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Vue.js v-bind Directive


The v-bind directive is one of the most fundamental and frequently used directives in Vue.js. It allows you to dynamically bind one or more attributes, or props, to an expression. In simpler terms, it helps you set HTML attributes based on your Vue data or computed properties, creating a reactive connection between your data and the DOM.

When the bound expression changes, the attribute will update automatically. This is a cornerstone of Vue's reactivity system and enables you to build dynamic user interfaces.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for v-bind is:

<element v-bind:attribute="expression"></element>

Vue also provides a shorthand syntax for v-bind, which is simply a colon (:):

<element :attribute="expression"></element>

Binding HTML Attributes

Binding to Simple Values

Let's start with binding basic attributes like href, id, or class:

<a v-bind:href="url">Click me</a>
<!-- Shorthand version -->
<a :href="url">Click me (shorthand)</a>

export default {
data() {
return {
url: ''

In this example, the href attribute of both anchor elements will be set to the value of the url data property. If url changes, both links will update automatically.

Binding Multiple Attributes

You can bind multiple attributes to an element:

<img :src="imageUrl" :alt="imageDescription" :width="imageWidth">

export default {
data() {
return {
imageUrl: '/images/logo.png',
imageDescription: 'Vue.js Logo',
imageWidth: 150

Binding Boolean Attributes

HTML boolean attributes (like disabled, required, etc.) work slightly differently. They are present when truthy and absent when falsy:

<button :disabled="isSubmitting">Submit</button>
<input type="text" :required="isFieldRequired">

export default {
data() {
return {
isSubmitting: false,
isFieldRequired: true

In this example:

  • The button will not be disabled initially (since isSubmitting is false)
  • The input field will be required (since isFieldRequired is true)

Binding Class and Style

Vue provides special enhancements for v-bind when used with class and style attributes, allowing you to use objects or arrays.

Binding Classes

You can bind classes in several ways:

Object Syntax

<div :class="{ active: isActive, 'text-danger': hasError }">
Dynamic Classes Example

export default {
data() {
return {
isActive: true,
hasError: false

.active {
font-weight: bold;
.text-danger {
color: red;

In this example, the div will have the active class (because isActive is true) but won't have the text-danger class (because hasError is false).

Array Syntax

<div :class="[activeClass, errorClass]">
Array Classes Example

export default {
data() {
return {
activeClass: 'active',
errorClass: 'text-danger'

Combining Array and Object Syntax

<div :class="[activeClass, { 'text-danger': hasError }]">
Mixed Classes Example

export default {
data() {
return {
activeClass: 'active',
hasError: true

Binding Styles

Similar to classes, you can bind inline styles using object or array syntax:

Object Syntax

<div :style="{ color: activeColor, fontSize: fontSize + 'px' }">
Object Style Example

export default {
data() {
return {
activeColor: 'red',
fontSize: 16

Array Syntax

<div :style="[baseStyles, additionalStyles]">
Array Style Example

export default {
data() {
return {
baseStyles: {
color: 'blue',
fontSize: '16px'
additionalStyles: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
border: '1px solid black'

Binding with Expressions

You can use JavaScript expressions within v-bind:

<div :id="'item-' + id">Dynamic ID</div>
<button :disabled="!isFormValid">Submit</button>

export default {
data() {
return {
id: 42,
isFormValid: false

Using v-bind with Component Props

When working with Vue components, v-bind is used to pass props:


import UserProfile from './UserProfile.vue'

export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
userName: 'John Doe',
userAge: 30,
isAdmin: true

Binding All Properties with v-bind Object

You can bind an entire object of attributes using v-bind without an argument:

<div v-bind="allAttributes">
This will have all attributes from the allAttributes object

export default {
data() {
return {
allAttributes: {
id: 'special-element',
class: 'highlighted',
style: 'color: purple',
'aria-label': 'Special element'

This is equivalent to:

style="color: purple"
aria-label="Special element">
This will have all attributes from the allAttributes object

Real-World Examples

Dynamic Form Controls

<form @submit.prevent="submitForm">
<div class="form-group">
<label :for="'input-' + fieldId">{{ label }}</label>
:id="'input-' + fieldId"
:class="{ 'is-invalid': hasError, 'is-valid': isValid }"
<small :class="{ 'text-danger': hasError }" v-if="hasError">
{{ errorMessage }}
:class="{ 'btn-primary': formValid, 'btn-secondary': !formValid }">

export default {
props: {
fieldId: {
type: String,
required: true
label: String,
inputType: {
type: String,
default: 'text'
inputValue: String,
placeholder: String,
isDisabled: Boolean,
hasError: Boolean,
errorMessage: String,
isValid: Boolean
data() {
return {
formValid: false
methods: {
updateValue(value) {
this.$emit('input', value);
submitForm() {
// Form submission logic

Dynamic Navigation Menu

<nav class="main-nav">
<li v-for="item in menuItems" :key="">
:class="{ active: currentPath === item.url }"
:target="item.external ? '_blank' : null"
:aria-current="currentPath === item.url ? 'page' : null">
{{ item.text }}

export default {
data() {
return {
currentPath: '/home',
menuItems: [
{ id: 1, text: 'Home', url: '/home', external: false },
{ id: 2, text: 'About', url: '/about', external: false },
{ id: 3, text: 'Services', url: '/services', external: false },
{ id: 4, text: 'Documentation', url: '', external: true }

<style scoped>
.active {
font-weight: bold;
color: blue;

Handling Dynamic Attribute Names

In Vue 3, you can also use dynamic attribute names with v-bind:

<div :[attributeName]="value">
This element has a dynamic attribute name

export default {
data() {
return {
attributeName: 'title',
value: 'This is a tooltip'

Depending on the value of attributeName, the directive will bind to different attributes.


The v-bind directive is a cornerstone of Vue.js that enables you to:

  1. Dynamically bind HTML attributes to your data
  2. Apply special bindings for classes and styles using object and array syntax
  3. Pass props to components
  4. Create truly reactive interfaces that update automatically when your data changes
  5. Use shorthand syntax (:) for more concise templates

Understanding v-bind is crucial for building dynamic Vue applications, as it forms the bridge between your application state and the DOM representation.

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a component that displays a product with a dynamic image source, description, and price.
  2. Build a form with various input fields that are conditionally required or disabled based on user selections.
  3. Create a navigation menu that highlights the current page and opens external links in a new tab.
  4. Build a component that allows users to select a theme, then use v-bind to apply the appropriate CSS classes.
  5. Create a button component that accepts various attributes like size, color, and disabled state.

Additional Resources

By mastering the v-bind directive, you've taken a significant step toward becoming proficient in Vue.js and creating dynamic, reactive user interfaces.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)