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Kotlin Lambda Performance

Lambda expressions are a powerful feature in Kotlin that enable functional programming paradigms, but they can come with performance implications that are important to understand, especially in performance-sensitive applications.


Lambdas in Kotlin provide a concise way to pass behavior as parameters to functions, create higher-order functions, and implement functional interfaces. While lambdas improve code readability and expressivity, it's important to consider their performance characteristics, especially when working with resource-constrained environments or performance-critical applications.

In this tutorial, we'll explore:

  • The performance implications of using lambdas
  • How lambdas are implemented in Kotlin
  • Optimization techniques for lambda expressions
  • Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

Understanding Lambda Implementation

Under the hood, the way Kotlin implements lambdas depends on several factors:

Function Objects vs. Inline Functions

When you create a lambda in Kotlin, it typically generates a function object that includes some overhead:

// This lambda creates a function object
val square = { x: Int -> x * x }

Each lambda expression creates an instance of a class that implements a function interface, which can lead to:

  • Memory allocation for the function object
  • Virtual method calls when invoking the lambda
  • Potential garbage collection overhead

Inline Functions: A Performance Optimization

Kotlin provides the inline modifier, which is a powerful performance optimization for functions that take lambdas as parameters:

inline fun measureTime(action: () -> Unit): Long {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
return System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime

fun main() {
val time = measureTime {
// Some code to measure
for (i in 1..1000000) {
val result = i * i
println("Execution took $time ms")


Execution took 12 ms

How Inline Functions Work

When a function is marked as inline, the compiler replaces each call to the function with the actual function body, and each lambda parameter gets substituted with its implementation. This eliminates:

  1. The creation of function objects
  2. The overhead of virtual function calls
  3. The additional stack frames for function calls

Let's compare non-inline vs. inline performance:

fun regularFunction(action: () -> Unit) {

inline fun inlinedFunction(action: () -> Unit) {

fun main() {
// Measuring regular function with lambda
val regularTime = measureTime {
for (i in 1..1000000) {
regularFunction {
val x = i * 2

// Measuring inlined function with lambda
val inlinedTime = measureTime {
for (i in 1..1000000) {
inlinedFunction {
val x = i * 2

println("Regular function took: $regularTime ms")
println("Inlined function took: $inlinedTime ms")

Typical Output:

Regular function took: 28 ms
Inlined function took: 8 ms

The inlined version is typically significantly faster because it avoids creating millions of lambda objects.

Lambda Capturing and Performance

Lambdas can capture variables from their surrounding scope, which can affect performance:

Non-capturing vs. Capturing Lambdas

fun performanceTest() {
val outsideVariable = "I'm captured"

// Non-capturing lambda - doesn't reference any external variables
val nonCapturing = { x: Int -> x * x }

// Capturing lambda - captures outsideVariable
val capturing = { x: Int ->
x * x

Capturing lambdas require additional memory for storing references to captured variables, which can impact performance.

Lambda Reuse for Better Performance

Instead of creating lambdas repeatedly in loops, define them once outside:

// Less efficient - creates a new lambda on each iteration
fun inefficientWay(list: List<Int>): List<Int> {
return { it * 2 }
.filter { it > 10 }

// More efficient - reuse lambda objects
fun efficientWay(list: List<Int>): List<Int> {
val mapper = { item: Int -> item * 2 }
val filter = { item: Int -> item > 10 }

fun main() {
val data = (1..100000).toList()

val inefficientTime = measureTime { inefficientWay(data) }
val efficientTime = measureTime { efficientWay(data) }

println("Inefficient way: $inefficientTime ms")
println("Efficient way: $efficientTime ms")

Typical Output:

Inefficient way: 45 ms
Efficient way: 38 ms

Real-world Performance Optimization Scenario

Let's look at a practical example of optimizing a data processing pipeline:

data class Product(val id: Int, val name: String, val price: Double, val category: String)

// Generate sample data
fun generateProducts(count: Int): List<Product> {
return (1..count).map { i ->
id = i,
name = "Product $i",
price = 10.0 + (i % 90),
category = "Category ${i % 5}"

// Non-optimized version
fun processProductsNonOptimized(products: List<Product>): Double {
return products
.filter { it.category == "Category 1" }
.map { it.price * 1.2 } // Apply 20% markup
.filter { it > 50 }

// Optimized version using inline functions and sequence
fun processProductsOptimized(products: List<Product>): Double {
return products.asSequence()
.filter { it.category == "Category 1" }
.map { it.price * 1.2 }
.filter { it > 50 }

fun main() {
val products = generateProducts(1000000)

val nonOptimizedTime = measureTime { processProductsNonOptimized(products) }
val optimizedTime = measureTime { processProductsOptimized(products) }

println("Non-optimized processing: $nonOptimizedTime ms")
println("Optimized processing: $optimizedTime ms")

Typical Output:

Non-optimized processing: 220 ms
Optimized processing: 65 ms

Why the Optimized Version Is Faster

  1. Sequence Operations: Uses lazy evaluation, only processing elements as needed
  2. Reduced Intermediate Collections: Doesn't create intermediate collections for each operation
  3. Leverages Kotlin's Inline Functions: filter, map, and other sequence operations are inline functions

Best Practices for Lambda Performance

  1. Use inline functions when passing lambdas as parameters, especially in performance-critical code
  2. Consider using sequences for large collections to benefit from lazy evaluation
  3. Reuse lambda definitions instead of creating new ones repeatedly
  4. Minimize variable capturing in lambdas when possible
  5. Use primitive specializations like IntPredicate or IntFunction in Java interop cases
  6. Profile before optimizing - measure actual performance bottlenecks

When to Use Inline Functions

While inline functions provide performance benefits, they're not always the right choice:

Good use cases:

  • Small functions that take lambdas as parameters
  • Higher-order functions that are called frequently
  • Extension functions on collections that process elements

Not recommended for:

  • Large functions (increases bytecode size)
  • Recursive functions (can cause code explosion)
  • Functions that don't take lambdas as parameters

Practical Example: Custom Collection Processor

Here's a custom collection processor that uses inline functions for efficient processing:

inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.processEfficiently(
crossinline transform: (T) -> R,
crossinline filter: (R) -> Boolean,
crossinline action: (R) -> Unit
) {
for (item in this) {
val transformed = transform(item)
if (filter(transformed)) {

fun main() {
val numbers = 1..1000000

val time = measureTime {
transform = { it * 2 },
filter = { it % 3 == 0 },
action = { /* process item */ }

println("Processed efficiently in $time ms")


Processed efficiently in 15 ms


Understanding the performance implications of Kotlin lambdas is crucial for writing efficient code, especially in performance-sensitive applications. Key takeaways include:

  • Lambdas introduce function object allocation overhead unless inlined
  • The inline modifier eliminates function object creation and virtual call overhead
  • Variable capturing affects lambda performance
  • Sequences can significantly improve performance for large data processing tasks
  • Lambda reuse and minimizing captures can lead to better performance

By applying these optimization techniques judiciously, you can enjoy the expressive power of lambdas without sacrificing performance.

Additional Resources


  1. Compare the performance of a regular function vs. an inlined function when processing a list of 10 million integers
  2. Create a benchmark that compares the performance of capturing vs. non-capturing lambdas
  3. Optimize a data processing pipeline that uses multiple lambdas by converting it to use sequences and inline functions
  4. Implement a custom higher-order function with the inline modifier and benchmark its performance against a non-inlined version

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)