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Swift Naming Conventions

When writing Swift code, following consistent naming conventions makes your code more readable, maintainable, and aligned with the Swift community standards. These conventions aren't just about aesthetics—they improve code understanding and collaboration between developers.

Introduction to Swift Naming Conventions

Swift has established naming conventions that reflect Apple's emphasis on clarity and expressiveness. The guiding principle behind Swift naming is that code should read like natural English sentences where possible, making the intent clear to anyone reading it.

As a beginner, adopting these conventions early will help you write more professional code and make it easier to work with others on Swift projects.

Basic Naming Rules

Case Conventions

Swift uses several different casing styles depending on what you're naming:

  1. camelCase: Used for variable names, function names, and parameter names
  2. PascalCase: Used for type names (classes, structs, enums, protocols)
  3. snake_case: Generally avoided in Swift (common in other languages)
// PascalCase for types
class UserProfile { }
struct NetworkResponse { }
enum ConnectionState { }
protocol DataProvider { }

// camelCase for variables and functions
let userName = "John"
var userAge = 25
func calculateTotalPrice() { }

Clarity is Paramount

Swift prioritizes clarity over brevity. Names should be descriptive and unambiguous:

// Avoid
let w = 640 // What does 'w' represent?
let h = 480 // What does 'h' represent?

// Better
let screenWidth = 640
let screenHeight = 480

Naming Variables and Constants

Be Descriptive But Concise

Choose names that clearly describe what the variable or constant represents:

// Too vague
let data = ["John", "Smith", 35]

// Better
let userInfo = ["firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "age": 35]

// Even better with proper types
struct User {
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
let age: Int
let user = User(firstName: "John", lastName: "Smith", age: 35)

Boolean Values

Boolean variables and properties should read like assertions:

// Preferred
let isVisible = true
let hasPermission = false
let canEdit = user.accessLevel >= 4

// Not preferred
let visible = true // Less clear
let permission = false // Doesn't read as a condition

Naming Functions and Methods

Use Verb Phrases for Actions

Functions that perform actions should start with a verb:

// Good: verb + noun
func fetchUserData() { }
func calculateTotalPrice() { }
func saveUserPreferences() { }

// Not recommended: unclear what the function does
func userData() { }
func totalPrice() { }

Include Parameter Labels for Clarity

Swift allows you to specify external parameter names to make function calls more readable:

// Without clear parameter labels
func convert(celsius: Double) -> Double {
return celsius * 9/5 + 32
// Usage: convert(celsius: 30)

// With better parameter labels
func convert(from celsius: Double) -> Double {
return celsius * 9/5 + 32
// Usage: convert(from: 30)

Use Prepositions for Parameter Labels

Appropriate prepositions make function calls read more naturally:

func insert(_ element: Element, at index: Int)
func remove(at index: Int)
func getDistance(from startPoint: Point, to endPoint: Point)

Type Naming Conventions

Use Nouns for Types

Types (classes, structs, enums) should be named using nouns:

// Good
class User { }
struct PaymentDetails { }
enum ShippingMethod { }

// Not recommended
class ManageUsers { } // Sounds like an action, not a type
struct ProcessPayment { } // Sounds like a function

Protocol Naming

Protocols that describe what something is should end with a noun:

protocol Collection { }
protocol ViewController { }

Protocols that describe a capability should end with "able", "ible", or "ing":

protocol Equatable { }
protocol Hashable { }
protocol Codable { }
protocol Drawing { }

Enum Case Naming

Use Lowercase camelCase for Enum Cases

Enum cases use camelCase, just like variables and properties:

enum Direction {
case up
case down
case left
case right

enum HttpStatus {
case ok
case notFound
case internalServerError

Associated Values and Parameters

When using associated values with enums, follow the same parameter naming conventions as functions:

enum NetworkResponse {
case success(data: Data)
case failure(error: Error, statusCode: Int)

// Usage
let response = NetworkResponse.failure(error: someError, statusCode: 404)

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Handle Acronyms Consistently

Acronyms and initialisms should be handled consistently in names:

