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PHP Constructors


When working with Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP, you'll often need to initialize objects with specific values when they're created. This is where constructors come into play. A constructor is a special method that automatically runs whenever you create a new instance of a class.

Think of a constructor as a welcome committee for your new objects - it's there to make sure everything is properly set up from the moment an object comes into existence.

What Are Constructors?

A constructor in PHP is a special method with the name __construct() (with two underscores). This method is automatically called when you create a new object using the new keyword. Constructors allow you to:

  1. Initialize properties of an object
  2. Perform necessary setup tasks
  3. Accept initial values for the object's properties
  4. Ensure an object starts in a valid state

Basic Constructor Syntax

Here's the basic syntax of a PHP constructor:

class MyClass {
// Properties
private $property1;
private $property2;

// Constructor
public function __construct($value1, $value2) {
$this->property1 = $value1;
$this->property2 = $value2;

// Creating an object with the constructor
$object = new MyClass("Hello", 42);

Simple Constructor Example

Let's look at a practical example with a Person class:

class Person {
// Properties
private $name;
private $age;

// Constructor
public function __construct($name, $age) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->age = $age;

// Method to display person information
public function displayInfo() {
echo "Name: " . $this->name . ", Age: " . $this->age;

// Creating a Person object
$person1 = new Person("John Doe", 30);

// Display the person's information


Name: John Doe, Age: 30

In this example:

  1. We define a Person class with two properties: $name and $age
  2. The constructor accepts two parameters and assigns them to the properties
  3. When we create a new Person object, we pass the name and age values to the constructor
  4. The constructor sets up the initial state of our object

Constructor Parameter Types

Just like regular methods, constructors can use type declarations for parameters:

class Rectangle {
private $width;
private $height;

// Constructor with type declarations
public function __construct(float $width, float $height) {
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;

public function getArea(): float {
return $this->width * $this->height;

// Creating a Rectangle object
$rect = new Rectangle(5.5, 3.0);
echo "Area: " . $rect->getArea();


Area: 16.5

Default Values in Constructors

You can provide default values for constructor parameters, making them optional:

class Configuration {
private $host;
private $username;
private $password;
private $database;

// Constructor with default values
public function __construct(
string $host = "localhost",
string $username = "root",
string $password = "",
string $database = "my_app"
) {
$this->host = $host;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
$this->database = $database;

public function getConnectionString() {
return "Host: {$this->host}, Database: {$this->database}, User: {$this->username}";

// Using default values
$defaultConfig = new Configuration();
echo "Default configuration: " . $defaultConfig->getConnectionString();

echo "


// Overriding some default values
$customConfig = new Configuration("", "admin", "secure123");
echo "Custom configuration: " . $customConfig->getConnectionString();


Default configuration: Host: localhost, Database: my_app, User: root

Custom configuration: Host:, Database: my_app, User: admin

Constructor Property Promotion (PHP 8.0+)

With PHP 8.0 and above, you can use constructor property promotion to declare and initialize properties in one step:

// PHP 8.0+ example
class User {
// Constructor property promotion
public function __construct(
private string $username,
private string $email,
private int $loginCount = 0
) {}

public function getProfile() {
return "Username: {$this->username}, Email: {$this->email}, Logins: {$this->loginCount}";

$user = new User("johndoe", "[email protected]");
echo $user->getProfile();


Username: johndoe, Email: [email protected], Logins: 0

This feature reduces boilerplate code by combining property declarations with constructor parameters.

Constructor Inheritance

When a class extends another class, it's important to understand how constructors behave:

class Vehicle {
protected $brand;

public function __construct($brand) {
$this->brand = $brand;
echo "Vehicle constructor called

class Car extends Vehicle {
private $model;

public function __construct($brand, $model) {
// Call parent constructor

$this->model = $model;
echo "Car constructor called

public function getInfo() {
return "{$this->brand} {$this->model}";

$car = new Car("Toyota", "Corolla");
echo "Car: " . $car->getInfo();


Vehicle constructor called
Car constructor called
Car: Toyota Corolla

Key points about constructor inheritance:

  1. Child class constructors don't automatically call the parent constructor
  2. You need to explicitly call parent::__construct() if you want to run the parent constructor
  3. It's generally good practice to call the parent constructor when overriding it

Constructor Lifecycle

Let's understand when and how constructors work using a visual representation:

