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React Performance Checklist

Performance optimization is a critical aspect of building production-grade React applications. When your app grows in complexity, it can become slow and unresponsive if not optimized properly. This guide provides a comprehensive checklist to help you identify and fix performance bottlenecks in your React applications.

Why React Performance Matters

React is already quite fast out of the box. However, as your application grows, unnecessary re-renders, inefficient data fetching, and large bundle sizes can significantly degrade user experience. Optimizing your React application can lead to:

  • Faster page load times
  • Smoother user interactions
  • Lower bounce rates
  • Better SEO rankings
  • Improved conversion rates

Performance Optimization Checklist

1. Prevent Unnecessary Re-renders

React's virtual DOM helps minimize costly DOM operations, but each component render still requires computational resources. Here's how to prevent unnecessary re-renders:

Use React.memo for Function Components

React.memo is a higher-order component that memoizes your component, preventing re-renders if props haven't changed.

import React from 'react';

// Without memoization - will re-render on every parent render
function UserProfile({ name, email }) {
console.log('UserProfile rendered');
return (
<div className="profile">

// With memoization - only re-renders when props change
const MemoizedUserProfile = React.memo(UserProfile);

export default MemoizedUserProfile;

Use PureComponent for Class Components

PureComponent automatically implements shouldComponentUpdate with a shallow props and state comparison.

import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';

// PureComponent only re-renders when props or state actually change
class UserProfile extends PureComponent {
render() {
console.log('UserProfile rendered');
return (
<div className="profile">

export default UserProfile;

Implement shouldComponentUpdate

For complex components, implement your own comparison logic:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class ComplexList extends Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
// Only re-render if the list items have changed
return this.props.items.length !== nextProps.items.length ||
JSON.stringify(this.props.items) !== JSON.stringify(nextProps.items);

render() {
console.log('ComplexList rendered');
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>{}</li>

2. Optimize State Management

Poor state management can trigger unnecessary renders throughout your component tree.

Keep State as Local as Possible

State that only affects a specific component should be kept in that component, not in a global store:

// Bad: Global state for component-specific data
function App() {
const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState(false);

return (
<Header />
<Content />
<Footer openModal={() => setIsModalOpen(true)} />
<Modal isOpen={isModalOpen} onClose={() => setIsModalOpen(false)} />

// Good: Local state for component-specific data
function App() {
return (
<Header />
<Content />
<Footer />
<ModalWrapper />

function ModalWrapper() {
const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState(false);

return (
<button onClick={() => setIsModalOpen(true)}>Open Modal</button>
<Modal isOpen={isModalOpen} onClose={() => setIsModalOpen(false)} />

Use Context API Wisely

Wrap context providers around only the components that need them:

function App() {
return (
<Header />
{/* Only ContentSection needs ThemeContext */}
<ContentSection />
<Footer />

3. Memoize Expensive Calculations

Use useMemo to avoid recalculating expensive values on every render:

import React, { useMemo, useState } from 'react';

function DataGrid({ items, filter }) {
// This filtered list will only be recalculated when items or filter changes
const filteredItems = useMemo(() => {
console.log('Filtering items - expensive operation');
return items.filter(item =>;
}, [items, filter]);

return (
{ => (
<li key={}>{}</li>

4. Optimize Event Handlers with useCallback

Memoize event handlers to prevent unnecessary renders in child components:

import React, { useCallback, useState } from 'react';

function ParentComponent() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

// Without useCallback, this function is recreated on every render
// const handleClick = () => {
// console.log('Button clicked');
// };

// With useCallback, this function is memoized
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
console.log('Button clicked');
setCount(c => c + 1);
}, []);

return (
<p>Count: {count}</p>
<ExpensiveChild onClick={handleClick} />

// This component uses React.memo to prevent unnecessary renders
const ExpensiveChild = React.memo(({ onClick }) => {
console.log('ExpensiveChild rendered');
return <button onClick={onClick}>Click me</button>;

5. Implement Code Splitting

Large bundle sizes can slow down your application's initial load time. Split your code into smaller chunks that load on demand:

Route-Based Code Splitting

import React, { Suspense, lazy } from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

// Instead of importing components directly
// import Home from './pages/Home';
// import Dashboard from './pages/Dashboard';
// import Profile from './pages/Profile';

// Lazy load components
const Home = lazy(() => import('./pages/Home'));
const Dashboard = lazy(() => import('./pages/Dashboard'));
const Profile = lazy(() => import('./pages/Profile'));

function App() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/dashboard" element={<Dashboard />} />
<Route path="/profile" element={<Profile />} />

Component-Based Code Splitting

import React, { Suspense, lazy, useState } from 'react';

// Lazy load a complex component
const HeavyChart = lazy(() => import('./components/HeavyChart'));

function Dashboard() {
const [showChart, setShowChart] = useState(false);

return (
<button onClick={() => setShowChart(true)}>Load Chart</button>

{showChart && (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading chart...</div>}>
<HeavyChart />

6. Virtualize Long Lists

When rendering long lists, only render the items that are currently visible in the viewport:

import React from 'react';
import { FixedSizeList } from 'react-window';

function VirtualizedList({ items }) {
// Render function for each list item
const Row = ({ index, style }) => (
<div style={style} className="list-item">

return (

// Usage
function App() {
const items = Array(10000).fill().map((_, i) => ({ id: i, name: `Item ${i}` }));

return (
<div className="app">
<h1>Virtualized List Demo</h1>
<VirtualizedList items={items} />

