Rust BTreeMaps
Welcome to our guide on BTreeMap
in Rust! As part of the Rust Collections family, the BTreeMap
is a versatile ordered map implementation that offers a powerful balance of performance characteristics.
A BTreeMap
is an ordered collection that stores key-value pairs, where:
- Each key in the map is unique
- Data is stored in a balanced tree structure (specifically a B-tree)
- Keys are sorted in ascending order
- Operations maintain logarithmic time complexity
If you're coming from other programming languages, you might recognize similar data structures like:
in Javastd::map
in C++SortedDictionary
in C#
Let's dive into the world of Rust's BTreeMap
and learn how to harness its capabilities!
Getting Started with BTreeMap
Importing BTreeMap
To use BTreeMap
in your Rust program, you first need to import it from the standard library:
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
Creating a BTreeMap
Let's start by creating a new, empty BTreeMap
// Create an empty BTreeMap with keys of type String and values of type i32
let mut score_map: BTreeMap<String, i32> = BTreeMap::new();
// Using type inference:
let mut score_map = BTreeMap::new();
score_map.insert(String::from("Alice"), 95);
You can also create a BTreeMap
from an iterator of key-value pairs using the collect
let scores = [
(String::from("Alice"), 95),
(String::from("Bob"), 87),
(String::from("Charlie"), 91),
let score_map: BTreeMap<_, _> = scores.into_iter().collect();
println!("{:?}", score_map);
{"Alice": 95, "Bob": 87, "Charlie": 91}
Basic Operations
Inserting Elements
To add key-value pairs to a BTreeMap
, use the insert
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
// Insert key-value pairs
map.insert("apple", 5);
map.insert("banana", 3);
map.insert("cherry", 8);
println!("{:?}", map);
{"apple": 5, "banana": 3, "cherry": 8}
Note that keys are stored in sorted order (alphabetically in this case).
Accessing Values
There are several ways to access values in a BTreeMap
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
map.insert("apple", 5);
map.insert("banana", 3);
map.insert("cherry", 8);
// Using get method (returns Option<&V>)
if let Some(&value) = map.get("banana") {
println!("Value for 'banana': {}", value);
} else {
println!("'banana' not found!");
// Using indexing (panics if key doesn't exist)
let cherry_count = map["cherry"];
println!("Cherry count: {}", cherry_count);
// Using get_key_value to get both the key and value
if let Some((key, &value)) = map.get_key_value("apple") {
println!("Found key: {} with value: {}", key, value);
Value for 'banana': 3
Cherry count: 8
Found key: apple with value: 5
Updating Values
You can update values in several ways:
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
map.insert("apples", 5);
// Simple replacement
map.insert("apples", 10); // Replaces the old value
// Update based on old value
if let Some(value) = map.get_mut("apples") {
*value += 3;
println!("Updated apples: {}", map["apples"]);
// Entry API for more complex updates
*map.entry("bananas").or_insert(0) += 5;
println!("{:?}", map);
Updated apples: 13
{"apples": 13, "bananas": 5}
Removing Elements
To remove key-value pairs:
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
map.insert("apple", 5);
map.insert("banana", 3);
map.insert("cherry", 8);
// Remove and return the value
if let Some(value) = map.remove("banana") {
println!("Removed 'banana' with value: {}", value);
// Check if key exists
if !map.contains_key("banana") {
println!("'banana' is no longer in the map!");
println!("Remaining map: {:?}", map);
Removed 'banana' with value: 3
'banana' is no longer in the map!
