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Rust Test Mocking


When writing tests in Rust, you'll often need to test components that depend on other parts of your system. These dependencies might be:

  • Complex to set up in a test environment
  • Slow to execute (like database operations)
  • Have side effects you want to avoid during testing
  • Not yet implemented

This is where mocking comes in. Mocking is a technique where you replace real dependencies with simplified versions that you can control. These simplified versions (called "mocks") mimic the behavior of real components but in a way that's more suitable for testing.

In this guide, we'll explore how to implement mocking in Rust tests, from basic concepts to practical examples.

Understanding Test Doubles

Before diving into implementation details, it's important to understand different types of test doubles:

  1. Dummy objects: Placeholders that don't actually do anything
  2. Stubs: Provide predetermined responses to calls
  3. Spies: Record calls made to them for verification
  4. Mocks: Verify that specific methods were called with expected parameters
  5. Fake objects: Working implementations, but not suitable for production

For this guide, we'll focus primarily on mocks, but the techniques can be adapted for other types of test doubles.

Rust's Approach to Mocking

Unlike some other languages, Rust doesn't have built-in mocking support. This is mainly because Rust's type system and ownership rules require a different approach to mocking.

There are several strategies for mocking in Rust:

  1. Using trait objects and manual implementations
  2. Using mocking libraries like mockall or mockito
  3. Dependency injection through generic parameters
  4. Using custom test configurations

Let's explore each of these approaches.

Basic Mocking with Traits

Rust's trait system is perfect for implementing mocks. By defining interfaces as traits, we can create both real implementations and mock implementations.

Example: Creating a Basic Mock

Let's start with a simple example. Imagine we have a UserRepository that fetches user data:

// The trait defining our interface
pub trait UserRepository {
fn get_user_by_id(&self, id: u64) -> Option<User>;
fn save_user(&self, user: &User) -> Result<(), String>;

// A User struct
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct User {
pub id: u64,
pub name: String,
pub email: String,

// A service that uses the repository
pub struct UserService<T: UserRepository> {
repository: T,

impl<T: UserRepository> UserService<T> {
pub fn new(repository: T) -> Self {
Self { repository }

pub fn get_user_display_name(&self, id: u64) -> String {
match self.repository.get_user_by_id(id) {
Some(user) =>,
None => "Unknown User".to_string(),

Now, let's create a mock implementation for testing:

// A mock implementation for testing
struct MockUserRepository {
// We'll control what gets returned
users: std::collections::HashMap<u64, User>,

impl MockUserRepository {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
users: std::collections::HashMap::new(),

fn mock_user(&mut self, user: User) {
self.users.insert(, user);

impl UserRepository for MockUserRepository {
fn get_user_by_id(&self, id: u64) -> Option<User> {

fn save_user(&self, _user: &User) -> Result<(), String> {
// For this mock, we'll just return success

And finally, let's write a test that uses our mock:

mod tests {
use super::*;

fn test_get_user_display_name() {
// Arrange
let mut repository = MockUserRepository::new();
repository.mock_user(User {
id: 1,
name: "Jane Doe".to_string(),
email: "[email protected]".to_string(),

let service = UserService::new(repository);

// Act
let name = service.get_user_display_name(1);

// Assert
assert_eq!(name, "Jane Doe");

fn test_unknown_user() {
// Arrange
let repository = MockUserRepository::new();
let service = UserService::new(repository);

// Act
let name = service.get_user_display_name(999);

// Assert
assert_eq!(name, "Unknown User");

This approach has several advantages:

  • It uses Rust's standard features (no external dependencies)
  • It creates type-safe mocks
  • It provides compile-time verification

However, it can be verbose for complex interfaces.

Using Mockall Library

For more complex scenarios, consider using a mocking library like mockall, which provides macros to automate mock creation.

