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Rust Struct Methods


In Rust, struct methods allow you to associate functions with your struct types. Methods are similar to regular functions but are defined within the context of a struct and can access the struct's data. This organization helps group related functionality together, making your code more modular and easier to understand.

Methods are a key feature that make Rust structs more powerful and enable a style of programming that will feel familiar if you've used object-oriented languages before.

Defining Methods

To define methods for a struct, we use an impl (implementation) block. The impl block contains all functions associated with the struct.

Basic Syntax

struct Rectangle {
width: u32,
height: u32,

impl Rectangle {
// Methods go here
fn area(&self) -> u32 {
self.width * self.height

Let's break down what's happening here:

  1. We define a Rectangle struct with width and height fields
  2. We create an impl block for Rectangle
  3. Inside the block, we define the area method that calculates the rectangle's area

The &self Parameter

The first parameter of a method is always self in some form, which represents the instance of the struct the method is being called on:

  • &self - borrows the instance immutably (most common)
  • &mut self - borrows the instance mutably
  • self - takes ownership of the instance (rare)

Using &self means we're borrowing the struct instance immutably - we can read its data but not modify it.

Example: Using Methods

fn main() {
let rect = Rectangle {
width: 30,
height: 50,

println!("The area of the rectangle is {} square pixels.", rect.area());


The area of the rectangle is 1500 square pixels.

Notice how we call the method using dot notation: rect.area(). Rust automatically adds the &self parameter for us, so we don't need to pass it explicitly.

Methods with Parameters

Methods can take additional parameters beyond self:

impl Rectangle {
fn area(&self) -> u32 {
self.width * self.height

fn can_hold(&self, other: &Rectangle) -> bool {
self.width > other.width && self.height > other.height

Here, can_hold takes a reference to another Rectangle and checks if the current rectangle is large enough to hold it.

Example: Methods with Parameters

fn main() {
let rect1 = Rectangle {
width: 30,
height: 50,

let rect2 = Rectangle {
width: 10,
height: 40,

let rect3 = Rectangle {
width: 60,
height: 45,

println!("Can rect1 hold rect2? {}", rect1.can_hold(&rect2));
println!("Can rect1 hold rect3? {}", rect1.can_hold(&rect3));


Can rect1 hold rect2? true
Can rect1 hold rect3? false

Methods That Modify Self

If we want a method to modify the struct instance, we need to use &mut self:

impl Rectangle {
fn double_size(&mut self) {
self.width *= 2;
self.height *= 2;

Example: Mutable Methods

fn main() {
let mut rect = Rectangle {
width: 30,
height: 50,

println!("Original dimensions: {}x{}", rect.width, rect.height);


println!("New dimensions: {}x{}", rect.width, rect.height);


Original dimensions: 30x50
New dimensions: 60x100

Note that we had to declare rect as mut to use this method, since it modifies the struct fields.

Associated Functions

Rust structs can also have associated functions, which are functions defined within impl blocks that don't take self as a parameter. These are not methods in the traditional sense but are associated with the struct type rather than an instance of the struct.

Associated functions are often used for constructors:

impl Rectangle {
// This is an associated function, not a method
fn square(size: u32) -> Rectangle {
Rectangle {
width: size,
height: size,

To call an associated function, we use the struct name with the :: syntax:

fn main() {
let square = Rectangle::square(25);
println!("Square dimensions: {}x{}", square.width, square.height);


Square dimensions: 25x25

Associated functions are particularly useful for creating constructor functions that return new instances of the struct.

Multiple impl Blocks

You can have multiple impl blocks for a single struct. This is useful for organizing code or when implementing traits:

impl Rectangle {
fn area(&self) -> u32 {
self.width * self.height

impl Rectangle {
fn perimeter(&self) -> u32 {
2 * (self.width + self.height)

Both implementations work exactly the same as if they were in a single impl block.

Real-World Example: Building a Simple Game Character

Let's create a more practical example by implementing a game character with methods:

struct Character {
name: String,
health: u32,
level: u32,
experience: u32,

impl Character {
// Constructor
fn new(name: &str) -> Character {
Character {
name: String::from(name),
health: 100,
level: 1,
experience: 0,

// Methods
fn take_damage(&mut self, damage: u32) {
if damage >= { = 0;
println!("{} has been defeated!",;
} else { -= damage;
println!("{} took {} damage. Health: {}",, damage,;

fn heal(&mut self, amount: u32) { += amount;
if > 100 { = 100;
println!("{} healed {} health. Health: {}",, amount,;

fn gain_experience(&mut self, exp: u32) {
self.experience += exp;
println!("{} gained {} experience points!",, exp);

// Check for level up
let exp_needed = self.level * 100;
if self.experience >= exp_needed {

fn level_up(&mut self) {
self.level += 1; = 100;
println!("{} leveled up! Now level {}!",, self.level);

fn status(&self) {
println!("Character Status:");
println!("Name: {}",;
println!("Level: {}", self.level);
println!("Health: {}/100",;
println!("Experience: {}/{}", self.experience, self.level * 100);

Now let's use this character in a simple game scenario:

fn main() {
// Create a new character
let mut hero = Character::new("Rustacean");

// Simulate some game actions
--- Adventure begins ---");
hero.gain_experience(60); // This should trigger a level up

--- Final status ---");


Character Status:
Name: Rustacean
Level: 1
Health: 100/100
Experience: 0/100

--- Adventure begins ---
Rustacean took 30 damage. Health: 70
Rustacean gained 50 experience points!
Rustacean healed 15 health. Health: 85
Rustacean took 25 damage. Health: 60
Rustacean gained 60 experience points!
Rustacean leveled up! Now level 2!

--- Final status ---
Character Status:
Name: Rustacean
Level: 2
Health: 100/100
Experience: 110/200

This example shows how methods can encapsulate behavior and help manage state in a structured way.

Visualization of Methods and Associated Functions

Here's a diagram illustrating the relationship between structs, methods, and associated functions:


Struct methods in Rust allow you to associate functions with your struct types, creating a more organized approach to working with data and behavior. Here's what we've covered:

  • Methods are defined in impl blocks
  • The first parameter is usually &self, &mut self, or self
  • Methods can read or modify the struct's data based on the self parameter
  • Associated functions don't take self and are often used as constructors
  • Multiple impl blocks can be used for organization
  • Methods help group related functionality together, making code more maintainable


  1. Basic Calculator: Create a Calculator struct with methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Add a method to keep track of calculation history.

  2. Bank Account: Implement a BankAccount struct with methods for deposit, withdrawal, and checking balance. Include validation to prevent overdrawing.

  3. Inventory System: Create an Inventory struct and a Product struct. Implement methods to add products, remove products, and check inventory levels.

  4. Enhanced Character: Extend the game character example by adding inventory items, abilities, and more advanced leveling mechanics.

Additional Resources

Happy coding with Rust structs and methods!

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)