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Swift Throwing Functions

In Swift programming, error handling is an essential skill that helps you create robust applications. One of the core mechanisms for error handling in Swift is the concept of throwing functions. These special functions can signal that something went wrong during their execution, allowing the calling code to handle potential errors gracefully.

What Are Throwing Functions?

A throwing function is a function that can potentially throw an error during its execution. Instead of failing silently or returning special values to indicate failure (like -1 or nil), throwing functions explicitly propagate errors to the calling code, making error handling more transparent and structured.

Basic Syntax

To define a throwing function, you use the throws keyword in the function declaration, placed after the parameter list and before the return type:

func functionName(parameters) throws -> ReturnType {
// function body
// may throw errors

Creating Your First Throwing Function

Let's start with a simple example of creating a throwing function. First, we need to define the types of errors our function might throw:

enum PasswordError: Error {
case tooShort
case missingUppercase
case missingDigit

Now, let's create a function that validates a password and throws an error if the password doesn't meet certain criteria:

func validatePassword(_ password: String) throws -> Bool {
// Check password length
if password.count < 8 {
throw PasswordError.tooShort

// Check for uppercase letters
if !password.contains(where: { $0.isUppercase }) {
throw PasswordError.missingUppercase

// Check for digits
if !password.contains(where: { $0.isNumber }) {
throw PasswordError.missingDigit

// Password is valid if all checks pass
return true

In this function, we check different requirements for a valid password. If any check fails, we throw the appropriate error. If all checks pass, we return true.

Calling Throwing Functions

When you call a throwing function, you need to handle the potential errors. Swift provides several ways to do this:

1. Using do-try-catch

The most common way to call throwing functions is with a do-try-catch statement:

do {
try validatePassword("password")
print("Password is valid!")
} catch PasswordError.tooShort {
print("Password is too short. It should be at least 8 characters.")
} catch PasswordError.missingUppercase {
print("Password should contain at least one uppercase letter.")
} catch PasswordError.missingDigit {
print("Password should contain at least one number.")
} catch {
print("An unexpected error occurred: \(error)")


Password is too short. It should be at least 8 characters.

If we try with a different password:

do {
try validatePassword("password123")
print("Password is valid!")
} catch PasswordError.tooShort {
print("Password is too short. It should be at least 8 characters.")
} catch PasswordError.missingUppercase {
print("Password should contain at least one uppercase letter.")
} catch PasswordError.missingDigit {
print("Password should contain at least one number.")
} catch {
print("An unexpected error occurred: \(error)")


Password should contain at least one uppercase letter.

2. Using try? (Optional Try)

If you're more interested in whether a function succeeded or failed, rather than the specific error, you can use try? to convert the throwing operation into an optional:

if let _ = try? validatePassword("Password123") {
print("Password is valid!")
} else {
print("Password is invalid.")


Password is valid!

3. Using try! (Forced Try)

In rare cases when you're absolutely certain a throwing function won't throw an error, you can use try! to call it without error handling:

// Only use this when you're 100% sure the function won't throw
let isValid = try! validatePassword("Password123")
print("Password validation result: \(isValid)")


Password validation result: true

⚠️ Warning: Using try! is dangerous because your program will crash if an error is thrown. Use it only when absolutely necessary and you're completely certain the function won't throw an error.

Propagating Errors with Throws

One of the most powerful features of Swift's error handling system is the ability to propagate errors up the call stack. If you're writing a function that calls a throwing function, but you don't want to handle the error directly, you can declare your function as throws and use try to call the throwing function:

func createUser(username: String, password: String) throws -> User {
// Validate password - this might throw an error
try validatePassword(password)

// If we get here, the password is valid
return User(username: username, password: password)

In this example, if validatePassword() throws an error, createUser() will propagate that error to its caller. This creates a chain of error propagation that can go all the way up to the app's main entry point.

Practical Example: File Operations

Let's look at a real-world example of using throwing functions for file operations:

enum FileError: Error {
case notFound
case permissionDenied
case invalidFormat

func readDataFromFile(at path: String) throws -> String {
// Check if file exists
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path) else {
throw FileError.notFound

// Check if we have permission to read the file
guard FileManager.default.isReadableFile(atPath: path) else {
throw FileError.permissionDenied

// Try to read the file
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))

// Try to convert data to string
guard let content = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw FileError.invalidFormat

return content
} catch {
// Re-throw any other errors that occurred
throw error

// Using the function
func displayFileContents(filename: String) {
do {
let path = "/path/to/\(filename)"
let contents = try readDataFromFile(at: path)
print("File contents:\n\(contents)")
} catch FileError.notFound {
print("Error: File '\(filename)' not found.")
} catch FileError.permissionDenied {
print("Error: Permission denied for file '\(filename)'.")
} catch FileError.invalidFormat {
print("Error: File '\(filename)' has an invalid format.")
} catch {
print("Unexpected error: \(error)")

In this example, the readDataFromFile(at:) function performs several checks before reading a file, throwing appropriate errors if any check fails. The displayFileContents(filename:) function then handles these errors in a user-friendly way.

Converting Functions to Throwing Functions

Sometimes you might need to convert existing functions to throwing functions. Let's look at an example where we convert a traditional function that returns an optional to a throwing function:

Before: Using Optionals

func divide(_ a: Int, by b: Int) -> Int? {
guard b != 0 else {
return nil
return a / b

// Using the function
if let result = divide(10, by: 2) {
print("Result: \(result)")
} else {
print("Division failed")

After: Using Throwing Functions

enum MathError: Error {
case divisionByZero

func divide(_ a: Int, by b: Int) throws -> Int {
guard b != 0 else {
throw MathError.divisionByZero
return a / b

// Using the function
do {
let result = try divide(10, by: 0)
print("Result: \(result)")
} catch MathError.divisionByZero {
print("Error: Cannot divide by zero")
} catch {
print("Unexpected error: \(error)")


Error: Cannot divide by zero

The throwing version provides more clarity about what went wrong compared to the optional version.

Performance Considerations

Throwing functions in Swift are implemented with zero cost if no errors are thrown. However, when an error is thrown, there is a small runtime cost associated with the error handling mechanism. For performance-critical code that rarely encounters errors, you might consider alternatives like returning result enums for expected error conditions.

Best Practices for Throwing Functions

  1. Be specific about errors: Create custom error types that clearly communicate what went wrong.
  2. Document your errors: Use comments or documentation to explain what errors a function might throw.
  3. Only throw for exceptional conditions: Don't use error handling for expected control flow.
  4. Handle errors at the appropriate level: Catch errors where you can meaningfully handle them.
  5. Prefer throwing over force unwrapping or crashing: Throwing provides more control and safety.


Throwing functions in Swift provide a structured way to handle errors in your code. By explicitly marking functions that can throw errors and using the do-try-catch mechanism to handle those errors, you create more robust and maintainable code.

Key points to remember:

  • Use the throws keyword to indicate a function can throw errors
  • Define custom error types using enums that conform to the Error protocol
  • Call throwing functions using try within a do-catch block
  • Use try? for optional conversion and try! when you're certain no error will occur
  • Propagate errors up the call stack by marking your own functions as throws

Additional Resources


  1. Create a throwing function that validates an email address and throws appropriate errors for invalid formats.
  2. Write a function that reads a JSON file and parses it into a custom struct, using throwing functions for error handling.
  3. Modify an existing function in your codebase that returns optionals to use throwing functions instead.
  4. Create a chain of three throwing functions that call each other and handle errors at different levels.

By practicing these concepts, you'll become more comfortable with Swift's powerful error handling system and create more robust applications.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)