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WordPress Settings


WordPress settings allow you to configure various aspects of your website without editing code. Understanding and properly configuring these settings is essential for creating a functional, secure, and search engine-friendly WordPress site.

In this guide, we'll explore all the major WordPress settings sections, explain what each option controls, and provide recommended configurations for different types of websites.

Accessing WordPress Settings

To access WordPress settings, you need to log in to your WordPress admin dashboard (also known as the WordPress admin area).

  1. Go to your WordPress login page (usually
  2. Enter your username/email and password
  3. Once logged in, look at the left sidebar menu for the various settings categories

General Settings

The General Settings section contains the fundamental configuration options for your WordPress site.

Dashboard → Settings → General

Key General Settings Options

SettingDescriptionRecommended Value
Site TitleThe name of your websiteYour brand or website name
TaglineA short description of your siteBrief description of what your site offers
WordPress Address (URL)The location of your WordPress core filesYour domain (with https)
Site Address (URL)The address users will type to reach your siteUsually same as WordPress Address
Email AddressAdmin email for notificationsYour business email
MembershipAllow anyone to registerUsually "Unchecked" unless you need user registration
New User Default RoleDefault role for new registrations"Subscriber" for security
Site LanguageDefault language for your siteYour preferred language
TimezoneYour local timezoneYour local timezone
Date FormatHow dates appearBased on regional preference
Time FormatHow times appearBased on regional preference
Week Starts OnFirst day of the weekBased on regional preference

Example: Setting Up a Business Website

For a professional business website:

  1. Set a clear, brand-oriented Site Title: "Smith Consulting LLC"
  2. Create a descriptive Tagline: "Professional IT Solutions for Small Businesses"
  3. Ensure both URL fields use HTTPS:
  4. Set Email Address to your business domain: [email protected]
  5. Keep Membership disabled unless you offer client portals
  6. Configure your local timezone and date formats

Writing Settings

Writing Settings control how content is created and formatted on your site.

Dashboard → Settings → Writing

Key Writing Settings Options

SettingDescriptionRecommended Value
Default Post CategoryCategory for new postsMost common category
Default Post FormatFormat for new postsStandard (unless special format needed)
Post via emailPublish by sending emailUsually disabled
Update ServicesPing services when you publishCan disable for most sites

Reading Settings

Reading Settings determine how your content is displayed to visitors.

Dashboard → Settings → Reading

Key Reading Settings Options

SettingDescriptionRecommended Value
Your homepage displaysWhat appears on front page"A static page" for business sites, "Latest posts" for blogs
Homepage / Posts pageIf using static homepageSelect your homepage and blog page
Blog pages show at mostNumber of posts per page10 (balance between loading speed and content)
Syndication feeds show the most recentNumber of items in RSS feed10
For each article in a feed, showFull text or summary"Summary" for better SEO and traffic
Search Engine VisibilityDiscourage search enginesUnchecked (unless in development)

Example: Setting Up a Business Site with Blog

// Setting up a homepage and blog page structure in WordPress
// Step 1: Create two pages
const homePage = createPage({
title: 'Welcome to Our Business',
content: '<!-- Your homepage content -->',
template: 'full-width-template'

const blogPage = createPage({
title: 'Our Blog',
content: '', // Blog page doesn't need content

// Step 2: Configure reading settings
homepage_displays: 'static_page',
posts_per_page: 6

This configuration creates a professional business site with:

  • A welcoming homepage showcasing your products/services
  • A dedicated blog section for updates and content marketing
  • Optimal number of posts displayed per page

Discussion Settings

Discussion Settings control comments and notifications on your website.

Dashboard → Settings → Discussion

Key Discussion Settings Options

SettingDescriptionRecommended Value
Allow people to submit commentsEnable/disable commentsBased on site needs
Comment author must fill out name and emailRequire comment infoChecked
Users must be registered and logged in to commentLimit who can commentOptional
Automatically close commentsDisable comments on older postsConsider enabling for less spam
Enable threaded commentsAllow comment repliesChecked
Break comments into pagesPaginate long comment sectionsOptional
Email me wheneverNotification optionsBased on preference
Before a comment appearsComment moderation"Comment must be manually approved" for security
Comment ModerationConditions for moderationConfigure based on spam concerns
Disallowed Comment KeysWords that trigger spam filterAdd common spam terms
AvatarsDisplay profile picturesUsually enabled

For a Corporate/Business Site:

  • Disable comments on pages
  • Enable comments only on blog posts
  • Require manual approval of all comments
  • Set up email notifications for new comments

For a Blog:

  • Enable comments site-wide
  • Allow threaded (nested) comments up to 3-4 levels
  • Set up spam filters
  • Enable Gravatar images

Managing Comment Spam

WordPress comment spam can be a significant problem. Here are recommended settings to reduce spam:

// Recommended anti-spam settings
comment_moderation: true,
comment_whitelist: true,
require_name_email: true,
comment_max_links: 2,
moderation_keys: 'casino, loan, viagra, pharmacy, free offer, limited time, weight loss'

// Install and configure anti-spam plugin
api_key: 'your-api-key',
strictness: 'aggressive',
discard_worst_spam: true

Media Settings

Media Settings control how WordPress handles images and other media files.

