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Vue.js Dependency Injection


When building complex Vue applications, you often need to share data between components that are deeply nested within your component tree. While props are great for parent-child communication, passing props through many levels of components (often called "prop drilling") can become cumbersome and hard to maintain.

Vue.js provides a built-in dependency injection system through the provide and inject options that allows you to share data between ancestor and descendant components without requiring intermediate components to be aware of it.

In this tutorial, we'll explore:

  • What dependency injection is and why it's useful
  • How to use Vue's provide and inject API
  • Best practices for dependency injection
  • Real-world examples and patterns

What is Dependency Injection?

Dependency injection is a design pattern that allows us to pass (or "inject") dependencies into components without explicitly passing them as props through every layer of the component hierarchy.

Basic Usage of Provide/Inject

The provide Option

The provide option allows an ancestor component to provide data to all its descendants, regardless of how deep the component hierarchy is.

<!-- ParentComponent.vue -->
export default {
provide: {
message: 'Hello from ancestor!'

For reactive data or methods, you can use a function that returns an object:

<!-- ParentComponent.vue -->
export default {
data() {
return {
userInfo: {
name: 'John',
role: 'Admin'
provide() {
return {
userInfo: this.userInfo,
// Methods can also be provided
updateUser: (newName) => { = newName

The inject Option

The inject option allows any descendant component to use ("inject") the data provided by an ancestor component:

<!-- DeeplyNestedComponent.vue -->
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<p>User: {{ }} ({{ userInfo.role }})</p>
<button @click="updateUser('Jane')">Change Name</button>

export default {
inject: ['message', 'userInfo', 'updateUser']

Composition API Version

If you're using Vue 3's Composition API, you can use provide() and inject() functions:

<!-- Provider.vue -->
<script setup>
import { ref, provide } from 'vue'

const count = ref(0)

function increment() {

// Make the ref itself reactive when shared
provide('count', count)
provide('increment', increment)

And then in any descendant:

<!-- Consumer.vue -->
<script setup>
import { inject } from 'vue'

// Access the provided values
const count = inject('count')
const increment = inject('increment')

// You can specify default values if nothing is provided
const message = inject('message', 'Default message')

<p>Count: {{ count }}</p>
<button @click="increment">Increment</button>
<p>Message: {{ message }}</p>

Advanced Patterns

Symbol Keys

To avoid potential naming collisions, you can use Symbol keys:

// injection-keys.js
export const UserSymbol = Symbol('user')
export const ThemeSymbol = Symbol('theme')
<!-- Provider.vue -->
<script setup>
import { ref, provide } from 'vue'
import { UserSymbol } from './injection-keys'

const user = ref({ name: 'John' })
provide(UserSymbol, user)
<!-- Consumer.vue -->
<script setup>
import { inject } from 'vue'
import { UserSymbol } from './injection-keys'

const user = inject(UserSymbol)

Readonly Injections

To prevent descendant components from mutating provided state, use readonly:

<!-- Provider.vue -->
<script setup>
import { ref, readonly, provide } from 'vue'

const count = ref(0)
provide('count', readonly(count)) // Descendants can't modify this

function increment() {
count.value++ // But we can still modify it here
provide('increment', increment)

Real-World Example: Theme System

Let's build a simple theme system using dependency injection:

<!-- ThemeProvider.vue -->
<script setup>
import { ref, provide, computed } from 'vue'

const theme = ref('light')

const toggleTheme = () => {
theme.value = theme.value === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light'

const themeStyles = computed(() => {
return {
backgroundColor: theme.value === 'light' ? '#ffffff' : '#333333',
color: theme.value === 'light' ? '#333333' : '#ffffff'

provide('theme', theme)
provide('toggleTheme', toggleTheme)
provide('themeStyles', themeStyles)


Now any descendant component can use the theme:

<!-- ThemedButton.vue -->
<script setup>
import { inject } from 'vue'

const theme = inject('theme')
const themeStyles = inject('themeStyles')
const toggleTheme = inject('toggleTheme')

Toggle Theme (Current: {{ theme }})

And in your main App:

<!-- App.vue -->
<h1>My Themed App</h1>
<p>This content uses the current theme</p>
<ThemedButton />
<!-- Any other components will have access to theme as well -->

<script setup>
import ThemeProvider from './ThemeProvider.vue'
import ThemedButton from './ThemedButton.vue'

Best Practices for Dependency Injection

  1. Use sparingly: Dependency injection makes your component coupling less obvious. Use it for truly app-wide or branch-wide concerns.

  2. Document your injections: Make it clear what your component expects to be injected.

  3. Provide defaults: Always provide default values for non-critical injections.

  4. Use Symbols for keys: Prevents name collisions, especially when using third-party components.

  5. Consider readonly for state: Use readonly to prevent descendant components from mutating shared state.

  6. Keep related data together: Use objects to group related injection values.

Common Use Cases

Dependency injection is particularly useful for:

  1. Theme systems - As shown in our example
  2. User authentication state - Making the current user available app-wide
  3. Feature flags - Toggling features throughout the application
  4. Translation/i18n services - For internationalization
  5. State management - For simpler apps that don't need Vuex/Pinia

Vue 3 App-Level Provide

In Vue 3, you can use dependency injection at the app level:

// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

const app = createApp(App)

// App-level provide
app.provide('appName', 'My Amazing App')
app.provide('appVersion', '1.0.0')


All components in your app will have access to these values:

<script setup>
import { inject } from 'vue'

const appName = inject('appName')
const appVersion = inject('appVersion')

{{ appName }} v{{ appVersion }}


Dependency injection in Vue.js provides an elegant solution for sharing data across deeply nested component hierarchies. By using provide and inject, you can avoid prop drilling and keep your component interfaces clean and focused.

Key points to remember:

  • Use provide in ancestor components to make data available
  • Use inject in descendant components to access the provided data
  • Consider using Symbol keys to avoid naming collisions
  • Make provided values readonly when appropriate
  • Always provide sensible defaults for injected values

Dependency injection is best used for application-wide or branch-wide concerns like themes, authentication, or localization. For more complex state management needs, consider dedicated state management libraries like Vuex or Pinia.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a simple notification system using provide/inject that allows any component to display toast messages.

  2. Implement a multi-language support system where language strings are provided at the app root and can be injected by any component.

  3. Build a form validation system where validation rules are provided by form container components and injected by individual form field components.

  4. Create a permissions system that provides user permissions at the app level and allows components to check if a user can perform specific actions.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)