First, add mockall to your Cargo.toml:

mockall = "0.11.3"

Here's how to use mockall to create mocks:

use mockall::predicate::*;
use mockall::*;

// First, we annotate our trait to auto-generate mocks
#[cfg_attr(test, automock)]
pub trait WeatherService {
fn get_temperature(&self, city: &str) -> Result<f32, String>;

// Our component under test
pub struct WeatherReporter<T: WeatherService> {
service: T,

impl<T: WeatherService> WeatherReporter<T> {
pub fn new(service: T) -> Self {
Self { service }

pub fn format_weather_report(&self, city: &str) -> String {
match self.service.get_temperature(city) {
Ok(temp) => format!("The temperature in {} is {} degrees Celsius", city, temp),
Err(_) => format!("Unable to get temperature for {}", city),

mod tests {
use super::*;

fn test_successful_report() {
// Arrange
let mut mock_service = MockWeatherService::new();

// Set expectations
.returning(|_| Ok(20.5));

let reporter = WeatherReporter::new(mock_service);

// Act
let report = reporter.format_weather_report("Berlin");

// Assert
assert_eq!(report, "The temperature in Berlin is 20.5 degrees Celsius");

fn test_error_report() {
// Arrange
let mut mock_service = MockWeatherService::new();

// Set expectations
.returning(|_| Err("City not found".to_string()));

let reporter = WeatherReporter::new(mock_service);

// Act
let report = reporter.format_weather_report("Unknown");

// Assert
assert_eq!(report, "Unable to get temperature for Unknown");

The mockall library provides several advantages:

  • Reduces boilerplate code
  • Supports expectations and verification
  • Provides powerful matching for arguments
  • Can mock both traits and structs

Dependency Injection with Generics

Rust's generics provide an elegant way to inject dependencies, making your code more testable.

// Define a trait for the dependency
pub trait Logger {
fn log(&self, message: &str);

// Our component using the dependency
pub struct OrderProcessor<L: Logger> {
logger: L,

impl<L: Logger> OrderProcessor<L> {
pub fn new(logger: L) -> Self {
Self { logger }

pub fn process_order(&self, order_id: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
self.logger.log(&format!("Processing order: {}", order_id));

// Do some processing...

self.logger.log(&format!("Order {} processed successfully", order_id));

// For testing, we create a mock logger
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::cell::RefCell;

struct MockLogger {
log_messages: RefCell<Vec<String>>,

impl MockLogger {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
log_messages: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),

fn get_logs(&self) -> Vec<String> {

impl Logger for MockLogger {
fn log(&self, message: &str) {

fn test_process_order() {
// Arrange
let logger = MockLogger::new();
let processor = OrderProcessor::new(logger);

// Act
let result = processor.process_order("12345");

// Assert
let logs = processor.logger.get_logs();
assert_eq!(logs.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(logs[0], "Processing order: 12345");
assert_eq!(logs[1], "Order 12345 processed successfully");

This approach:

  • Makes dependencies explicit in the type system
  • Allows easy substitution of real implementations with mocks
  • Works well with Rust's ownership model

Mocking HTTP Services with mockito

For testing code that makes HTTP requests, the mockito crate is very useful:

// Add to Cargo.toml:
// [dev-dependencies]
// mockito = "0.31.0"
// reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["blocking"] }

pub struct UserClient {
base_url: String,

impl UserClient {
pub fn new(base_url: &str) -> Self {
Self {
base_url: base_url.to_string(),

pub fn get_user(&self, id: u64) -> Result<User, String> {
let url = format!("{}/users/{}", self.base_url, id);

// Using reqwest for HTTP requests
let response = reqwest::blocking::get(&url)
.map_err(|e| format!("Request failed: {}", e))?;

if !response.status().is_success() {
return Err(format!("Request failed with status: {}", response.status()));

.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to parse response: {}", e))

mod tests {
use super::*;
use mockito::mock;

fn test_get_user() {
// Arrange
let mock_user = User {
id: 42,
name: "Test User".to_string(),
email: "[email protected]".to_string(),

