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Merge Intervals


The Merge Intervals pattern is a technique used to solve problems involving overlapping intervals or ranges. This pattern is particularly useful when you need to:

  • Merge overlapping intervals
  • Find intersections between intervals
  • Check if intervals conflict with each other
  • Schedule tasks or meetings

Intervals are typically represented as pairs of values (start, end) and can represent various real-world concepts like time periods, numerical ranges, or segments.

Understanding Intervals

An interval is a range with a start and end point. In code, we usually represent intervals as:

// As an array
const interval = [start, end];

// Or as an object
const interval = { start: startValue, end: endValue };

For example, the interval [1, 5] represents the range from 1 to 5 (inclusive).

The Core Problem: Merging Overlapping Intervals

The fundamental operation in this pattern is identifying and merging overlapping intervals.

Two intervals [a, b] and [c, d] overlap if:

  • a ≤ d AND c ≤ b

When intervals overlap, we can merge them into a single interval:

  • [min(a, c), max(b, d)]

Let's visualize this:

Step-by-Step Algorithm for Merging Intervals

Let's break down a step-by-step approach to merge overlapping intervals:

  1. Sort the intervals based on their start times
  2. Initialize a result array with the first interval
  3. Iterate through the remaining intervals:
    • If the current interval overlaps with the last interval in the result, merge them
    • Otherwise, add the current interval to the result


Here's a JavaScript implementation of the merge intervals algorithm:

function mergeIntervals(intervals) {
// Handle edge cases
if (intervals.length <= 1) {
return intervals;

// Sort intervals by start time
intervals.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);

const result = [intervals[0]];

for (let i = 1; i < intervals.length; i++) {
const currentInterval = intervals[i];
const lastMergedInterval = result[result.length - 1];

// Check if intervals overlap
if (currentInterval[0] <= lastMergedInterval[1]) {
// Merge overlapping intervals
lastMergedInterval[1] = Math.max(lastMergedInterval[1], currentInterval[1]);
} else {
// Add non-overlapping interval to result

return result;


const intervals = [[1,3], [2,6], [8,10], [15,18]];
// Output: [[1,6], [8,10], [15,18]]

Let's trace through this example step by step:

  1. Sort the intervals: [[1,3], [2,6], [8,10], [15,18]] (already sorted)
  2. Initialize result with the first interval: result = [[1,3]]
  3. Consider interval [2,6]:
    • Last merged interval is [1,3]
    • Since 2 <= 3, there is an overlap
    • Merge into [1,6], result becomes [[1,6]]
  4. Consider interval [8,10]:
    • Last merged interval is [1,6]
    • Since 8 > 6, there is no overlap
    • Add to result, result becomes [[1,6], [8,10]]
  5. Consider interval [15,18]:
    • Last merged interval is [8,10]
    • Since 15 > 10, there is no overlap
    • Add to result, result becomes [[1,6], [8,10], [15,18]]

Variations of the Merge Intervals Pattern

1. Insert Interval

Given a set of non-overlapping intervals and a new interval, insert the new interval at the correct position and merge if necessary.

function insertInterval(intervals, newInterval) {
const result = [];
let i = 0;
const n = intervals.length;

// Add all intervals that come before newInterval
while (i < n && intervals[i][1] < newInterval[0]) {

// Merge overlapping intervals
while (i < n && intervals[i][0] <= newInterval[1]) {
newInterval[0] = Math.min(newInterval[0], intervals[i][0]);
newInterval[1] = Math.max(newInterval[1], intervals[i][1]);

// Add the merged interval

// Add remaining intervals
while (i < n) {

return result;

2. Interval Intersection

Find the intersection of two lists of intervals.

function intervalIntersection(listA, listB) {
const result = [];
let i = 0, j = 0;

while (i < listA.length && j < listB.length) {
// Find the overlap
const start = Math.max(listA[i][0], listB[j][0]);
const end = Math.min(listA[i][1], listB[j][1]);

// If there is an overlap, add it to the result
if (start <= end) {
result.push([start, end]);

// Move the pointer of the interval that ends earlier
if (listA[i][1] < listB[j][1]) {
} else {

return result;

3. Conflicting Appointments

Determine if a person can attend all appointments without any conflicts.

function canAttendAllAppointments(intervals) {
// Sort intervals by start time
intervals.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);

// Check for any overlapping intervals
for (let i = 1; i < intervals.length; i++) {
if (intervals[i][0] < intervals[i-1][1]) {
return false; // Found an overlap

return true; // No overlaps found

Real-World Applications

The Merge Intervals pattern has numerous practical applications:

