Express Memory Leaks
Memory leaks in Express applications can cause your server to slow down over time and eventually crash. Understanding how to identify and fix these issues is critical for maintaining performant and reliable web applications.
What is a Memory Leak?
A memory leak occurs when your application allocates memory but fails to release it when it's no longer needed. In JavaScript and Node.js, this typically happens when objects are unintentionally kept in memory even after they should be garbage collected.
In Express applications, memory leaks are particularly problematic because:
- Servers are expected to run for long periods without restarting
- Each user request adds to memory usage
- Under high load, memory leaks can cause catastrophic failures
Common Causes of Memory Leaks in Express
1. Unbounded Caches
// PROBLEM: This cache will grow indefinitely
const requestCache = {};
app.get('/api/data/:id', (req, res) => {
const id =;
if (requestCache[id]) {
return res.json(requestCache[id]);
// Fetch data
const data = fetchData(id);
// Store in cache without limits
requestCache[id] = data;
return res.json(data);
2. Event Listeners Not Being Removed
// PROBLEM: Event listeners pile up
const db = require('./database');
app.get('/api/listen', (req, res) => {
// This adds a new listener on EVERY request
db.on('update', (data) => {
// Handle update
console.log('Database updated', data);
res.send('Listening for updates');
3. Closures Capturing Large Objects
// PROBLEM: Large data captured in closure
app.get('/api/process', (req, res) => {
const hugeData = loadHugeDataSet(); // Several MB of data
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
// This closure captures hugeData in memory
// If we forget to clear the interval, hugeData stays in memory
}, 1000);
res.send('Processing started');
4. Global Variables Growing Over Time
// PROBLEM: Global array that only grows
const allRequests = [];
app.use((req, res, next) => {
// Track all requests
url: req.url,
method: req.method,
body: req.body // This could be large!
How to Detect Memory Leaks
Using Built-in Node.js Tools
Node.js provides tools to check memory usage:
// Add this endpoint to check memory usage
app.get('/debug/memory', (req, res) => {
const memoryUsage = process.memoryUsage();
rss: `${Math.round(memoryUsage.rss / 1024 / 1024)} MB`,
heapTotal: `${Math.round(memoryUsage.heapTotal / 1024 / 1024)} MB`,
heapUsed: `${Math.round(memoryUsage.heapUsed / 1024 / 1024)} MB`,
external: `${Math.round(memoryUsage.external / 1024 / 1024)} MB`
Using External Tools
There are several tools you can use to monitor memory usage:
- Node.js Inspector: Use Chrome DevTools to analyze heap snapshots
- Clinic.js: A suite of tools for diagnosing performance issues
- PM2: Process manager with memory monitoring
Fixing Common Memory Leaks
1. Implement Bounded Caches
// SOLUTION: Using a bounded LRU cache
const LRU = require('lru-cache');
const cache = new LRU({
max: 500, // Maximum items
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 // Items expire after 1 hour
app.get('/api/data/:id', (req, res) => {
const id =;
if (cache.has(id)) {
return res.json(cache.get(id));
// Fetch data
const data = fetchData(id);
// Store in bounded cache
cache.set(id, data);
return res.json(data);
2. Clean Up Event Listeners
// SOLUTION: Remove event listeners when done
const db = require('./database');
app.get('/api/listen', (req, res) => {
const handler = (data) => {
// Handle update
console.log('Database updated', data);
db.on('update', handler);
// Set timeout to remove listener after some time
setTimeout(() => {
db.removeListener('update', handler);
}, 60000); // Remove after 1 minute
res.send('Listening for updates (for 1 minute only)');
3. Avoid Capturing Large Objects in Closures
// SOLUTION: Process data then release it
app.get('/api/process', (req, res) => {
// Start a background job without keeping data in memory
.then(() => {
console.log('Job completed');
res.send('Processing started');
// This function doesn't keep the data in a closure
function startProcessingJob(jobId) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
// Load only the data we need for this chunk
const dataChunk = loadNextChunk(jobId);
if (!dataChunk) {
// dataChunk goes out of scope here
}, 1000);
4. Limit Collection Sizes
// SOLUTION: Limit the collection size
const allRequests = [];
const MAX_REQUESTS = 1000;
app.use((req, res, next) => {
// Only keep essential information
url: req.url,
method: req.method,
// Don't store the body!
