
  • Local variables at each level in the traceback
  • Settings that might be relevant to the error
  • Request and response information

This makes troubleshooting much easier during development.

Development Server vs. Production Server

It's crucial to understand that the Django development server is not suitable for production environments for several reasons:

  1. Security: It hasn't undergone security audits and may have vulnerabilities
  2. Performance: It's not optimized for handling multiple concurrent users or high traffic
  3. Stability: It's designed for convenience, not reliability under load

For production deployment, you should use established web servers like:

  • Nginx or Apache with WSGI (Gunicorn, uWSGI, etc.)
  • Cloud platforms with Django support (Heroku, PythonAnywhere, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, etc.)

Practical Example: Developing a Simple App

Let's see how the development server fits into a typical development workflow:

  1. First, create a new Django project and app:
django-admin startproject blog_project
cd blog_project
python startapp blog
  1. Add your app to INSTALLED_APPS in
'blog', # Add your new app here
  1. Create a simple view in blog/
from django.http import HttpResponse

def index(request):
return HttpResponse("<h1>Welcome to my Django Blog!</h1>")
  1. Create a URL pattern in a new file blog/
from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
path('', views.index, name='index'),
  1. Include the app URLs in the project URLs (blog_project/
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
path('blog/', include('blog.urls')),
  1. Now start the development server:
python runserver
  1. Visit http://localhost:8000/blog/ in your browser and you'll see your "Welcome to my Django Blog!" message.

As you make changes to your views, models, or templates, the development server will automatically reload, allowing you to see your changes immediately.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Port Already in Use

If you see an error like: Error: That port is already in use, it means another application is already using the specified port. You can use a different port:

python runserver 8001

Server Won't Start

If the server fails to start, common causes include:

  1. Invalid Python syntax in your code
  2. Import errors from missing dependencies
  3. Settings configuration errors

The error output will usually guide you to the source of the problem.

The Server Keeps Restarting

If your server keeps restarting in an infinite loop, you might have code that's causing an immediate crash after startup. Check for syntax errors or logic issues in your startup code, particularly in the file or any code that runs on import.


The Django development server is an essential tool for Django developers that:

  • Provides a simple way to test your Django applications
  • Automatically reloads when you make code changes
  • Shows detailed error information when things go wrong
  • Is designed specifically for the development phase

Remember that while it's perfect for development, you should always use a production-grade web server when deploying your application to the real world.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a new Django project and start the development server on port 9000.
  2. Modify your development server to be accessible from other devices on your network.
  3. Create a simple "Hello World" view and observe how changes to the view are automatically detected by the server.
  4. Intentionally create an error in your view and explore the debugging information provided by Django's error page.
  5. Research how you would deploy your Django application to a production environment using Gunicorn and Nginx.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)