// Setup mock server
let _m = mock("GET", "/users/42")
.with_header("content-type", "application/json")

let client = UserClient::new(&mockito::server_url());

// Act
let result = client.get_user(42);

// Assert
let user = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(, 42);
assert_eq!(, "Test User");
assert_eq!(, "[email protected]");

fn test_user_not_found() {
// Setup mock server to return 404
let _m = mock("GET", "/users/999")

let client = UserClient::new(&mockito::server_url());

// Act
let result = client.get_user(999);

// Assert
assert!(result.unwrap_err().contains("Request failed with status: 404"));

This approach is ideal for testing components that interact with external services.

Best Practices for Mocking in Rust

1. Design for Testability

  • Use traits to define interfaces
  • Keep functions small and focused
  • Use dependency injection
  • Avoid global state

2. Mock at the Right Level

  • Mock at the boundaries of your system
  • Don't mock everything - use real implementations when practical
  • Mock IO, external services, and complex dependencies

3. Structure Your Tests

// Common pattern for tests
fn test_something() {
// Arrange: set up your mocks and test data
let mock = ...;

// Act: call the function you're testing
let result = function_under_test();

// Assert: verify the results and mock interactions
assert_eq!(result, expected);

4. Mocking Flow Visualization

Here's a diagram showing the typical flow when using mocks in testing:

Challenges and Solutions

Challenge 1: Mocking Structs

Unlike traits, structs in Rust are concrete types and cannot be directly mocked. Solutions:

  1. Use the façade pattern - wrap structs in traits
  2. Use the mockall::automock macro for struct methods
  3. Use dependency injection to pass mockable components

Challenge 2: Mocking Static Methods

Static methods cannot be overridden in Rust. Solutions:

  1. Wrap static methods in traits
  2. Use function pointers or closures
  3. Consider redesigning to avoid static methods


// Instead of:
struct Database {
// fields...

impl Database {
pub fn connect() -> Self {
// Implementation...

// Refactor to:
pub trait DatabaseConnector {
fn connect(&self) -> Database;

struct RealDatabaseConnector;

impl DatabaseConnector for RealDatabaseConnector {
fn connect(&self) -> Database {
// Implementation...

// Now can be mocked in tests

Challenge 3: Mocking Standard Library Functions

Standard library functions cannot be directly mocked. Solutions:

  1. Create wrapper traits for standard library functionality
  2. Use libraries like std-mock for specific cases
  3. Use conditional compilation for test-specific implementations

Practical Example: A Complete Application

Let's tie everything together with a more complete example of a weather application:

use std::error::Error;

// Define our domain entities
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct WeatherData {
pub city: String,
pub temperature: f32,
pub conditions: String,
pub timestamp: i64,

// Define our service interfaces
pub trait WeatherApi {
fn fetch_current_weather(&self, city: &str) -> Result<WeatherData, Box<dyn Error>>;

pub trait CacheStorage {
fn get(&self, key: &str) -> Option<WeatherData>;
fn set(&self, key: &str, data: WeatherData);

// Our main service that we want to test
pub struct WeatherService<A: WeatherApi, C: CacheStorage> {
api: A,
cache: C,
cache_duration_secs: i64,

impl<A: WeatherApi, C: CacheStorage> WeatherService<A, C> {
pub fn new(api: A, cache: C, cache_duration_secs: i64) -> Self {
Self {

pub fn get_weather(&self, city: &str) -> Result<WeatherData, Box<dyn Error>> {
// Check cache first
if let Some(cached) = self.cache.get(city) {
let current_time = chrono::Utc::now().timestamp();

// Check if cache is still valid
if current_time - cached.timestamp < self.cache_duration_secs {
return Ok(cached);

// If not in cache or expired, fetch from API
let weather = self.api.fetch_current_weather(city)?;

// Update cache
self.cache.set(city, weather.clone());