7. Optimize Images and Assets

Large images and assets can significantly impact your app's performance:

Use Next-Gen Image Formats

function ProductCard({ product }) {
return (
<div className="card">
<source srcSet={product.image.webp} type="image/webp" />
<source srcSet={product.image.jpg} type="image/jpeg" />

8. Implement Caching for API Calls

Avoid unnecessary network requests by caching API results:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

// Simple cache implementation
const cache = new Map();

function UserProfile({ userId }) {
const [user, setUser] = useState(null);
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);

useEffect(() => {
const fetchUser = async () => {

// Check if data is in cache
if (cache.has(userId)) {
console.log('Using cached data');

// Fetch data if not in cache
try {
const response = await fetch(`${userId}`);
const userData = await response.json();

// Store in cache
cache.set(userId, userData);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching user data:', error);
} finally {

}, [userId]);

if (loading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (!user) return <div>Error loading user</div>;

return (
<div className="user-profile">

9. Use Web Workers for CPU-Intensive Tasks

Move CPU-intensive operations off the main thread:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

// Assume we have a web worker file: worker.js
function DataProcessor() {
const [result, setResult] = useState(null);
const [processing, setProcessing] = useState(false);

const processData = () => {

// Create a web worker
const worker = new Worker('/worker.js');

// Listen for messages from the worker
worker.onmessage = (event) => {
worker.terminate(); // Clean up when done

// Send data to the worker
action: 'PROCESS_DATA',
payload: largeDataset

return (
<button onClick={processData} disabled={processing}>
{processing ? 'Processing...' : 'Process Data'}
{result && (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}</pre>

10. Use Performance Profiling Tools

React DevTools include a Profiler tab that helps identify performance issues:

Real-World Optimization Example

Let's combine several techniques to optimize a product list page:

import React, { useState, useCallback, useMemo, Suspense, lazy } from 'react';
import { FixedSizeList } from 'react-window';

// Lazy-loaded components
const ProductFilters = lazy(() => import('./ProductFilters'));
const ProductDetails = lazy(() => import('./ProductDetails'));

function ProductListPage({ products: initialProducts }) {
const [filters, setFilters] = useState({
minPrice: 0,
maxPrice: 1000,
category: 'all'
const [selectedProduct, setSelectedProduct] = useState(null);

// Memoized filtering - expensive calculation
const filteredProducts = useMemo(() => {
console.log('Filtering products');
return initialProducts.filter(product => {
return (
product.price >= filters.minPrice &&
product.price <= filters.maxPrice &&
(filters.category === 'all' || product.category === filters.category)
}, [initialProducts, filters.minPrice, filters.maxPrice, filters.category]);

// Memoized callback for filter changes
const handleFilterChange = useCallback((newFilters) => {
setFilters(prev => ({ ...prev, ...newFilters }));
}, []);

// Memoized callback for product selection
const handleProductSelect = useCallback((product) => {
}, []);

// Row renderer for virtualized list
const Row = useCallback(({ index, style }) => {
const product = filteredProducts[index];
return (
onClick={() => handleProductSelect(product)}
<div className="product-info">
}, [filteredProducts, handleProductSelect]);

return (
<div className="product-page">
<h1>Products ({filteredProducts.length})</h1>

{/* Lazy loaded filters */}
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading filters...</div>}>

{/* Virtualized list of products */}
<div className="product-list-container">

{/* Lazy loaded product details */}
{selectedProduct && (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading details...</div>}>
onClose={() => setSelectedProduct(null)}

// Memoize the entire component to prevent unnecessary renders
export default React.memo(ProductListPage);

This example combines multiple performance optimization strategies:

  • Code splitting with lazy loading
  • Memoization with useMemo for expensive calculations
  • Callback memoization with useCallback
  • List virtualization with react-window
  • Lazy loading for images
  • Component memoization with React.memo

Performance Testing Tools

To properly measure your application's performance, consider using these tools:

  1. React DevTools Profiler: Visualize component render times
  2. Lighthouse: Overall web performance metrics
  3. Chrome Performance tab: In-depth performance analysis
  4. web-vitals library: Measure Core Web Vitals in production
  5. Bundle analyzers: Visualize your bundle size


Optimizing React applications requires a multi-faceted approach:

  1. Prevent unnecessary re-renders with React.memo, PureComponent, and shouldComponentUpdate
  2. Optimize state management by keeping state local and using Context wisely
  3. Memoize expensive calculations with useMemo
  4. Optimize event handlers with useCallback
  5. Implement code splitting for smaller bundle sizes
  6. Virtualize long lists to reduce DOM nodes
  7. Optimize images and assets for faster loading
  8. Implement caching for API calls
  9. Use Web Workers for CPU-intensive tasks
  10. Profile your application to identify bottlenecks

Remember that premature optimization is the root of all evil. Start with a working application, identify performance issues, and then apply these techniques where needed.

Additional Resources


  1. Profile a simple React application and identify components that are re-rendering unnecessarily
  2. Implement memoization in a component with expensive calculations
  3. Add code splitting to a React application using React.lazy and Suspense
  4. Create a virtualized list with react-window for rendering large datasets
  5. Measure the performance impact of your optimizations using React DevTools Profiler

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)