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Go If-Else Statements


Decision-making is a fundamental aspect of programming. In Go, like many other programming languages, we use conditional statements to control the flow of our program based on specific conditions. The if-else construct is one of the primary ways to implement decision-making logic in Go.

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use if, else if, and else statements in Go to create programs that can make decisions and execute different code blocks based on various conditions.

Basic If Statement

The simplest form of conditional execution in Go is the if statement. It allows you to execute a block of code only if a condition evaluates to true.


if condition {
// code to execute if condition is true


Let's write a simple program that checks if a number is positive:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
number := 10

if number > 0 {
fmt.Println("The number is positive")


The number is positive

In this example, the condition number > 0 evaluates to true because 10 is greater than 0, so the message "The number is positive" is printed.

If-Else Statement

The if-else statement allows you to execute one block of code if a condition is true and another block if the condition is false.


if condition {
// code to execute if condition is true
} else {
// code to execute if condition is false


Let's modify our previous example to handle negative numbers as well:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
number := -5

if number > 0 {
fmt.Println("The number is positive")
} else {
fmt.Println("The number is not positive")


The number is not positive

In this example, the condition number > 0 evaluates to false because -5 is not greater than 0, so the code in the else block is executed.

If-Else If-Else Statement

For multiple conditions, we can use the if-else if-else chain, which allows us to check several conditions in sequence.


if condition1 {
// code to execute if condition1 is true
} else if condition2 {
// code to execute if condition1 is false and condition2 is true
} else {
// code to execute if all conditions are false


Let's expand our number example to handle positive, negative, and zero values:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
number := 0

if number > 0 {
fmt.Println("The number is positive")
} else if number < 0 {
fmt.Println("The number is negative")
} else {
fmt.Println("The number is zero")


The number is zero

In this example, neither number > 0 nor number < 0 is true (since number equals 0), so the code in the final else block is executed.

Special Features of If Statements in Go

Go offers some unique features for if statements that make them more powerful and convenient.

1. Initialization Statement

In Go, you can include an initialization statement before the condition. This is often used to initialize a variable that will be used in the condition.


if initialization; condition {
// code to execute if condition is true


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
if x := 10; x > 5 {
fmt.Println("x is greater than 5, and x =", x)

// Note: x is not accessible here, as its scope is limited to the if block


x is greater than 5, and x = 10

In this example, we initialize x with the value 10 and then check if it's greater than 5. The variable x is only accessible within the if and any corresponding else blocks.

2. Short Circuit Evaluation

Go uses short-circuit evaluation for logical operators. This means that in a chain of logical operations, evaluation stops as soon as the result is determined.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
a, b := 5, 10

// Using && (AND) operator
if a > 0 && b/a > 1 {
fmt.Println("Both conditions are true")

// Using || (OR) operator
if a > 100 || b > 5 {
fmt.Println("At least one condition is true")


Both conditions are true
At least one condition is true

In the second if statement, even though a > 100 is false, the entire condition evaluates to true because b > 5 is true, and we're using the OR operator.

Nested If Statements

You can place an if statement inside another if or else block, creating nested conditional statements.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
num := 15

if num > 0 {
fmt.Println("The number is positive")

if num%2 == 0 {
fmt.Println("The number is even")
} else {
fmt.Println("The number is odd")
} else {
fmt.Println("The number is not positive")


The number is positive
The number is odd

In this example, we first check if the number is positive. Since 15 is positive, we then check if it's even or odd.

Common Patterns and Best Practices

1. Early Returns

In Go, it's common to use early returns to simplify code and reduce nesting:

package main

import "fmt"

func processNumber(num int) string {
// Early return for negative numbers
if num < 0 {
return "Cannot process negative numbers"

// Early return for zero
if num == 0 {
return "Number is zero"

// Process positive numbers
return fmt.Sprintf("Processed positive number: %d", num*2)

func main() {


Cannot process negative numbers
Number is zero
Processed positive number: 20

2. Avoiding Complex Conditions

It's generally better to break down complex conditions into simpler ones:

// Instead of this:
if x > 0 && x < 10 && y > 20 && y < 30 && z == 5 {
// Do something

// Consider this:
if x > 0 && x < 10 {
if y > 20 && y < 30 {
if z == 5 {
// Do something

// Or using early returns:
if x <= 0 || x >= 10 {
return // or handle this case
if y <= 20 || y >= 30 {
return // or handle this case
if z != 5 {
return // or handle this case
// Do something

Real-World Applications

Let's explore some practical examples of using if-else statements in Go.

