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.NET Stacks


In software development, we often need to store and retrieve data in a specific order. A Stack is a collection that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle - the last item added to the stack is the first one to be removed. Think of it like a pile of plates: you add plates to the top and remove them from the top.

In .NET, the Stack class provides an implementation of this data structure, making it easy to work with stack operations in your applications.

Understanding the Stack Data Structure

The Stack data structure is based on the LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) principle, which means:

  • The last element inserted is the first one to be removed
  • Elements are added to the "top" of the stack using a Push operation
  • Elements are removed from the "top" of the stack using a Pop operation
  • You can look at the top element without removing it using a Peek operation

Creating Stacks in .NET

.NET provides the Stack<T> class (generic) and the legacy non-generic Stack class. We'll focus on the generic version as it provides type safety and better performance.

Basic Creation

// Create a new empty stack of integers
Stack<int> numberStack = new Stack<int>();

// Create a stack with initial values
Stack<string> nameStack = new Stack<string>(
new string[] { "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie" }

Key Stack Operations

Push Operation

The Push method adds an item to the top of the stack.

Stack<string> bookStack = new Stack<string>();

// Adding items to the stack
bookStack.Push("Harry Potter");
bookStack.Push("The Hobbit");

// Now our stack contains: 1984 (top), The Hobbit, Harry Potter (bottom)

Pop Operation

The Pop method removes and returns the item at the top of the stack.

// Using our previous bookStack example
string lastBook = bookStack.Pop(); // Removes and returns "1984"
Console.WriteLine($"Last book: {lastBook}");

// Now our stack contains: The Hobbit (top), Harry Potter (bottom)


Last book: 1984

Peek Operation

The Peek method returns the top item without removing it.

// Continuing with our bookStack
string topBook = bookStack.Peek(); // Returns "The Hobbit" without removing it
Console.WriteLine($"Top book: {topBook}");

// Stack is still: The Hobbit (top), Harry Potter (bottom)


Top book: The Hobbit

Count Property

You can check how many elements are in a stack using the Count property.

Console.WriteLine($"Number of books in the stack: {bookStack.Count}");


Number of books in the stack: 2

Contains Method

The Contains method checks if an item exists in the stack.

bool hasHobbit = bookStack.Contains("The Hobbit");
Console.WriteLine($"Stack contains 'The Hobbit': {hasHobbit}");

bool hasNarnia = bookStack.Contains("Narnia");
Console.WriteLine($"Stack contains 'Narnia': {hasNarnia}");


Stack contains 'The Hobbit': True
Stack contains 'Narnia': False

Clear Method

The Clear method removes all items from the stack.

Console.WriteLine($"Stack count after clearing: {bookStack.Count}");


Stack count after clearing: 0

Iterating Through a Stack

When you iterate through a stack, items are returned in LIFO order (from top to bottom).

Stack<int> numberStack = new Stack<int>();

Console.WriteLine("Items in the stack:");
foreach(int number in numberStack)


Items in the stack:

Stack vs List - When to Use a Stack

A stack is more specialized than a general-purpose list:

Access patternLIFO onlyRandom access
Primary operationsPush, Pop, PeekAdd, Remove, Insert, etc.
Order of elementsLast added is first accessedAny element can be accessed
Memory efficiencyGenerally more efficient for LIFOMore versatile but can be less efficient

Practical Examples of Stack Usage

Example 1: Undo Functionality

Stacks are perfect for implementing undo functionality in applications:

class SimpleTextEditor
private string _currentText = "";
private Stack<string> _undoStack = new Stack<string>();

public void AddText(string text)
_currentText += text;
Console.WriteLine($"Current text: {_currentText}");

public void Undo()
if (_undoStack.Count > 0)
_currentText = _undoStack.Pop();
Console.WriteLine($"After undo: {_currentText}");
Console.WriteLine("Nothing to undo");

// Usage
SimpleTextEditor editor = new SimpleTextEditor();
editor.AddText("Hello ");


Current text: Hello 
Current text: Hello World!
After undo: Hello
After undo:

Example 2: Checking Balanced Parentheses

Stacks are often used in compiler design to check for balanced symbols:

bool AreParenthesesBalanced(string expression)
Stack<char> stack = new Stack<char>();

foreach(char c in expression)
if (c == '(' || c == '[' || c == '{')
// Push opening brackets onto the stack
else if (c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}')
// For closing brackets, check if the stack is empty
if (stack.Count == 0)
return false;

// Get the top element
char top = stack.Pop();

// Check for matching pairs
if ((c == ')' && top != '(') ||
(c == ']' && top != '[') ||
(c == '}' && top != '{'))
return false;

// If stack is empty, all brackets were matched
return stack.Count == 0;

// Testing the function
Console.WriteLine($"'(a+b)' is balanced: {AreParenthesesBalanced("(a+b)")}");
Console.WriteLine($"'[(a+b)*c]' is balanced: {AreParenthesesBalanced("[(a+b)*c]")}");
Console.WriteLine($"'[(a+b)*c' is balanced: {AreParenthesesBalanced("[(a+b)*c")}");
Console.WriteLine($"')a+b(' is balanced: {AreParenthesesBalanced(")a+b(")}");


'(a+b)' is balanced: True
'[(a+b)*c]' is balanced: True
'[(a+b)*c' is balanced: False
')a+b(' is balanced: False

Example 3: Converting Decimal to Binary

Stacks can help with number system conversions:

string DecimalToBinary(int number)
if (number == 0)
return "0";

Stack<int> remainders = new Stack<int>();

while (number > 0)
int remainder = number % 2;
number /= 2;

// Build the binary string
StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
while (remainders.Count > 0)

return binary.ToString();

// Test the conversion
Console.WriteLine($"10 in binary: {DecimalToBinary(10)}");
Console.WriteLine($"42 in binary: {DecimalToBinary(42)}");
Console.WriteLine($"255 in binary: {DecimalToBinary(255)}");


10 in binary: 1010
42 in binary: 101010
255 in binary: 11111111

Stack Performance Considerations

  • Push and Pop Operations: O(1) - Constant time
  • Peek Operation: O(1) - Constant time
  • Contains Operation: O(n) - Linear time (has to search through items)
  • Memory Usage: Efficient for LIFO operations

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

  1. Avoid using Stack for random access: If you need to access items in the middle of the collection, a Stack isn't the right data structure.

  2. Check before Pop/Peek: Always check if the stack is empty before performing Pop or Peek operations to avoid exceptions.

  3. Consider thread safety: The standard Stack<T> is not thread-safe. Use ConcurrentStack<T> for concurrent operations.

  4. Fixed-size stacks: If you know the maximum size in advance, you can optimize memory usage by specifying capacity when creating the stack.

// Create a stack with initial capacity
Stack<int> efficientStack = new Stack<int>(capacity: 100);


Stacks are a specialized collection that follows the Last-In-First-Out principle. In .NET, the Stack<T> class provides an efficient implementation with key operations like Push, Pop, and Peek. Stacks are particularly useful for scenarios like:

  • Tracking state changes for undo functionality
  • Validating balanced expressions
  • Algorithm implementations like depth-first search
  • Function call management
  • Expression evaluation

Understanding when to use a Stack versus other collection types is key to writing efficient, maintainable code.

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a function that reverses a string using a Stack.
  2. Implement a simple calculator that can evaluate postfix expressions using a Stack.
  3. Build a navigation history feature (like a browser's back button) using a Stack.
  4. Create a function that checks if a given string is a palindrome using a Stack.
  5. Implement a depth-first traversal algorithm for a tree structure using a Stack.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)