C# Break and Continue
When working with loops in C#, there will be times when you want to either exit a loop early or skip some iterations. This is where the break
and continue
statements come in handy. These powerful keywords give you finer control over your loops and can make your code more efficient.
What are Break and Continue?
- Break: Immediately exits the current loop or switch statement.
- Continue: Skips the current iteration of a loop and proceeds to the next iteration.
Let's dive deeper and see how these statements work in practice.
The Break Statement
The break
statement allows you to exit a loop immediately, regardless of whether the loop's condition has been met or not.
Basic Syntax
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (someCondition)
break; // Exit the loop immediately
// Rest of the loop code
// Execution continues here after break
Example 1: Finding a Number in an Array
int[] numbers = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 };
int searchTarget = 7;
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
if (numbers[i] == searchTarget)
Console.WriteLine($"Found {searchTarget} at position {i}");
found = true;
break; // No need to check the rest of the array
if (!found)
Console.WriteLine($"{searchTarget} not found in the array");
Found 7 at position 3
In this example, once we find the number we're looking for, there's no need to continue checking the rest of the array. The break
statement helps us exit the loop early, making our code more efficient.
Example 2: Menu System
bool exitProgram = false;
while (!exitProgram)
Console.WriteLine("\nMenu Options:");
Console.WriteLine("1. View Data");
Console.WriteLine("2. Add New Entry");
Console.WriteLine("3. Delete Entry");
Console.WriteLine("4. Exit Program");
Console.Write("Enter your choice: ");
string input = Console.ReadLine();
switch (input)
case "1":
Console.WriteLine("Viewing data...");
break; // Exits the switch (not the while loop)
case "2":
Console.WriteLine("Adding new entry...");
break; // Exits the switch (not the while loop)
case "3":
Console.WriteLine("Deleting entry...");
break; // Exits the switch (not the while loop)
case "4":
Console.WriteLine("Exiting program...");
exitProgram = true; // This will cause the while loop to exit
break; // Exits the switch
Console.WriteLine("Invalid option. Please try again.");
break; // Exits the switch (not the while loop)
This example shows how break
is used in a switch
statement within a loop. Each case
uses break
to exit the switch
statement, but the program only exits the while
loop when the user selects option 4.
The Continue Statement
The continue
statement skips the current iteration of a loop and moves directly to the next iteration. Unlike break
, it doesn't exit the loop entirely.
Basic Syntax
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (someCondition)
continue; // Skip the rest of this iteration
// This code is skipped if continue is executed
Example 1: Processing Only Even Numbers
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
// Skip odd numbers
if (i % 2 != 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Processing even number: {i}");
// More processing code would go here
Processing even number: 2
Processing even number: 4
Processing even number: 6
Processing even number: 8
Processing even number: 10
In this example, we're only interested in processing even numbers. When we encounter an odd number, we use continue
to skip to the next iteration without executing the rest of the loop body.
Example 2: Filtering User Input
List<int> validScores = new List<int>();
Console.WriteLine("Enter student test scores (0-100) or -1 to finish:");
while (true)
Console.Write("Score: ");
if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int score))
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a number.");
continue; // Skip to the next iteration
if (score == -1)
break; // Exit the loop when user enters -1
if (score < 0 || score > 100)
Console.WriteLine("Score must be between 0 and 100.");
continue; // Skip invalid scores
// If we get here, the score is valid
Console.WriteLine($"Added score: {score}");
Console.WriteLine($"You entered {validScores.Count} valid scores.");
This example demonstrates how to use continue
to handle invalid inputs without exiting the entire input collection process. It also shows how to combine break
and continue
in the same loop.
Common Gotchas with Break and Continue
1. Watch Out for Infinite Loops
int i = 0;
while (i < 10)
if (i == 5)
continue; // DANGER: This creates an infinite loop!
In this example, when i
equals 5, the continue
statement skips the increment operation, so i
stays at 5 forever, creating an infinite loop.
2. Nested Loops
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"Outer loop i = {i}");
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (i == 1 && j == 1)
break; // This only breaks out of the inner loop
Console.WriteLine($" Inner loop j = {j}");
Outer loop i = 0
Inner loop j = 0
Inner loop j = 1
Inner loop j = 2
Outer loop i = 1
Inner loop j = 0
Outer loop i = 2
Inner loop j = 0
Inner loop j = 1
Inner loop j = 2
The break
statement only exits the innermost loop that contains it. If you need to exit multiple nested loops, you'll need a different approach (like using a flag variable or encapsulating the loops in a method that you can return from).
Real-World Applications
1. Input Validation
public static int GetValidAge()
while (true)
Console.Write("Please enter your age (18-100): ");
if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int age))
if (age >= 18 && age <= 100)
return age; // Valid input, return the age
Console.WriteLine("Age must be between 18 and 100.");
continue; // Skip to the next iteration
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a number.");
// continue is implied here (at the end of the loop)
This method uses an infinite loop with continue
and an early return (which acts like a break
) to ensure we get valid input from the user.
2. Processing Files with Exception Handling
string[] filePaths = { "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.txt" };
foreach (string path in filePaths)
Console.WriteLine($"Processing file {path}...");
// Check if file exists
if (!File.Exists(path))
Console.WriteLine($"File {path} not found. Skipping.");
continue; // Skip to the next file
// Read and process the file
string content = File.ReadAllText(path);
Console.WriteLine($"File {path} processed successfully.");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error processing file {path}: {ex.Message}");
// Decide whether to continue or break based on the error
continue; // Try the next file despite the error
Console.WriteLine("All files processed.");
This example shows how to use continue
in combination with exception handling to process multiple files, skipping any files that can't be processed correctly.
- The
statement exits a loop or switch statement completely. - The
statement skips the current iteration and moves to the next one. - Use
when you find what you're looking for or need to exit a loop early. - Use
when you want to skip certain iterations based on specific conditions. - Be careful not to create infinite loops when using
. - Remember that
only affect the innermost loop they are directly contained in.
These statements give you fine-grained control over your loop execution and can make your code more efficient and readable when used correctly.
- Write a program that prints all numbers from 1 to 20, but skips multiples of 3.
- Create a guessing game where the user has to guess a number between 1 and 100. Use
to exit when they guess correctly. - Write a program that reads a list of numbers and finds the first prime number larger than 20.
- Implement a simple calculator program with a menu system. Use
for input validation and program flow control.
Additional Resources
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)