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Python Closures


In Python, a closure is a function object that remembers values in the enclosing scope even if they are not present in memory. In simpler terms, a closure is a function that captures and "remembers" the values of variables from its containing (enclosing) scope even after that scope has finished executing.

Closures are a powerful feature in Python that enables you to create functions with "memory" and implement elegant solutions to complex programming problems. They are particularly useful in functional programming and serve as the foundation for decorators, one of Python's most powerful features.

Basic Concept of Closures

A closure in Python has three key components:

  1. A nested function (function inside another function)
  2. The nested function must refer to a value defined in the enclosing function
  3. The enclosing function must return the nested function

Let's break down these components with a simple example:

def outer_function(message):
# This is the enclosing function

def inner_function():
# This is the nested function
print(message) # Uses variable from the enclosing scope

# Return the nested function
return inner_function

# Create a closure
greeting = outer_function("Hello, world!")

# Execute the closure
greeting() # Output: Hello, world!


Hello, world!

In this example:

  • outer_function is the enclosing function that takes a message parameter
  • inner_function is the nested function that uses the message variable
  • outer_function returns inner_function
  • When we call greeting(), it still "remembers" the message value even though outer_function has completed execution

How Closures Work in Python

When you create a closure, Python stores the referenced variables from the outer scope in a special attribute called __closure__. Let's examine this:

def outer_function(message):
def inner_function():
return inner_function

closure = outer_function("Python Closures")


(<cell at 0x7f123456abcd: str object at 0x7f123456def0>,)
Python Closures

The __closure__ attribute contains a tuple of cell objects that store the values of the free variables (variables that are not local to the function but are referenced by it).

When to Use Closures

Closures are particularly useful in scenarios like:

  1. Data encapsulation: Hiding data from the global scope
  2. Creating function factories: Functions that generate specialized functions
  3. Implementing callbacks: Functions that will be called later
  4. Maintaining state between function calls: Without using global variables or class instances

Practical Examples of Closures

Example 1: Creating a Multiplier Function

Let's create a function factory that produces functions for multiplying by a specific number:

def create_multiplier(factor):
def multiplier(number):
return number * factor
return multiplier

# Create specific multiplier functions
double = create_multiplier(2)
triple = create_multiplier(3)

print(double(5)) # Output: 10
print(triple(5)) # Output: 15



Here, double and triple are closures that "remember" their respective factor values.

Example 2: Implementing a Counter

Closures can maintain state between function calls:

def create_counter(start=0):
count = [start] # Using a mutable object to store the count

def increment(step=1):
count[0] += step
return count[0]

def decrement(step=1):
count[0] -= step
return count[0]

def get_count():
return count[0]

# Return a dictionary of functions
return {
'increment': increment,
'decrement': decrement,
'get_count': get_count

# Create a counter starting at 5
counter = create_counter(5)

print(counter['get_count']()) # Output: 5
print(counter['increment']()) # Output: 6
print(counter['increment'](3)) # Output: 9
print(counter['decrement'](2)) # Output: 7
print(counter['get_count']()) # Output: 7



In this example, the counter maintains its state between function calls without using global variables.

Example 3: Real-world Application - Logger with Custom Prefix

Here's a practical example of creating a logger that prefixes messages with a timestamp and custom prefix:

import time

def create_logger(prefix):
def log(message):
timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print(f"{timestamp} - {prefix}: {message}")

return log

# Create specialized loggers
system_logger = create_logger("SYSTEM")
user_logger = create_logger("USER")

# Use the loggers
system_logger("System initialization complete")
user_logger("User admin logged in")


2023-09-25 14:32:45 - SYSTEM: System initialization complete
2023-09-25 14:32:45 - USER: User admin logged in

Each logger "remembers" its prefix thanks to closure.

Important Notes About Closures

1. Modifying Variables from the Enclosing Scope

In Python 3, you can modify nonlocal variables using the nonlocal keyword:

def counter():
count = 0

def increment():
nonlocal count # Indicate that count is from the enclosing scope
count += 1
return count

return increment

increment_counter = counter()
print(increment_counter()) # Output: 1
print(increment_counter()) # Output: 2
print(increment_counter()) # Output: 3



Without the nonlocal keyword, you would get an UnboundLocalError when trying to modify count.

2. Memory Considerations

Closures capture references to variables, which means those variables remain in memory as long as the closure exists. Be mindful of this when creating many closures or when capturing large data structures.

Common Use Cases for Closures

  1. Decorators: Closures form the foundation of Python's decorator pattern
  2. Event handlers and callbacks: Functions that need to maintain context
  3. Partial function application: Creating specialized versions of functions
  4. Data hiding and encapsulation: Restricting access to certain data
  5. Function factories: Creating custom functions on the fly

Closures vs. Classes

Both closures and classes can be used to encapsulate state and behavior, but they have different use cases:

Simple, lightweightMore structured
Best for simple functions with stateBetter for complex objects with multiple methods
Less syntax overheadMore features (inheritance, etc.)
Limited to the enclosed variablesCan have multiple attributes and methods

Choose the right tool based on the complexity of your requirements.


Python closures provide a powerful way to create functions with "memory" by capturing and preserving values from the enclosing scope. They're useful for data encapsulation, maintaining state between function calls, and creating function factories.

Key points to remember:

  • A closure is a function that remembers values from its enclosing scope
  • Closures require a nested function referencing variables from the outer scope
  • The nonlocal keyword allows modification of enclosed variables
  • Closures are foundational for decorators and functional programming patterns in Python


  1. Create a closure that generates functions for raising a number to different powers (square, cube, etc.).
  2. Implement a simple caching mechanism using closures that remembers the results of expensive function calls.
  3. Create a closure that counts how many times a specific function has been called.
  4. Build a configuration system using closures where settings are remembered but hidden from global access.

Additional Resources

Understanding closures is fundamental to mastering advanced Python concepts like decorators and functional programming paradigms. With practice, you'll find them indispensable in your Python programming toolkit.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)