Example 1: Simple Authentication

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
// Hardcoded credentials (in real-world, these would be securely stored)
correctUsername := "admin"
correctPassword := "password123"

// User input (in real-world, these would come from a form or input)
username := "admin"
password := "wrongpassword"

if username == correctUsername && password == correctPassword {
fmt.Println("Authentication successful. Welcome!")
} else if username == correctUsername {
fmt.Println("Incorrect password. Please try again.")
} else {
fmt.Println("User not found. Please register.")


Incorrect password. Please try again.

Example 2: Grade Calculator

package main

import "fmt"

func calculateGrade(score int) string {
if score < 0 || score > 100 {
return "Invalid score"
} else if score >= 90 {
return "A"
} else if score >= 80 {
return "B"
} else if score >= 70 {
return "C"
} else if score >= 60 {
return "D"
} else {
return "F"

func main() {
fmt.Println("Score 95:", calculateGrade(95))
fmt.Println("Score 85:", calculateGrade(85))
fmt.Println("Score 75:", calculateGrade(75))
fmt.Println("Score 65:", calculateGrade(65))
fmt.Println("Score 55:", calculateGrade(55))
fmt.Println("Score 105:", calculateGrade(105))


Score 95: A
Score 85: B
Score 75: C
Score 65: D
Score 55: F
Score 105: Invalid score

Example 3: Weather Suggestion App

package main

import "fmt"

func suggestActivity(weather string, temperature int) string {
if weather == "sunny" {
if temperature > 30 {
return "It's hot! How about swimming?"
} else if temperature > 20 {
return "Perfect weather for a picnic!"
} else {
return "Good day for a walk in the park!"
} else if weather == "rainy" {
if temperature < 10 {
return "It's cold and rainy. Stay inside with a book!"
} else {
return "Bring an umbrella if you're going out!"
} else if weather == "snowy" {
return "How about building a snowman?"
} else {
return "Check the forecast for accurate suggestions!"

func main() {
fmt.Println(suggestActivity("sunny", 25))
fmt.Println(suggestActivity("sunny", 35))
fmt.Println(suggestActivity("rainy", 5))
fmt.Println(suggestActivity("snowy", 0))


Perfect weather for a picnic!
It's hot! How about swimming?
It's cold and rainy. Stay inside with a book!
How about building a snowman?

Flow Diagram

Here's a visualization of how the if-else flow works in Go:


In this tutorial, we've explored the if-else statement in Go:

  • The basic if statement executes code only when a condition is true
  • The if-else statement provides an alternative execution path when the condition is false
  • The if-else if-else chain allows for multiple conditions to be checked in sequence
  • Go's special features for if statements include initialization statements and scoped variables
  • Nested if statements allow for more complex decision trees
  • Best practices include using early returns and avoiding overly complex conditions
  • We've seen practical real-world applications of if-else statements in Go

Conditional statements are a fundamental building block in programming, and mastering them will allow you to create more sophisticated and responsive programs.


To practice what you've learned, try these exercises:

  1. Write a program that checks if a number is divisible by both 2 and 3, only by 2, only by 3, or by neither.
  2. Create a simple calculator that takes two numbers and an operator (+, -, *, /) and performs the appropriate operation.
  3. Write a function that determines if a year is a leap year (hint: a year is a leap year if it's divisible by 4, but not by 100 unless it's also divisible by 400).
  4. Create a program that recommends a type of transportation (walk, bike, car, public transport) based on distance and weather conditions.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)