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Kotlin TypeCasting

When working with different data types in Kotlin, you'll often need to convert values from one type to another. This process is called type casting. Kotlin provides several safe and efficient ways to perform type casting, which we'll explore in this tutorial.

Introduction to Type Casting

Type casting allows you to treat a variable of one type as another type. In Kotlin, type casting is more robust and safer compared to Java, helping you avoid common runtime errors such as ClassCastException.

Kotlin supports:

  • Smart casts: Automatic casts performed by the compiler
  • Safe casts: Using the as? operator
  • Unsafe casts: Using the as operator
  • Type checking: Using the is and !is operators

Type Checking with is and !is

Before casting, you often need to check whether an object is of a specific type. Kotlin provides the is and !is operators for this purpose.

fun checkType(obj: Any) {
if (obj is String) {
println("The object is a String")
} else if (obj is Int) {
println("The object is an Integer")
} else {
println("The object is of type ${obj.javaClass.simpleName}")

fun main() {
checkType("Hello") // Output: The object is a String
checkType(42) // Output: The object is an Integer
checkType(3.14) // Output: The object is of type Double

The !is operator checks if an object is NOT of a specific type:

fun isNotString(obj: Any): Boolean {
return obj !is String

fun main() {
println(isNotString("Hello")) // Output: false
println(isNotString(42)) // Output: true

Smart Casts

One of Kotlin's most powerful features is smart casting. After you check a type with is, the compiler automatically casts the object to that type within the scope where the check is true.

fun processValue(value: Any) {
// First, we check if the value is a String
if (value is String) {
// Inside this block, 'value' is automatically cast to String
// No explicit casting is needed
println("String value with length ${value.length}")
println("Uppercase: ${value.uppercase()}")
// Here 'value' is back to type Any

fun main() {
/* Output:
String value with length 6
Uppercase: KOTLIN

Smart casts work with &&, ||, and ! operators:

fun smartCastWithOperators(obj: Any) {
// Smart cast works with logical operators
if (obj is String && obj.length > 0) {
println("Non-empty string: $obj")

fun main() {
smartCastWithOperators("Hello") // Output: Non-empty string: Hello
smartCastWithOperators("") // No output

Unsafe Cast with as Operator

You can explicitly cast an object using the as operator. However, this is considered "unsafe" because it will throw a ClassCastException if the cast is not possible.

fun unsafeCast(value: Any) {
try {
val str = value as String // Unsafe cast
println("Successfully cast to String: $str")
} catch (e: ClassCastException) {
println("Cannot cast ${value.javaClass.simpleName} to String")

fun main() {
unsafeCast("Hello") // Output: Successfully cast to String: Hello
unsafeCast(42) // Output: Cannot cast Integer to String

Safe Cast with as? Operator

To avoid exceptions, Kotlin provides the as? operator for safe casting. It returns null if the cast is not possible instead of throwing an exception.

fun safeCast(value: Any) {
val str = value as? String // Safe cast
if (str != null) {
println("Successfully cast to String: $str")
} else {
println("Could not cast ${value.javaClass.simpleName} to String")

fun main() {
safeCast("Hello") // Output: Successfully cast to String: Hello
safeCast(42) // Output: Could not cast Integer to String

Combining Safe Cast with Elvis Operator

A common pattern is to combine safe casting with the Elvis operator (?:) to provide default values or alternative actions:

fun processString(value: Any) {
// Try to cast to String, or use a default if casting fails
val str = (value as? String) ?: "Default string"
println("Processing string: $str")

fun main() {
processString("Hello") // Output: Processing string: Hello
processString(42) // Output: Processing string: Default string

Practical Example: Handling Different UI Elements

Let's see a practical example where type casting is useful, like in a UI system where you need to handle different types of elements:

// Base UI element class
open class UIElement(val id: String)

// Specific UI elements
class Button(id: String, val label: String) : UIElement(id)
class TextField(id: String, val text: String, val maxLength: Int) : UIElement(id)
class Checkbox(id: String, val isChecked: Boolean) : UIElement(id)

// Function to process UI elements
fun processElement(element: UIElement) {
println("Processing element with ID: ${}")

when (element) {
is Button -> {
// Smart cast to Button
println("Button with label: ${element.label}")
println("Simulating button click")
is TextField -> {
// Smart cast to TextField
println("Text field with content: ${element.text}")
println("Max length: ${element.maxLength}")
is Checkbox -> {
// Smart cast to Checkbox
val status = if (element.isChecked) "checked" else "unchecked"
println("Checkbox is $status")
else -> {
println("Unknown UI element type")

fun main() {
val button = Button("btn-submit", "Submit Form")
val textField = TextField("txt-name", "John Doe", 50)
val checkbox = Checkbox("chk-terms", true)

val elements = listOf(button, textField, checkbox)

for (element in elements) {


Processing element with ID: btn-submit
Button with label: Submit Form
Simulating button click

Processing element with ID: txt-name
Text field with content: John Doe
Max length: 50

Processing element with ID: chk-terms
Checkbox is checked

Converting Between Primitive Types

For primitive types, Kotlin provides specific conversion functions:

fun primitiveConversions() {
val intValue = 42

// Integer to other types
val longValue: Long = intValue.toLong()
val doubleValue: Double = intValue.toDouble()
val floatValue: Float = intValue.toFloat()
val shortValue: Short = intValue.toShort()
val byteValue: Byte = intValue.toByte()
val stringValue: String = intValue.toString()

println("Integer: $intValue")
println("Long: $longValue")
println("Double: $doubleValue")
println("Float: $floatValue")
println("Short: $shortValue")
println("Byte: $byteValue")
println("String: $stringValue")

// String to Number
val numericString = "123.45"
val parsedDouble = numericString.toDouble()
val parsedInt = parsedDouble.toInt() // Truncates the decimal part

println("String to Double: $parsedDouble")
println("Double to Int (truncated): $parsedInt")

fun main() {


Integer: 42
Long: 42
Double: 42.0
Float: 42.0
Short: 42
Byte: 42
String: 42
String to Double: 123.45
Double to Int (truncated): 123


Kotlin's type casting system provides several mechanisms for safely converting between types:

  • Type checking with is and !is operators to verify an object's type
  • Smart casts that automatically cast objects after type checking
  • Unsafe casting with the as operator (which can throw exceptions)
  • Safe casting with the as? operator (which returns null on failure)
  • Primitive conversion functions like toInt(), toString(), etc.

By using these features, you can write safer, more expressive code that avoids common runtime errors while still working with different types of data.

Additional Resources and Exercises



  1. Create a function that takes an Any parameter and safely extracts a number from it (handle both numeric types and strings containing numbers).

  2. Implement a function that takes a list of Any objects and returns the sum of all numbers in the list (integers, doubles, etc.), ignoring non-numeric values.

  3. Create a simple class hierarchy with a base class and several subclasses. Then write a function that takes the base class type and performs different actions based on the actual runtime type of the object.

  4. Write a function that safely converts a string to an integer, returning a default value if the conversion fails.

Remember, effective type casting is about ensuring type safety while still maintaining the flexibility to work with different types when needed.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)