Remaining map: {"apple": 5, "cherry": 8}
Iterating Over a BTreeMap
provides several ways to iterate through its contents:
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
map.insert("apple", 5);
map.insert("banana", 3);
map.insert("cherry", 8);
// Iterate over key-value pairs (in sorted key order)
println!("All fruits:");
for (fruit, count) in &map {
println!("- {}: {}", fruit, count);
// Iterate over just keys
Fruit names:");
for fruit in map.keys() {
println!("- {}", fruit);
// Iterate over just values
Fruit counts:");
for count in map.values() {
println!("- {}", count);
All fruits:
- apple: 5
- banana: 3
- cherry: 8
Fruit names:
- apple
- banana
- cherry
Fruit counts:
- 5
- 3
- 8
Range Operations
One powerful feature of BTreeMap
is its ability to work with ranges of keys:
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::ops::Bound::{Included, Excluded, Unbounded};
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
map.insert(1, "one");
map.insert(2, "two");
map.insert(3, "three");
map.insert(4, "four");
map.insert(5, "five");
// Get a range of entries (2...4 inclusive)
println!("Values from 2 to 4:");
for (key, value) in map.range(2..=4) {
println!("{}: {}", key, value);
// More flexible range using Bound
Values from after 2 to before 5:");
for (key, value) in map.range((Excluded(2), Excluded(5))) {
println!("{}: {}", key, value);
// All values up to 3
Values up to 3:");
for (key, value) in map.range(..=3) {
println!("{}: {}", key, value);
Values from 2 to 4:
2: two
3: three
4: four
Values from after 2 to before 5:
3: three
4: four
Values up to 3:
1: one
2: two
3: three
Performance Characteristics
Understanding BTreeMap
's performance helps you decide when to use it:
Here's how BTreeMap
compares to HashMap
Operation | BTreeMap | HashMap |
Insert | O(log n) | O(1) average |
Remove | O(log n) | O(1) average |
Lookup | O(log n) | O(1) average |
Iteration | O(n) in order | O(n) in arbitrary order |
Memory | More efficient | More overhead |
Key Order | Sorted | Unordered |
Use BTreeMap
- You need keys in sorted order
- You need to find the closest keys to a given value
- Memory efficiency is important
- You need range operations
Real-World Applications
Application 1: Word Frequency Counter
Let's build a simple word frequency counter that keeps words in alphabetical order:
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
fn word_frequency(text: &str) -> BTreeMap<String, usize> {
let mut frequency = BTreeMap::new();
for word in text.split_whitespace() {
// Clean the word (remove punctuation and convert to lowercase)
let clean_word = word.trim_matches(|c: char| !c.is_alphabetic())
if !clean_word.is_empty() {
// Increment the count for this word
*frequency.entry(clean_word).or_insert(0) += 1;
fn main() {
let text = "Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language.
Rust emphasizes performance, type safety, and concurrency.
Rust enforces memory safety without using garbage collection.";
let word_counts = word_frequency(text);
println!("Word frequencies (in alphabetical order):");
for (word, count) in &word_counts {
println!("{}: {}", word, count);
Word frequencies (in alphabetical order):
a: 1
and: 2
collection: 1
concurrency: 1
emphasizes: 1
enforces: 1
garbage: 1
general: 1
is: 1
language: 1
memory: 1
multi: 1
paradigm: 1
performance: 1
programming: 1
purpose: 1
rust: 3
safety: 2
type: 1
using: 1
without: 1
Application 2: Temperature Log by Date
Let's create a temperature logging system that automatically keeps readings sorted by date:
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Date {
year: u16,
month: u8,
day: u8,
impl Ord for Date {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
(self.year, self.month,, other.month,
impl PartialOrd for Date {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
fn main() {
let mut temperature_log = BTreeMap::new();
// Add temperature readings
temperature_log.insert(Date { year: 2023, month: 1, day: 15 }, 2.5);
temperature_log.insert(Date { year: 2023, month: 3, day: 10 }, 8.7);
temperature_log.insert(Date { year: 2023, month: 2, day: 5 }, 3.2);
temperature_log.insert(Date { year: 2022, month: 12, day: 25 }, -1.8);
temperature_log.insert(Date { year: 2023, month: 1, day: 5 }, 1.3);
// Display temperature readings in chronological order
println!("Temperature Log (Chronological Order):");
for (date, temp) in &temperature_log {
println!("{}-{:02}-{:02}: {:.1}°C", date.year, date.month,, temp);
// Get temperature readings for a specific month range
let start_date = Date { year: 2023, month: 1, day: 1 };
let end_date = Date { year: 2023, month: 2, day: 28 };
Temperatures from Jan-Feb 2023:");
for (date, temp) in temperature_log.range(start_date..=end_date) {
println!("{}-{:02}-{:02}: {:.1}°C", date.year, date.month,, temp);
Temperature Log (Chronological Order):
2022-12-25: -1.8°C