// Preferred: Treat acronyms like words when they're part of a name
class URLSession { } // Not "URlSession"
class JSONDecoder { } // Not "jsonDecoder"

// For variables and function names, start with lowercase
let urlString = ""
let jsonData = getData()

Real-world Examples

Example 1: User Authentication System

Here's how you might name components in a user authentication system:

// Types (PascalCase)
struct User {
let id: String
let username: String
let emailAddress: String
var isVerified: Bool
var lastLoginDate: Date?

class AuthenticationManager {
// Properties (camelCase)
private let securityProvider: SecurityProvider
private var currentUser: User?
var isUserLoggedIn: Bool {
return currentUser != nil

// Methods (camelCase with descriptive parameter names)
func authenticateUser(with credentials: Credentials) -> AuthResult {
// Implementation

func signOut(completionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)? = nil) {
// Implementation

func resetPassword(for email: String, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, AuthError>) -> Void) {
// Implementation

// Enum with associated values
enum AuthResult {
case success(user: User)
case failure(reason: AuthError)

// Protocol ending with "Provider" to indicate its purpose
protocol SecurityProvider {
func encryptData(_ data: Data) -> Data
func verifyPassword(_ password: String, against hash: String) -> Bool

Example 2: Shopping Cart Functionality

// Product model
struct Product {
let id: String
let name: String
let price: Decimal
let description: String
let imageURL: URL?

// Shopping cart management
class ShoppingCart {
// Properties
private(set) var items: [CartItem] = []

var totalPrice: Decimal {
return items.reduce(0) { $0 + ($1.product.price * Decimal($1.quantity)) }

var itemCount: Int {
return items.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.quantity }

// Methods with descriptive names and parameter labels
func addProduct(_ product: Product, quantity: Int = 1) {
// Implementation

func removeItem(at index: Int) {
// Implementation

func updateQuantity(for productId: String, to newQuantity: Int) -> Bool {
// Implementation
return true

func clearCart() {
items = []

// Supporting types
struct CartItem {
let product: Product
var quantity: Int

enum CheckoutError {
case emptyCart
case insufficientFunds(amountShort: Decimal)
case productNoLongerAvailable(productId: String)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Using Abbreviations Excessively:

    // Avoid
    let mgr = UserManager()
    let num = calculateTtl()

    // Better
    let manager = UserManager()
    let total = calculateTotal()
  2. Inconsistent Naming Styles:

    // Avoid mixing styles
    let UserName = "John" // PascalCase for a variable
    class userProfile { } // camelCase for a class

    // Correct
    let userName = "John" // camelCase for a variable
    class UserProfile { } // PascalCase for a class
  3. Too Generic Names:

    // Too generic
    let list = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"]

    // Better
    let fruitNames = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"]

Swift Style Guide Resources

Apple's official Swift style is documented in various places:

  1. The Swift API Design Guidelines from
  2. The code style used in the Swift standard library
  3. Conventions used in sample code from Apple


Following Swift naming conventions helps create code that's easier to read, understand, and maintain. Remember these key principles:

  • Use camelCase for variables, properties, functions, and enum cases
  • Use PascalCase for types (classes, structs, enums, protocols)
  • Be descriptive but concise in naming
  • Make function calls read like natural sentences
  • Be consistent with acronyms and abbreviations
  • Choose clarity over brevity

By following these conventions from the start, you'll develop good habits that will serve you well throughout your Swift programming journey.

Additional Resources

  1. Swift API Design Guidelines - Official Swift naming guidelines
  2. Swift Style Guide by Ray Wenderlich - Popular style guide used by many developers
  3. SwiftLint - A tool to enforce Swift style conventions


  1. Refactor the following code to follow Swift naming conventions:

    class user_data {
    var First_name: String
    var last_Name: String
    var AGE: Int

    func PRINT_DETAILS() {
    print("\(First_name) \(last_Name), \(AGE)")
  2. Examine some open source Swift projects on GitHub and identify how they follow (or don't follow) these naming conventions.

  3. Create a small dictionary app with properly named classes, structs, and functions following Swift naming conventions.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)