// Now let's test this

mod tests {
use super::*;
use mockall::{predicate::*, *};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Mutex;

// Mock the WeatherApi
mock! {
WeatherApi {}
impl WeatherApi for WeatherApi {
fn fetch_current_weather(&self, city: &str) -> Result<WeatherData, Box<dyn Error>>;

// A simple implementation of CacheStorage for testing
struct MockCache {
data: Mutex<HashMap<String, WeatherData>>,

impl MockCache {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
data: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),

impl CacheStorage for MockCache {
fn get(&self, key: &str) -> Option<WeatherData> {

fn set(&self, key: &str, data: WeatherData) {, data);

fn test_get_weather_from_api() {
// Arrange
let mut mock_api = MockWeatherApi::new();
let cache = MockCache::new();

let test_data = WeatherData {
city: "London".to_string(),
temperature: 15.5,
conditions: "Cloudy".to_string(),
timestamp: chrono::Utc::now().timestamp(),

// Set expectations on the mock
.return_once(move |_| Ok(test_data.clone()));

let service = WeatherService::new(mock_api, cache, 3600);

// Act
let result = service.get_weather("London");

// Assert
let weather = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "London");
assert_eq!(weather.temperature, 15.5);
assert_eq!(weather.conditions, "Cloudy");

fn test_get_weather_from_cache() {
// Arrange
let mock_api = MockWeatherApi::new();
let cache = MockCache::new();

// Populate cache with test data
let cached_data = WeatherData {
city: "Paris".to_string(),
temperature: 20.0,
conditions: "Sunny".to_string(),
timestamp: chrono::Utc::now().timestamp(),

cache.set("Paris", cached_data.clone());

// Note: No expectations on the mock API because it shouldn't be called

let service = WeatherService::new(mock_api, cache, 3600);

// Act
let result = service.get_weather("Paris");

// Assert
let weather = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "Paris");
assert_eq!(weather.temperature, 20.0);
assert_eq!(weather.conditions, "Sunny");

fn test_expired_cache() {
// Arrange
let mut mock_api = MockWeatherApi::new();
let cache = MockCache::new();

// Add expired data to cache
let expired_timestamp = chrono::Utc::now().timestamp() - 7200; // 2 hours old
let cached_data = WeatherData {
city: "Berlin".to_string(),
temperature: 10.0,
conditions: "Rainy".to_string(),
timestamp: expired_timestamp,

cache.set("Berlin", cached_data);

// New data from API
let api_data = WeatherData {
city: "Berlin".to_string(),
temperature: 12.0,
conditions: "Partly Cloudy".to_string(),
timestamp: chrono::Utc::now().timestamp(),

// Set expectations on the mock - should be called since cache is expired
.return_once(move |_| Ok(api_data.clone()));

let service = WeatherService::new(mock_api, cache, 3600); // 1 hour cache

// Act
let result = service.get_weather("Berlin");

// Assert
let weather = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(weather.temperature, 12.0); // Should be new data, not cached
assert_eq!(weather.conditions, "Partly Cloudy");


Mocking is a powerful technique for writing effective unit tests in Rust. In this guide, we've explored:

  1. Basic concepts of test doubles and mocking
  2. Manual mocking using Rust's trait system
  3. Using mocking libraries like mockall and mockito
  4. Dependency injection with generics
  5. Best practices for mocking in Rust
  6. Solutions to common challenges
  7. Practical examples showing mocking in real-world applications

By applying these techniques, you can create more isolated, reliable, and maintainable tests for your Rust applications.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a mock for a database interface that has methods for create, read, update, and delete operations.
  2. Implement a test for a service that sends email notifications, without actually sending emails during tests.
  3. Write tests for a file system service using mocks to avoid actual file operations.
  4. Create a mock for an authentication service and test a component that requires authentication.
  5. Implement tests for an API client that makes HTTP requests, using mockito to avoid real network calls.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)