2023-01-05: 1.3°C
2023-01-15: 2.5°C
2023-02-05: 3.2°C
2023-03-10: 8.7°C
Temperatures from Jan-Feb 2023:
2023-01-05: 1.3°C
2023-01-15: 2.5°C
2023-02-05: 3.2°C
Advanced Features
Entry API
The Entry API provides a powerful way to manipulate elements:
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
fn main() {
let mut player_scores = BTreeMap::new();
// Add a score only if the player doesn't exist
// Modify a value if the key exists, otherwise insert a default
*player_scores.entry("Bob").or_insert(0) += 50;
// Use and_modify with or_insert for complex logic
.and_modify(|score| *score += 25)
// Make a more complex modification based on whether the key exists
.and_modify(|score| *score += 20)
println!("Player scores: {:?}", player_scores);
Player scores: {"Alice": 120, "Bob": 50, "Charlie": 75}
Using BTreeMap with Custom Types
To use custom types as keys in a BTreeMap
, they must implement Ord
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Student {
id: u32,
name: String,
impl Ord for Student {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for Student {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
fn main() {
let mut grades = BTreeMap::new();
// Add students and their grades
Student { id: 1001, name: String::from("Alice") },
Student { id: 1003, name: String::from("Bob") },
Student { id: 1002, name: String::from("Charlie") },
// Display students sorted by ID
println!("Student Grades (Sorted by ID):");
for (student, grade) in &grades {
println!("ID: {}, Name: {}, Grade: {:.1}",,, grade);
Student Grades (Sorted by ID):
ID: 1001, Name: Alice, Grade: 95.5
ID: 1002, Name: Charlie, Grade: 91.8
ID: 1003, Name: Bob, Grade: 87.2
Comparing BTreeMap and HashMap
Let's visualize the difference between BTreeMap
and HashMap
Here's a simple benchmark comparing their performance:
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
fn benchmark<F>(name: &str, iterations: u32, f: F) -> Duration
F: Fn(),
let start = Instant::now();
for _ in 0..iterations {
let duration = start.elapsed();
println!("{}: {:?}", name, duration);
fn main() {
let iterations = 100_000;
// Benchmark insertions
benchmark("BTreeMap insertion", iterations, || {
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
for i in 0..100 {
map.insert(i, i * 2);
benchmark("HashMap insertion", iterations, || {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
for i in 0..100 {
map.insert(i, i * 2);
// Create maps for lookup benchmarks
let mut btree_map = BTreeMap::new();
let mut hash_map = HashMap::new();
for i in 0..1000 {
btree_map.insert(i, i * 2);
hash_map.insert(i, i * 2);
// Benchmark lookups
benchmark("BTreeMap lookup", iterations, || {
for i in 0..100 {
let _ = btree_map.get(&i);
benchmark("HashMap lookup", iterations, || {
for i in 0..100 {
let _ = hash_map.get(&i);
Note: Actual timings will vary depending on your system, but generally HashMap
will be faster for simple operations while BTreeMap
shines when order matters.
In this guide, we've explored Rust's BTreeMap
collection from basic to advanced usage:
- Basic Operations: Creating maps, inserting, accessing, updating, and removing elements
- Iteration: Traversing key-value pairs, keys, or values in sorted order
- Range Operations: Working with subsets of the map by key ranges
- Entry API: Manipulating entries with a more expressive API
- Custom Types: Using custom types as keys by implementing the
trait - Performance Characteristics: Understanding when to choose
- Real-World Applications: Using
to solve practical problems
is an excellent choice when you need:
- Keys maintained in sorted order
- Range-based operations
- Good all-around performance
- Memory efficiency
To strengthen your understanding of BTreeMap
, try these exercises:
Frequency Analysis: Extend the word frequency counter to count character frequencies as well, keeping results sorted by character.
Leaderboard System: Create a program that maintains a leaderboard of players sorted by score. When players have equal scores, sort by name.
Time Series Data: Build a time series data structure using
that can efficiently retrieve data points from specific time ranges. -
Dictionary Implementation: Create a simple dictionary program that stores words and their definitions in a
, allowing for prefix searches (e.g., find all words starting with "pro"). -
Memory Usage Comparison: Write a program that compares the memory usage of
for different data sizes.
Additional Resources
To deepen your understanding of Rust collections and BTreeMap
- Rust Standard Library Documentation
- The Rust Programming Language Book, Chapter 8
- Rust By Example: Collections
- Rust Algorithm Club: B-trees
Happy Rust programming! Remember that choosing the right collection for your specific use case is key to writing efficient and maintainable code.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)