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C# Out Parameters


In C#, methods typically return a single value through the return statement. But what if you need a method to return multiple values? This is where out parameters come into play. Out parameters allow a method to return multiple values by modifying parameters that are passed by reference, providing a way to "output" additional data from a method.

In this tutorial, you'll learn:

  • What out parameters are and how they work
  • How to declare and use out parameters
  • Common use cases for out parameters
  • Best practices when working with out parameters

What Are Out Parameters?

An out parameter is a special kind of parameter that:

  1. Must be assigned a value inside the method
  2. Doesn't need to be initialized before being passed to the method
  3. Is passed by reference, meaning the method can modify the original variable

Out parameters are similar to reference parameters (using the ref keyword), but with one key difference: out parameters don't require the variable to be initialized before being passed to the method.

Basic Syntax

Here's the basic syntax for declaring and using out parameters:

// Method declaration with out parameter
void MethodName(out Type parameterName)
// Must assign a value to parameterName before method returns
parameterName = someValue;

// Method call
Type variable;
MethodName(out variable);
// variable now contains the value assigned in the method

Simple Example: Calculating Multiple Results

Let's create a method that calculates both the area and perimeter of a rectangle:

void CalculateRectangleProperties(double length, double width, out double area, out double perimeter)
area = length * width;
perimeter = 2 * (length + width);

// Usage:
double rectArea, rectPerimeter;
CalculateRectangleProperties(5.0, 3.0, out rectArea, out rectPerimeter);
Console.WriteLine($"Area: {rectArea}"); // Output: Area: 15
Console.WriteLine($"Perimeter: {rectPerimeter}"); // Output: Perimeter: 16

In this example, a single method gives us two results: the area and perimeter of a rectangle.

Declaring Out Parameters Inline (C# 7.0+)

Starting with C# 7.0, you can declare out variables right at the method call site:

// No need to declare variables before the method call
CalculateRectangleProperties(5.0, 3.0, out double area, out double perimeter);
Console.WriteLine($"Area: {area}, Perimeter: {perimeter}");

This makes your code more concise and keeps variable declarations close to where they're used.

Discard Out Parameters (C# 7.0+)

If you don't need one of the out parameters, you can use the discard operator (_):

// I only care about the area, not the perimeter
CalculateRectangleProperties(5.0, 3.0, out double area, out _);
Console.WriteLine($"Area: {area}");

The TryParse Pattern

One of the most common uses of out parameters in C# is the "Try" pattern, exemplified by methods like int.TryParse(). These methods attempt an operation and return a boolean indicating success or failure, while also returning the result via an out parameter:

string input = "123";
if (int.TryParse(input, out int result))
// Parsing succeeded, result now contains the parsed value
Console.WriteLine($"Parsed value: {result}");
// Parsing failed
Console.WriteLine("Failed to parse input");

Creating Your Own TryParse Method

You can create your own methods that follow the TryParse pattern:

bool TryCalculateAverage(int[] numbers, out double average)
average = 0;

if (numbers == null || numbers.Length == 0)
return false; // Cannot calculate average of empty array

int sum = 0;
foreach (int number in numbers)
sum += number;

average = (double)sum / numbers.Length;
return true;

// Usage:
int[] values = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
if (TryCalculateAverage(values, out double avg))
Console.WriteLine($"Average: {avg}"); // Output: Average: 30

Returning Multiple Values: Out Parameters vs Tuples

While out parameters serve the purpose of returning multiple values, modern C# offers another approach using tuples:

// Using out parameters
void CalculateStats(int[] numbers, out int min, out int max, out double average)
min = numbers.Min();
max = numbers.Max();
average = numbers.Average();

// Using tuples (C# 7.0+)
(int Min, int Max, double Average) CalculateStatsTuple(int[] numbers)
return (numbers.Min(), numbers.Max(), numbers.Average());

// Usage with out parameters
int minimum, maximum;
double avg;
CalculateStats(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, out minimum, out maximum, out avg);
Console.WriteLine($"Min: {minimum}, Max: {maximum}, Average: {avg}");

// Usage with tuples
var stats = CalculateStatsTuple(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
Console.WriteLine($"Min: {stats.Min}, Max: {stats.Max}, Average: {stats.Average}");

Tuples offer a cleaner syntax and allow the compiler to enforce that all return values are handled, but out parameters are still useful in certain scenarios and are a core part of many .NET APIs.

Best Practices for Out Parameters

  1. Use sparingly: Prefer return values for simple cases and reserve out parameters for when you need multiple return values.

  2. Consider tuples or custom types: For modern C# code, consider using tuples or creating a custom type to hold multiple return values.

  3. Follow naming conventions: Name out parameters to clearly indicate what information they will contain.

  4. Document behavior: Clearly document what each out parameter represents and any conditions where they might not be assigned meaningful values.

  5. Validate input: Even though out parameters don't need to be initialized, you should still validate other input parameters.

  6. Initialize immediately: Assign values to out parameters as early as possible in your method to avoid forgetting.

Common Pitfalls

Forgetting to Assign a Value

The compiler will enforce that all out parameters are assigned before the method returns, but it's a good practice to initialize them early in the method:

void SomeMethod(out int result)
// If we forget to assign result, the compiler will give an error
// The out parameter 'result' must be assigned before control leaves the current method

// So always assign a value, even if it's just a default
result = 0;

// ... rest of method

Passing Literals or Constants

You cannot pass literals or constants as out parameters because they cannot be modified:

void SomeMethod(out int x) { x = 10; }

// This won't compile:
// SomeMethod(out 5); // Error: Cannot pass a constant value as an out parameter

// You need a variable:
int number;
SomeMethod(out number);

Real-World Example: Parsing Coordinates

Here's a practical example of parsing a coordinate string like "12.5,45.7" into separate x and y values:

bool TryParseCoordinates(string input, out double x, out double y)
// Initialize out parameters with default values
x = 0;
y = 0;

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
return false;

string[] parts = input.Split(',');
if (parts.Length != 2)
return false;

bool xParsed = double.TryParse(parts[0].Trim(), out x);
bool yParsed = double.TryParse(parts[1].Trim(), out y);

return xParsed && yParsed;

// Usage:
string pointData = "12.5,45.7";
if (TryParseCoordinates(pointData, out double xCoord, out double yCoord))
Console.WriteLine($"Parsed coordinates: ({xCoord}, {yCoord})");
// Output: Parsed coordinates: (12.5, 45.7)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to parse coordinates");

This example demonstrates how out parameters can be used to return multiple values while also indicating success or failure.


Out parameters provide a mechanism in C# to return multiple values from a method. They are particularly useful when you need to return both a status indicator and one or more results.

Key points to remember:

  • Out parameters must be assigned values within the method
  • They don't need to be initialized before being passed to the method
  • Modern C# allows inline declaration of out parameters
  • Consider alternatives like tuples for cleaner code
  • The TryParse pattern is a common use case for out parameters

While out parameters are sometimes seen as a bit old-fashioned compared to newer features like tuples, they remain an important part of the C# language, especially when working with existing APIs.


  1. Create a method called TryDivide that takes two integers and returns the result of dividing them. The method should return a boolean indicating success and use an out parameter for the result.

  2. Extend the coordinate parsing example to handle 3D coordinates (x, y, z).

  3. Create a method that converts a temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit, returning both values via out parameters.

  4. Implement a method that calculates both the roots of a quadratic equation (ax² + bx + c = 0) using out parameters.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)