FastAPI Dependency Management
When building APIs with FastAPI, one of its most powerful features is the dependency injection system. This elegant mechanism helps you organize your code, make it more maintainable, and avoid repetition. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to effectively use FastAPI's dependency management to write better code.
What are Dependencies in FastAPI?
Dependencies in FastAPI are functions (or callable objects) that can be used to:
- Share code logic between different path operation functions
- Implement security and authentication flows
- Handle database connections
- Validate additional inputs or parameters
- Return specific data or objects that will be used by path operations
When you declare a dependency for a path operation, FastAPI will automatically execute the dependency function before your path operation function and pass its results to your function.
Basic Dependency Example
Let's start with a simple example:
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
async def get_query_parameter(q: str = None):
return {"q": q}
async def read_items(query_params: dict = Depends(get_query_parameter)):
return query_params
Here's what happens when you call this endpoint:
- When a request comes to
, FastAPI executesget_query_parameter()
first - If the request has a query parameter
, it gets passed to the dependency - The dependency returns a dictionary with the query parameter
- This dictionary is then passed to the
function asquery_params
- The path operation function returns this dictionary
If you make a request to /items/?q=test
, you'll get this response:
"q": "test"
Creating Reusable Dependencies
One of the main benefits of dependencies is reusability. Let's create a more practical example:
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException
from typing import Annotated
app = FastAPI()
# A simple database simulation
fake_users_db = {
"john": {"username": "john", "email": "[email protected]", "is_active": True},
"alice": {"username": "alice", "email": "[email protected]", "is_active": True},
"bob": {"username": "bob", "email": "[email protected]", "is_active": False},
def get_user(username: str):
"""Dependency to fetch user data from database"""
if username not in fake_users_db:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="User not found")
return fake_users_db[username]
def get_active_user(user: dict = Depends(get_user)):
"""Dependency that uses another dependency"""
if not user["is_active"]:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")
return user
# Type annotations can make dependencies clearer
UserDep = Annotated[dict, Depends(get_user)]
ActiveUserDep = Annotated[dict, Depends(get_active_user)]
async def read_user(user: UserDep):
return user
async def read_active_user(user: ActiveUserDep):
return user
In this example:
- We define a
dependency that retrieves a user from our fake database - We then create a
dependency that depends onget_user
and adds additional logic - We use type annotations to make our code cleaner
- We use these dependencies in different path operations
If you call /users/john
, you'll get John's data. If you call /users/bob
, you'll also get Bob's data.
But if you call /active-users/bob
, you'll get a 400 error because Bob is not active.
Class-based Dependencies
For more complex dependencies, you can use classes that implement the __call__
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from typing import Annotated
app = FastAPI()
class QueryChecker:
def __init__(self, min_length: int = 3):
self.min_length = min_length
def __call__(self, q: str = None):
if q is None:
return None
if len(q) < self.min_length:
return f"Query is too short (min: {self.min_length})"
return q
# Create instances with different configurations
default_checker = QueryChecker()
strict_checker = QueryChecker(min_length=5)
async def read_with_default_check(result: Annotated[str, Depends(default_checker)]):
return {"result": result}
async def read_with_strict_check(result: Annotated[str, Depends(strict_checker)]):
return {"result": result}
Class-based dependencies are especially useful when you need to:
- Configure the dependency with parameters
- Reuse the dependency with different configurations
- Organize related dependencies together
- Have a more complex state or behavior
Global Dependencies
Sometimes you need to execute certain code for all requests. FastAPI allows you to add dependencies to the application itself:
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, Header, HTTPException
from typing import Annotated
async def verify_api_key(x_api_key: Annotated[str | None, Header()] = None):
if x_api_key != "valid_api_key":
raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail="Invalid API Key")
return x_api_key
app = FastAPI(dependencies=[Depends(verify_api_key)])
async def read_items():
return {"message": "You have access to the items"}
async def read_users():
return {"message": "You have access to the users"}
Now, both endpoints require a valid API key in the header (X-API-Key: valid_api_key
Dependency Design Patterns
1. Sub-dependencies (dependency trees)
You can create chains of dependencies where one dependency depends on another:
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from typing import Annotated
app = FastAPI()
async def common_parameters(q: str = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100):
return {"q": q, "skip": skip, "limit": limit}
async def pagination(commons: Annotated[dict, Depends(common_parameters)]):
return {"skip": commons["skip"], "limit": commons["limit"]}
async def filtering(commons: Annotated[dict, Depends(common_parameters)]):
return {"q": commons["q"]}
async def read_items(
pagination_params: Annotated[dict, Depends(pagination)],
filter_params: Annotated[dict, Depends(filtering)]
return {
"pagination": pagination_params,
"filters": filter_params,
"items": [{"item_id": i} for i in range(pagination_params["skip"], pagination_params["skip"] + pagination_params["limit"])]
2. Yield Dependencies for Resource Management
FastAPI supports dependencies that use yield
instead of return
, which is perfect for resource management:
