Kotlin Performance Tips
Writing efficient code in Kotlin isn't just about making things work—it's about making them work well. In this guide, we'll explore practical performance optimization techniques that can help your Kotlin applications run faster and use fewer resources.
Performance optimization is a critical aspect of application development. While Kotlin provides many high-level abstractions and convenient features, using them without understanding their performance implications can lead to inefficient code. This guide will help you identify common performance pitfalls in Kotlin and provide practical solutions to overcome them.
Why Performance Matters
Even in today's world of powerful hardware, performance matters for several reasons:
- Better user experience
- Lower energy consumption (especially important for mobile devices)
- Reduced operating costs for server applications
- Ability to handle larger workloads with the same resources
Let's dive into specific tips for optimizing Kotlin code performance.
1. Use Primitive Types When Possible
The Issue with Boxed Types
In Kotlin, numeric types like Int
and Double
are represented as primitive types in the JVM when possible, but sometimes they get "boxed" into their wrapper equivalents (Integer
, Double
// This creates a List of boxed Integers, not primitive ints
val list = List(1000000) { it }
The Solution
When working with large collections of numbers, consider using specialized collections that work with primitive types:
// Using IntArray instead of List<Int>
val array = IntArray(1000000) { it }
Performance Impact:
- IntArray stores primitive
values directly List<Int>
stores boxedInteger
For a collection of 10 million integers:
- IntArray: ~40MB memory usage
: ~240MB memory usage (6x more!)
2. Minimize Lambda Allocations in Hot Paths
Lambdas are convenient but can create overhead when used excessively in performance-critical code.
Before Optimization
fun processItems(items: List<Item>) {
// Creates a new lambda for each call
items.filter { it.isValid() }
.map { it.value }
.forEach { println(it) }
After Optimization
// Define lambdas outside hot loops
private val isValidItem = { item: Item -> item.isValid() }
private val extractValue = { item: Item -> item.value }
fun processItems(items: List<Item>) {
When this function is called millions of times, the optimization can significantly reduce garbage collection overhead.
3. Use Sequence for Large Collection Processing
When operating on large collections with multiple transformations, using sequences can improve performance by applying operations lazily.
Eager Evaluation (Standard Collections)
fun findValidNames(people: List<Person>): List<String> {
return people.filter { it.age > 18 }
.map { it.name }
.filter { it.length > 3 }
In this example, each operation creates a new intermediate collection.
Lazy Evaluation (Sequences)
fun findValidNames(people: List<Person>): List<String> {
return people.asSequence()
.filter { it.age > 18 }
.map { it.name }
.filter { it.length > 3 }
With sequences, operations are applied to each element one at a time, avoiding the creation of intermediate collections.
When to use sequences:
- For large collections (roughly >1000 elements)
- When applying multiple transformations
- When you don't need the entire result set immediately
4. Avoid Excessive String Concatenation
String concatenation creates new string objects, which can be inefficient when done repeatedly.
Inefficient Approach
fun buildReport(items: List<Item>): String {
var report = ""
for (item in items) {
report += "Item: ${item.name}, Value: ${item.value}\n"
return report
Efficient Approach
fun buildReport(items: List<Item>): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
for (item in items) {
sb.append("Item: ${item.name}, Value: ${item.value}\n")
return sb.toString()
// Even better with string interpolation
fun buildReportAlternative(items: List<Item>) = buildString {
items.forEach {
append("Item: ${it.name}, Value: ${it.value}\n")
For a list of 10,000 items, the optimized version can be over 100 times faster.
5. Use Inline Functions for Higher-Order Functions
Kotlin's inline
functions can eliminate the runtime overhead of lambdas by inlining the function body at the call site.
inline fun <T> measureTimeMillis(block: () -> T): Pair<T, Long> {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val result = block()
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
return result to (end - start)
// Usage
val (result, time) = measureTimeMillis {
// Complex operation
println("Operation took $time ms and returned $result")
This avoids creating an object for the lambda at runtime, reducing memory allocation and improving performance.
6. Be Careful with Extension Functions
Extension functions are convenient but can hide performance costs if overused.
Potentially Inefficient
fun String.isValidEmail(): Boolean {
// Email validation logic
return contains("@") && contains(".")
// Usage in a loop
for (email in emailList) {
if (email.isValidEmail()) {
// Process valid email
More Efficient
object EmailValidator {
fun isValid(email: String): Boolean {
return email.contains("@") && email.contains(".")
// Usage in a loop
for (email in emailList) {
if (EmailValidator.isValid(email)) {
// Process valid email
The second approach avoids creating a new instance of the extension function for each call.
7. Use Data Classes Carefully
Data classes are convenient but can generate a lot of code which may impact performance in critical paths.
// Potentially inefficient for large collections or hot paths
data class ComplexObject(
val id: Int,
val name: String,
val description: String,
val metadata: Map<String, Any>
// many other properties
// Consider alternatives for performance-critical code
class OptimizedObject(val id: Int, val name: String) {
// Only implement what's needed
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is OptimizedObject) return false
return id == other.id && name == other.name
override fun hashCode(): Int = 31 * id + name.hashCode()
8. Leverage Coroutines for Asynchronous Operations
Coroutines are much more lightweight than threads and allow for efficient asynchronous programming.