Dashboard → Settings → Media

Key Media Settings Options

SettingDescriptionRecommended Value
Image sizesDefault dimensions for thumbnails, medium and large imagesThumbnail: 150×150
Medium: 300×300
Large: 1024×1024
Uploading FilesOrganize uploads into month/year foldersChecked (helps organize media library)

Setting Optimal Image Sizes

// Configure optimal image sizes for a responsive theme
thumbnail_size_w: 150,
thumbnail_size_h: 150,
thumbnail_crop: 1,
medium_size_w: 400,
medium_size_h: 400,
large_size_w: 1200,
large_size_h: 1200,
organize_uploads: 'yes'

// Adding custom image sizes (using functions.php)
// This would go in your theme's functions.php file
add_image_size('featured-header', 1600, 500, true);
add_image_size('square-medium', 600, 600, true);
add_image_size('blog-thumbnail', 400, 300, true);

Permalink Settings determine the URL structure of your posts and pages.

Dashboard → Settings → Permalinks
StructureExampleBest Use Case
Plain?p=123Rarely recommended
Day and name/2023/05/20/sample-post/News sites
Month and name/2023/05/sample-post/Blogs with frequent posts
Numeric/archives/123Rarely recommended
Post name/sample-post/Most websites (SEO-friendly)
Custom StructureCustom formatAdvanced needs

For most websites, the "Post name" option provides the most SEO benefits:

// Configure SEO-friendly permalinks
structure: '/%postname%/',
category_base: 'topics', // Optional: customize category URLs
tag_base: 'tags' // Optional: customize tag URLs

This creates URLs like:


WordPress provides several tags you can use in custom permalink structures:

%year%The year of the post (4 digits)
%monthnum%Month of the year (2 digits)
%day%Day of the month (2 digits)
%hour%Hour of the day (2 digits)
%minute%Minute of the hour (2 digits)
%second%Second of the minute (2 digits)
%postname%URL-friendly version of the post title
%post_id%The unique ID of the post
%category%URL-friendly version of the category name
%author%URL-friendly version of the author name

Privacy Settings

WordPress includes privacy tools to help your site comply with regulations like GDPR.

Dashboard → Settings → Privacy

Key Privacy Features

  1. Privacy Policy Page: Select or create a privacy policy page
  2. Data Export: Tools to export user data upon request
  3. Data Erasure: Tools to erase user data upon request

Creating a GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policy

WordPress provides a privacy policy template you can customize:

  1. Go to Settings → Privacy
  2. Click "Create New Page" or select an existing page
  3. Edit the template text to reflect your actual data practices
  4. Include information about:
    • What data you collect
    • How you use cookies
    • Third-party services you use
    • How users can request their data
    • How users can request data deletion

Using Site Health Check

WordPress includes a Site Health feature to help you monitor your site's performance and security.

Accessing Site Health

Dashboard → Tools → Site Health

What Site Health Checks

  1. Performance: Server configuration, PHP version, database optimization
  2. Security: HTTPS implementation, secure connections
  3. Server Settings: File permissions, recommended modules
  4. Plugin Management: Plugin updates and compatibility

Best Practices for WordPress Settings

Security-Focused Settings

  1. Disable open registration unless necessary
  2. Set new user default role to Subscriber
  3. Moderate all comments or disable if not needed
  4. Ensure proper file permissions (managed through hosting)
  5. Use HTTPS for all URLs

Performance-Focused Settings

  1. Set optimal image sizes
  2. Limit posts per page to 10 or fewer
  3. Consider showing excerpts in feeds
  4. Use efficient permalink structures
  5. Organize media by date

SEO-Friendly Settings

  1. Create a clear site title and tagline
  2. Use post name permalink structure
  3. Ensure search engines aren't blocked
  4. Set featured images at appropriate sizes
  5. Use categories and tags effectively


WordPress settings provide a powerful way to customize your website's functionality without coding. By understanding and properly configuring these settings, you can:

  • Improve your site's security
  • Enhance search engine visibility
  • Create better user experiences
  • Manage content more effectively
  • Ensure legal compliance

Remember that some settings, particularly permalinks, should be configured early in your site development as changing them later may break existing links.

Additional Resources

  • WordPress Codex: The official WordPress documentation
  • WordPress Forums: Community support for specific settings questions
  • WordPress Security Best Practices: Advanced security configuration
  • GDPR Compliance Guide: More detailed information on privacy requirements


  1. Basic Settings Audit: Go through each settings page in your WordPress installation and document your current configuration.

  2. Create a Settings Checklist: Develop a pre-launch settings checklist for future WordPress sites you build.

  3. Permalink Experiment: Create a test post and see how its URL changes with different permalink structures (be careful not to do this on a live production site).

  4. Privacy Policy Setup: Create a custom privacy policy page that accurately reflects your website's data handling practices.

  5. Media Organization: Implement a media organization strategy using both WordPress settings and file naming conventions.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)