// Remove old entries if we exceed our limit
if (allRequests.length > MAX_REQUESTS) {
allRequests.shift(); // Remove oldest entry
Real-World Example: API Server with Memory Leak Prevention
Let's build a small but complete Express API server that implements memory leak prevention techniques:
const express = require('express');
const LRU = require('lru-cache');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const app = express();
// Create bounded cache
const userCache = new LRU({
max: 1000,
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 15 // 15 minutes
// Event bus with leak protection
class SafeEventBus extends EventEmitter {
constructor() {
// Set a maximum number of listeners to detect potential leaks
const eventBus = new SafeEventBus();
// Track active connections for cleanup
const activeConnections = new Set();
// Monitor memory and emit warning at thresholds
function checkMemory() {
const memUsage = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024;
console.log(`Memory usage: ${Math.round(memUsage)} MB`);
if (memUsage > 1024) { // 1GB
console.error('CRITICAL: Memory usage too high, potential leak');
// In production, you might want to notify your monitoring system
// Check memory usage every 30 seconds
setInterval(checkMemory, 30000);
// API endpoints
app.get('/api/users/:id', (req, res) => {
const userId =;
if (userCache.has(userId)) {
return res.json(userCache.get(userId));
// Simulate database call
setTimeout(() => {
const user = {
id: userId,
name: `User ${userId}`,
email: `user${userId}`
userCache.set(userId, user);
}, 100);
// Example of SSE (Server-Sent Events) with proper cleanup
app.get('/api/events', (req, res) => {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/event-stream');
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
res.setHeader('Connection', 'keep-alive');
// Send initial message
res.write('data: Connected to event stream\n\n');
// Create event handler
const eventHandler = (event) => {
res.write(`data: ${JSON.stringify(event)}\n\n`);
// Register handler
eventBus.on('newEvent', eventHandler);
// Track this connection
// Clean up when client disconnects
req.on('close', () => {
eventBus.removeListener('newEvent', eventHandler);
// Simulate event generation
setInterval(() => {
eventBus.emit('newEvent', {
time: new Date().toISOString(),
message: 'Periodic update'
}, 10000);
// Graceful shutdown to prevent memory leaks
process.on('SIGTERM', shutdown);
process.on('SIGINT', shutdown);
function shutdown() {
console.log('Shutting down gracefully...');
// Close all active connections
for (const connection of activeConnections) {
// Clear cache
// Remove all event listeners
console.log('Cleanup complete, exiting');
// Start server
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server running on port ${PORT}`);
Best Practices Summary
- Use Bounded Caches: Always set limits on your caches using libraries like
- Clean Up Event Listeners: Always remove event listeners when they're no longer needed
- Watch Closure Scope: Be careful not to capture large objects in closures, especially in timers
- Limit Collection Sizes: For logging or tracking, always limit array or object sizes
- Use WeakMaps/WeakSets: For associating data with objects without preventing garbage collection
- Monitor Memory Usage: Set up regular memory usage checks
- Implement Graceful Shutdown: Clean up resources when your app terminates
- Set Memory Limits: Use the
flag when starting Node.js
Memory Profiling in Production
For production environments, consider implementing a memory profiling endpoint that's only accessible to administrators:
// SECURITY NOTE: Protect this endpoint in production!
app.get('/admin/heap-snapshot', authenticateAdmin, (req, res) => {
const heapdump = require('heapdump');
const filename = `/tmp/heap-${}.heapsnapshot`;
heapdump.writeSnapshot(filename, (err) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(500).send('Failed to generate heap snapshot');
}, () => {
// Delete file after download
require('fs').unlink(filename, () => {});
Memory leaks in Express.js applications can significantly impact performance and reliability. By understanding common causes and implementing preventative measures, you can keep your applications running smoothly even under heavy load.
Remember the key principles:
- Set boundaries on all data storage
- Clean up resources when they're no longer needed
- Monitor memory usage regularly
- Implement graceful shutdown procedures
With these practices, your Express applications will be more resilient and performant in production environments.
Additional Resources
- Node.js Memory Management Documentation
- Clinic.js - Node.js Performance Analysis Tool
- lru-cache npm package
- heapdump npm package
Create an Express application and implement a memory leak on purpose (e.g., unbounded cache), then use Node.js memory profiling tools to identify the leak.
Convert an existing Express route that uses a simple object as a cache to use
instead. -
Write a middleware that monitors request counts and response times without causing a memory leak.
Implement a graceful shutdown procedure for an Express application that cleans up resources properly.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)