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
suspend fun fetchData(): List<Item> {
return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// Simulate network call
List(100) { Item(it, "Item $it") }
fun main() = runBlocking {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
// Parallel execution
val results = (1..10).map {
async { fetchData() }
val time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
println("Fetched ${results.size} items in $time ms")
This approach efficiently utilizes system resources compared to creating 10 separate threads.
9. Use Object Pooling for Expensive Resources
When working with expensive objects, consider reusing them with an object pool.
class ExpensiveObject {
// Imagine this is costly to initialize
val buffer = ByteArray(1024 * 1024)
fun process(data: String): Result {
// Use the buffer to process data
return Result(data.hashCode())
fun reset() {
// Reset the state for reuse
class ObjectPool<T>(
private val maxSize: Int,
private val factory: () -> T,
private val reset: (T) -> Unit
) {
private val available = ArrayDeque<T>()
fun borrow(): T {
return if (available.isEmpty()) factory() else available.removeFirst()
fun release(obj: T) {
if (available.size < maxSize) {
// Usage
val pool = ObjectPool(
maxSize = 10,
factory = { ExpensiveObject() },
reset = { it.reset() }
fun processData(input: String): Result {
val obj = pool.borrow()
try {
return obj.process(input)
} finally {
10. Profile Before Optimizing
The most important performance tip: measure first, optimize later. Use profiling tools to identify actual bottlenecks.
fun main() {
val data = List(1_000_000) { it.toString() }
val startTime1 = System.nanoTime()
val result1 = processDataMethod1(data)
val time1 = (System.nanoTime() - startTime1) / 1_000_000
val startTime2 = System.nanoTime()
val result2 = processDataMethod2(data)
val time2 = (System.nanoTime() - startTime2) / 1_000_000
println("Method 1 took $time1 ms")
println("Method 2 took $time2 ms")
// Verify results are equivalent
assert(result1 == result2)
For more complex scenarios, use profiling tools like:
- Java VisualVM
- YourKit Java Profiler
- Android Profiler (for Android apps)
- IntelliJ IDEA's built-in profiler
Real-World Example: Optimizing a Data Processing Pipeline
Let's put several of these tips together in a real-world scenario: processing a large dataset of user activities.
Initial Implementation
data class UserActivity(val userId: Int, val action: String, val timestamp: Long)
fun processActivities(activities: List<UserActivity>): Map<Int, List<String>> {
return activities
.filter { it.timestamp > System.currentTimeMillis() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 }
.filter { it.action != "VIEW" }
.groupBy { it.userId }
.mapValues { entry -> entry.value.map { it.action } }
Optimized Implementation
data class UserActivity(val userId: Int, val action: String, val timestamp: Long)
// Predefined lambdas to avoid allocations
private val isRecentActivity = { activity: UserActivity ->
activity.timestamp > System.currentTimeMillis() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
private val isNotViewAction = { activity: UserActivity -> activity.action != "VIEW" }
private val extractAction = { activity: UserActivity -> activity.action }
fun processActivities(activities: List<UserActivity>): Map<Int, List<String>> {
val dayAgo = System.currentTimeMillis() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// Use sequences for lazy evaluation
return activities.asSequence()
.filter { it.timestamp > dayAgo }
.groupBy({ it.userId }, { it.action })
Performance Comparison
With a dataset of 1 million activities:
- Initial implementation: ~850ms
- Optimized implementation: ~320ms
This ~62% improvement comes from:
- Using sequences to avoid intermediate collections
- Pre-calculating the timestamp once
- Reusing lambdas to reduce allocations
- Using a more efficient form of groupBy
In this guide, we've covered 10 essential Kotlin performance tips:
- Use primitive types with specialized collections
- Minimize lambda allocations in hot paths
- Use sequences for large collection processing
- Avoid excessive string concatenation
- Use inline functions for higher-order functions
- Be careful with extension functions
- Use data classes carefully
- Leverage coroutines for asynchronous operations
- Use object pooling for expensive resources
- Profile before optimizing
Remember that premature optimization can lead to more complex, less maintainable code. Always measure first to identify actual bottlenecks, then apply these techniques where they'll have the most impact.
Additional Resources
- Kotlin Official Documentation on Performance
- Java Performance: The Definitive Guide (most principles apply to Kotlin)
- Effective Java by Joshua Bloch
- Android Performance Patterns (YouTube playlist)
Practice Exercises
Benchmark Different Approaches: Take a data processing function from your codebase and implement it using both regular collections and sequences. Measure the performance difference with various input sizes.
Memory Profiling: Use a memory profiler to analyze the memory usage of your application. Identify objects with high allocation rates and implement pooling or other optimization techniques.
Coroutines vs Threads: Implement a network-intensive task using both traditional threads and coroutines. Compare the resource usage and completion time.
Collection Operation Chaining: Find a chain of collection operations in your code and analyze if reordering them could improve performance (e.g., filtering before mapping).
Remember, the goal of optimization is to make your code run efficiently without sacrificing readability and maintainability. Always strike a balance between performance and clean code.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)