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JavaScript Unicode Support


Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that assigns a unique number (code point) to every character across all human writing systems. JavaScript has evolved to provide robust Unicode support, allowing developers to work with text in any language, from English to Arabic, Chinese to Emoji.

In this tutorial, we'll explore how JavaScript handles Unicode characters, the methods available for working with them, and common use cases in real-world applications.

Understanding Unicode Basics

Before diving into JavaScript specifics, let's understand some fundamental Unicode concepts:

  • Code Point: A unique numerical value assigned to each Unicode character
  • Code Unit: The way characters are encoded in memory (JavaScript uses UTF-16)
  • Surrogate Pairs: Some characters (like many emojis) require two 16-bit code units

In JavaScript, strings are sequences of 16-bit code units (not characters), which can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior when working with special characters.

JavaScript String Representation

JavaScript strings are encoded using UTF-16, which means:

  1. Most common characters use a single 16-bit code unit
  2. Characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) use two 16-bit code units (surrogate pairs)

Let's see this in action:

// Regular ASCII character (single code unit)
const a = 'A';
console.log(a.length); // 1

// Heart emoji (requires surrogate pairs)
const heart = '❤️';
console.log(heart.length); // 2 (not 1 as you might expect!)

Unicode Escape Sequences

JavaScript supports multiple ways to include Unicode characters in your code:

Hexadecimal Escape Sequence

For characters in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP):

// Using \u followed by 4 hex digits
const pi = '\u03C0'; // Greek letter pi: π
console.log(pi); // π

const copyright = '\u00A9'; // Copyright symbol: ©
console.log(copyright); // ©

Unicode Code Point Escapes

For characters beyond the BMP (including most emojis):

// Using \u{} syntax (ES6+)
const snowman = '\u2603'; // Using the BMP notation
const smiley = '\u{1F600}'; // Using code point notation for 😀
console.log(snowman); // ☃
console.log(smiley); // 😀

Key Methods for Unicode Handling

String Length and Iteration

As mentioned earlier, .length returns the number of code units, not visual characters:

const flag = '🇺🇸';  // US flag emoji
console.log(flag.length); // 4 (not 1!)

// Proper way to iterate through characters, including surrogate pairs
for (const char of '🇺🇸🌍') {
// 🇺🇸
// 🌍

charCodeAt vs. codePointAt

  • charCodeAt(): Returns the UTF-16 code unit at a specified position
  • codePointAt(): Returns the complete code point, even for characters requiring surrogate pairs
const rocket = '🚀';
console.log(rocket.charCodeAt(0)); // 55357 (first part of surrogate pair)
console.log(rocket.codePointAt(0)); // 128640 (the actual Unicode code point)

String.fromCharCode vs. String.fromCodePoint

  • String.fromCharCode(): Creates strings from UTF-16 code units
  • String.fromCodePoint(): Creates strings from code points
// Creating a character from its code point
console.log(String.fromCodePoint(128640)); // 🚀
console.log(String.fromCharCode(65, 66, 67)); // ABC


Unicode can represent the same visual character in multiple ways. For example, "é" can be encoded as a single character or as "e" followed by a combining accent.

JavaScript provides the normalize() method to convert strings to a consistent form:

// Two ways to represent "é"
const e1 = '\u00E9'; // é (single character)
const e2 = '\u0065\u0301'; // e + ́ (combining mark)

console.log(e1); // é
console.log(e2); // é
console.log(e1 === e2); // false (different code points)

// After normalization
console.log(e1.normalize() === e2.normalize()); // true

Practical Examples

Example 1: Input Validation for International Names

function validateName(name) {
// Allow letters from any language, spaces and some special characters
const pattern = /^[\p{L}\p{M}\s'.,-]+$/u;
return pattern.test(name);

console.log(validateName('José Rodríguez')); // true
console.log(validateName('张伟')); // true
console.log(validateName('John123')); // false

The \p{L} matches any Unicode letter and \p{M} matches combining marks. The u flag enables Unicode matching.

Example 2: Counting Actual Characters

function getVisualLength(str) {
return [...str].length;

const text = '🌍 Hello world! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦';
console.log('Code units length:', text.length); // More than visual characters
console.log('Visual characters:', getVisualLength(text)); // Actual visual character count

Example 3: Creating a Simple Emoji Picker

function createEmojiPicker(containerElement) {
const emojis = ['😀', '😎', '🚀', '❤️', '🎉', '🐶', '🍕', '🏆'];

emojis.forEach(emoji => {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = emoji;
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Copy to clipboard
.then(() => alert(`Copied ${emoji} to clipboard!`));

// Usage: createEmojiPicker(document.getElementById('emoji-picker'));

Considerations and Challenges


Operations on strings with many surrogate pairs can be slower. For performance-critical applications working with international text, consider:

  • Using string buffers for manipulation
  • Being mindful of string operations in loops

Browser and Platform Differences

Unicode support has improved dramatically, but there are still differences in:

  • Font availability for displaying certain characters
  • Emoji rendering between platforms
  • JavaScript engine implementations of newer Unicode features

Always test on multiple platforms when working with internationalized applications.


JavaScript's Unicode support has evolved significantly to handle text from any language or writing system. Key points to remember:

  • JavaScript strings use UTF-16 encoding
  • Some characters require surrogate pairs (two code units)
  • Use codePointAt() and fromCodePoint() for proper Unicode handling
  • String iteration with for...of handles surrogate pairs correctly
  • The normalize() method helps compare strings with different Unicode representations
  • When performing validation or string manipulation, use the u flag in regular expressions

With these tools and understanding, you can build truly international applications that properly handle text from any language.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a function that correctly reverses a string containing Unicode characters, including emojis
  2. Write a function that counts the number of graphemes (visual characters) in a string
  3. Build a simple transliteration tool that converts accented Latin characters to their non-accented equivalents
  4. Implement a character counter for a text field that correctly counts emojis as single characters

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)