Swift Enum Methods
Enumerations in Swift aren't just simple value types - they're powerful constructs that can include methods, computed properties, and other features typically associated with classes and structures. By adding methods to enumerations, you can encapsulate functionality directly within your enum types, making your code more organized and maintaining proper encapsulation.
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to add methods to Swift enumerations and how they can make your code more expressive and maintainable.
Understanding Enum Methods
Methods in enumerations work similarly to methods in classes and structures. They allow you to define behaviors that are closely related to the enum itself.
Instance Methods
Instance methods are functions that belong to instances of a particular type. In the context of enums, they can operate on the enum case itself.
enum Direction {
case north, south, east, west
func description() -> String {
switch self {
case .north:
return "Heading north"
case .south:
return "Heading south"
case .east:
return "Heading east"
case .west:
return "Heading west"
let myDirection = Direction.east
// Output: Heading east
In this example, we've added a description()
method to the Direction
enum that returns a string describing the direction.
Mutating Methods
If you want to modify the enum instance itself within a method, you need to mark the method with the mutating
enum ToggleSwitch {
case on, off
mutating func toggle() {
switch self {
case .on:
self = .off
case .off:
self = .on
var lightSwitch = ToggleSwitch.off
print("Initial state: \(lightSwitch)")
// Output: Initial state: off
print("After toggle: \(lightSwitch)")
// Output: After toggle: on
The toggle()
method changes the enum value from .on
to .off
or vice versa. Since it modifies self
, we mark it as mutating
Advanced Enum Methods
Methods with Parameters
Methods in enums can accept parameters just like methods in other types:
enum Calculator {
case addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
func calculate(_ a: Double, _ b: Double) -> Double {
switch self {
case .addition:
return a + b
case .subtraction:
return a - b
case .multiplication:
return a * b
case .division:
return a / b
let operation = Calculator.addition
print(operation.calculate(5, 3))
// Output: 8.0
let multiply = Calculator.multiplication
print(multiply.calculate(4, 2))
// Output: 8.0
Static Methods
Static methods belong to the enum type itself, not to instances of the enum:
enum MathOperations {
case add, subtract, multiply, divide
static func randomOperation() -> MathOperations {
let operations: [MathOperations] = [.add, .subtract, .multiply, .divide]
let randomIndex = Int.random(in: 0..<operations.count)
return operations[randomIndex]
let randomOp = MathOperations.randomOperation()
print("Random operation: \(randomOp)")
// Output will vary, e.g.: Random operation: add
Enums with Associated Values and Methods
When using enums with associated values, methods can access and use these values:
enum Item {
case book(title: String, author: String, pages: Int)
case movie(title: String, director: String, duration: Int)
func description() -> String {
switch self {
case .book(let title, let author, let pages):
return "\"\(title)\" by \(author), \(pages) pages"
case .movie(let title, let director, let duration):
return "\"\(title)\" directed by \(director), \(duration) minutes"
func isLong() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .book(_, _, let pages):
return pages > 400
case .movie(_, _, let duration):
return duration > 120
let harryPotter = Item.book(title: "Harry Potter", author: "J.K. Rowling", pages: 500)
// Output: "Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling, 500 pages
print("Is it a long item? \(harryPotter.isLong())")
// Output: Is it a long item? true
Real-World Applications
Example 1: HTTP Request Methods
enum HTTPMethod {
case get, post, put, delete
func requiresBody() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .get, .delete:
return false
case .post, .put:
return true
func toString() -> String {
switch self {
case .get: return "GET"
case .post: return "POST"
case .put: return "PUT"
case .delete: return "DELETE"
func makeRequest(to url: String, method: HTTPMethod, body: String? = nil) {
print("Making \(method.toString()) request to \(url)")
if method.requiresBody() {
if let requestBody = body {
print("Request body: \(requestBody)")
} else {
print("Error: This method requires a request body")
makeRequest(to: "https://api.example.com/users", method: .get)
// Output:
// Making GET request to https://api.example.com/users
makeRequest(to: "https://api.example.com/users", method: .post, body: "{\"name\": \"John\"}")
// Output:
// Making POST request to https://api.example.com/users
// Request body: {"name": "John"}
Example 2: State Machine with Methods
enum TrafficLight {
case red, yellow, green
mutating func next() {
switch self {
case .red:
self = .green
case .yellow:
self = .red
case .green:
self = .yellow
func actionDescription() -> String {
switch self {
case .red:
return "Stop!"
case .yellow:
return "Prepare to stop"
case .green:
return "Go!"
func durationInSeconds() -> Int {
switch self {
case .red: return 30
case .yellow: return 5
case .green: return 45
var currentLight = TrafficLight.red
print("\(currentLight): \(currentLight.actionDescription()) for \(currentLight.durationInSeconds()) seconds")
// Output: red: Stop! for 30 seconds
print("\(currentLight): \(currentLight.actionDescription()) for \(currentLight.durationInSeconds()) seconds")
// Output: green: Go! for 45 seconds
Methods in Swift enumerations provide a powerful way to add behavior directly to your enum types. By incorporating functionality within your enums, you can create more expressive, self-contained types that encapsulate both data and behavior.
Key points to remember:
- Regular instance methods operate on enum cases
- Use the
keyword for methods that change the enum's value - Methods can access associated values in enum cases
- Static methods operate on the enum type rather than instances
- Enum methods follow the same syntax and capabilities as methods in structs and classes
By adding methods to your enumerations, you can create more expressive, maintainable, and powerful Swift code.
Additional Resources
Create a
enum with casespenny
, andquarter
. Add a method that returns the value in cents for each coin. -
Design a
enum with the days of the week. Add a method that returns whether the day is a weekday or weekend, and another method that returns the next day. -
Create a
enum with cases for different geometric shapes (circle, rectangle, triangle). Include associated values for dimensions and add methods to calculate area and perimeter. -
Implement a
enum with various payment options. Add methods that describe the processing time and fees for each method. -
Design a
enum with success and failure cases. Include associated values and methods to extract information from these cases safely.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)