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from typing import Annotated
app = FastAPI()
async def get_db_connection():
print("Opening database connection")
# In a real application, this would connect to a database
db = {"connection": "object"}
yield db
print("Closing database connection")
# In a real application, this would close the connection
async def read_items(db: Annotated[dict, Depends(get_db_connection)]):
# Use db connection here
print("Using database connection")
return {"message": "Database connection was used"}
When you call this endpoint, the logs will show:
Opening database connection
Using database connection
Closing database connection
This is extremely useful for:
- Database connections
- File handling
- Network connections
- Any resource that needs proper cleanup
Solving Common Problems with Dependencies
Problem 1: Authentication and Authorization
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, status
from import OAuth2PasswordBearer
from typing import Annotated
app = FastAPI()
# This is a simplified auth system - in a real app, you'd validate tokens properly
oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")
fake_users_db = {
"john": {
"username": "john",
"email": "[email protected]",
"is_admin": False
"alice": {
"username": "alice",
"email": "[email protected]",
"is_admin": True
# Token simulation - in a real app you'd decode and verify JWT tokens
fake_tokens = {
"john_token": "john",
"alice_token": "alice"
async def get_current_user(token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)]):
if token not in fake_tokens:
raise HTTPException(
detail="Invalid authentication credentials",
headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
username = fake_tokens[token]
user = fake_users_db.get(username)
if not user:
raise HTTPException(
detail="User not found",
headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
return user
async def get_admin_user(current_user: Annotated[dict, Depends(get_current_user)]):
if not current_user["is_admin"]:
raise HTTPException(
detail="Not enough permissions"
return current_user
async def read_users_me(current_user: Annotated[dict, Depends(get_current_user)]):
return current_user
async def read_admin_data(admin_user: Annotated[dict, Depends(get_admin_user)]):
return {"message": "You are an admin", "user": admin_user}
Problem 2: Database Session Management
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException
from typing import Annotated, List
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, Session
app = FastAPI()
# In a real app, you would use environment variables for the connection string
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = "sqlite:///./test.db"
engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL)
SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)
Base = declarative_base()
# Dependency for database sessions
def get_db():
db = SessionLocal()
yield db
# Models would be defined here in a real app
async def read_users(db: Annotated[Session, Depends(get_db)]):
# In a real app, you would query the database
# users = db.query(User).all()
# For this example, we'll just return dummy data
return [{"id": 1, "name": "John"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Alice"}]
async def read_user(user_id: int, db: Annotated[Session, Depends(get_db)]):
# In a real app, you would query the database
# user = db.query(User).filter( == user_id).first()
# if user is None:
# raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="User not found")
# For this example, we'll just return dummy data
if user_id not in [1, 2]:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="User not found")
user_data = {"id": user_id, "name": "John" if user_id == 1 else "Alice"}
return user_data
Using Dependency Overrides for Testing
FastAPI allows you to override dependencies during testing, which is incredibly useful:
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from typing import Annotated
app = FastAPI()
async def get_db():
# This would normally connect to the real database
return {"name": "production_db", "data": "real data"}
async def read_items(db: Annotated[dict, Depends(get_db)]):
return {"database": db["name"], "data": db["data"]}
# For testing, we can override the dependency
client = TestClient(app)
async def override_get_db():
# Return a test database instead
return {"name": "test_db", "data": "test data"}
# Test function
def test_read_items():
# Override the dependency
app.dependency_overrides[get_db] = override_get_db
# Make the request
response = client.get("/items/")
# Assert the response
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.json() == {"database": "test_db", "data": "test data"}
# Clean up the override
app.dependency_overrides = {}
This feature makes unit testing much easier since you can replace real dependencies (like databases, external APIs, etc.) with test doubles.
FastAPI's dependency injection system is a powerful tool for writing clean, maintainable, and testable code. We've explored:
- Basic dependency usage
- Creating dependency chains
- Class-based dependencies
- Global dependencies
- Resource management with yield dependencies
- Common patterns for authentication, database management, and testing
These techniques will help you structure your FastAPI applications better, reduce code duplication, and make your code more modular and testable.
Additional Resources
Create a FastAPI application with a dependency that validates that a header
is present in all requests. -
Implement a rate-limiting dependency that allows only 5 requests per minute from the same IP address.
Create a dependency tree where:
- A base dependency gets query parameters
- A second dependency validates them
- A third dependency transforms the parameters
- Finally, use all these in a path operation
Implement a context management dependency using
that tracks the time it takes to process each request and logs it. -
Create a testing setup where you override database dependencies with mock implementations for unit testing.
By mastering dependency management in FastAPI, you'll be able to build more robust and maintainable APIs. Happy coding!
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)