Real-World Example: Database Connection Class

Let's look at a practical example of using constructors for a database connection class:

class DatabaseConnection {
private $connection;
private $host;
private $username;
private $password;
private $database;
private $port;

public function __construct(
string $host,
string $username,
string $password,
string $database,
int $port = 3306
) {
$this->host = $host;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
$this->database = $database;
$this->port = $port;

// Connect to database when object is created

private function connect() {
// In a real application, this would use mysqli or PDO
$this->connection = "Connected to MySQL at {$this->host}:{$this->port}, database: {$this->database}";

// For demonstration purposes
echo "Database connection established

public function getConnection() {
return $this->connection;

// Clean up when object is destroyed
public function __destruct() {
// Close connection when object is no longer needed
echo "Database connection closed

// Create a database connection
$db = new DatabaseConnection(

echo $db->getConnection() . "

// When $db goes out of scope, the __destruct method will be called


Database connection established
Connected to MySQL at localhost:3306, database: my_application
Database connection closed

This example shows how:

  1. The constructor initializes all necessary properties
  2. It performs setup actions (connecting to the database)
  3. It ensures the object is ready to use immediately after creation

Common Constructor Patterns

Dependency Injection

Constructors are often used for dependency injection - a pattern where a class receives its dependencies rather than creating them:

interface Logger {
public function log($message);

class FileLogger implements Logger {
public function log($message) {
echo "Writing to log file: $message

class UserService {
private $logger;

// The Logger dependency is injected through the constructor
public function __construct(Logger $logger) {
$this->logger = $logger;

public function createUser($username) {
// Business logic
$this->logger->log("User created: $username");

// Create the dependencies
$logger = new FileLogger();

// Inject the dependencies through the constructor
$userService = new UserService($logger);

// Use the service


Writing to log file: User created: john_doe

Factory Method Pattern

Sometimes, you might want to have multiple ways to create an object. A common pattern is to combine constructors with static factory methods:

class Product {
private $id;
private $name;
private $price;

// Private constructor prevents direct instantiation
private function __construct($id, $name, $price) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->name = $name;
$this->price = $price;

// Factory method for creating a basic product
public static function createBasic($name, $price) {
return new self(uniqid(), $name, $price);

// Factory method for creating from database record
public static function createFromDatabase($id, $name, $price) {
return new self($id, $name, $price);

public function getDetails() {
return "Product #{$this->id}: {$this->name}, Price: \${$this->price}";

// Using factory methods instead of constructor directly
$basicProduct = Product::createBasic("Simple Widget", 19.99);
echo $basicProduct->getDetails() . "

$dbProduct = Product::createFromDatabase("DB-1001", "Database Widget", 29.99);
echo $dbProduct->getDetails();


Product #6420e7a09c1b9: Simple Widget, Price: $19.99
Product #DB-1001: Database Widget, Price: $29.99

Best Practices

When working with constructors in PHP, follow these best practices:

  1. Keep constructors focused: A constructor should only initialize the object. Avoid complex logic or operations that might fail.

  2. Use parameter type declarations: Specify the expected types for constructor parameters to catch errors early.

  3. Provide sensible defaults: When appropriate, give default values to make your classes easier to use.

  4. Call parent constructors: When extending a class, call the parent constructor if needed.

  5. Use dependency injection: Pass dependencies through the constructor rather than creating them inside.

  6. Validate input: Check that the provided values make sense before using them.

  7. Consider constructor overloading alternatives: PHP doesn't support true constructor overloading, but you can use factory methods or optional parameters instead.


PHP constructors are a fundamental part of object-oriented programming that allow you to:

  • Initialize object properties when creating new instances
  • Ensure objects start in a valid state
  • Accept initial configuration parameters
  • Set up resources needed by the object

Understanding constructors is essential for writing clean, maintainable object-oriented PHP code. They provide a clear entry point for object initialization and help encapsulate the setup logic required for your classes.


  1. Create a BankAccount class with a constructor that accepts an account holder name and an initial balance.

  2. Build a ShoppingCart class with a constructor that initializes an empty items array and accepts a tax rate parameter.

  3. Implement a Logger class hierarchy with different logger types (File, Database, Email) and use constructor inheritance.

  4. Design a Configuration class that reads settings from a file in its constructor and provides methods to access those settings.

  5. Create a class with PHP 8's constructor property promotion and compare it with the traditional approach.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)