1. Calendar Scheduling

When building a calendar application, you need to check for conflicting meetings and potentially merge free time slots.

function findFreeTimes(meetings, dayStart, dayEnd) {
// Add day boundaries
const intervals = [[dayStart, dayStart], ...meetings, [dayEnd, dayEnd]];

// Sort by start time
intervals.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);

const freeTimes = [];

// Find gaps between meetings
for (let i = 1; i < intervals.length; i++) {
const freeStart = intervals[i-1][1];
const freeEnd = intervals[i][0];

if (freeStart < freeEnd) {
freeTimes.push([freeStart, freeEnd]);

return freeTimes;

// Example:
const meetings = [[9, 10.5], [12, 13], [16, 18]];
console.log(findFreeTimes(meetings, 9, 20));
// Output: [[10.5, 12], [13, 16], [18, 20]]

2. Resource Allocation

When managing resources like CPU time, memory, or meeting rooms, you need to determine if there are any conflicts.

function minimumRoomsRequired(meetings) {
const startTimes = => m[0]).sort((a, b) => a - b);
const endTimes = => m[1]).sort((a, b) => a - b);

let rooms = 0;
let maxRooms = 0;
let s = 0, e = 0;

while (s < startTimes.length) {
if (startTimes[s] < endTimes[e]) {
} else {
maxRooms = Math.max(maxRooms, rooms);

return maxRooms;

// Example:
const meetings = [[9, 10], [9, 12], [11, 13], [14, 16]];
// Output: 2 (We need 2 rooms to accommodate all meetings)

3. Data Range Processing

When working with ranges of data, like time series or sensor readings, merging overlapping ranges can help in data cleaning and analysis.

function mergeDataRanges(ranges) {
// Use our merge intervals function
return mergeIntervals(ranges);

// Example: Merging temperature readings from overlapping time periods
const temperatureReadings = [
[1, 5, "Sensor A"], // Time 1-5, from Sensor A
[3, 8, "Sensor B"], // Time 3-8, from Sensor B
[9, 12, "Sensor A"], // Time 9-12, from Sensor A

// Extracting just the time intervals
const timeRanges = => [reading[0], reading[1]]);
const mergedRanges = mergeDataRanges(timeRanges);
// Output: [[1, 8], [9, 12]]

Common Patterns and Optimizations

  1. Always sort first: Most interval problems become simpler after sorting intervals by their start times.

  2. Process intervals sequentially: After sorting, you can typically process intervals in a single pass.

  3. Use separate arrays for start and end times: For some problems, separating start and end times into different arrays can simplify the solution.

  4. Consider using a min-heap: For problems involving finding the minimum number of resources, a min-heap can be useful.

Tips for Solving Interval Problems

  1. Visualize the intervals: Drawing intervals on a timeline helps understand the problem better.

  2. Identify the comparisons: Determine how to compare intervals (by start time, end time, or both).

  3. Handle edge cases: Consider empty input, single intervals, or intervals with special properties.

  4. Check for off-by-one errors: Be careful with inclusive vs. exclusive interval ends.


The Merge Intervals pattern is a powerful technique for working with intervals or ranges of data. The core operations include:

  1. Sorting intervals (usually by start time)
  2. Detecting overlaps between intervals
  3. Merging overlapping intervals
  4. Inserting new intervals into existing sets
  5. Finding intersections between intervals

This pattern is particularly useful in scheduling applications, resource allocation problems, and data processing tasks where ranges need to be analyzed or combined.

Practice Exercises

  1. Merge Intervals: Implement the basic merge intervals algorithm.

    • Input: [[1,3], [2,6], [8,10], [15,18]]
    • Expected Output: [[1,6], [8,10], [15,18]]
  2. Insert Interval: Insert a new interval into a sorted list of non-overlapping intervals.

    • Input: Intervals = [[1,3], [6,9]], New Interval = [2,5]
    • Expected Output: [[1,5], [6,9]]
  3. Meeting Rooms: Determine the minimum number of meeting rooms required.

    • Input: [[0,30], [5,10], [15,20]]
    • Expected Output: 2
  4. Employee Free Time: Find common free time slots for multiple employees.

    • Input: Employee 1: [[9,12], [15,18]], Employee 2: [[8,10], [14,16]]
    • Expected Output: [[10,12], [16,18]]
  5. Maximum CPU Load: Find the maximum CPU load at any point in time given a list of jobs with start time, end time, and CPU load.

    • Input: [[1,4,3], [2,5,4], [7,9,6]] (format: [start, end, load])
    • Expected Output: 7 (max load is 3+4=7 when first and second jobs overlap)

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)