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Swift Constants


Constants are a fundamental building block in Swift programming. They provide a way to store data that should not change throughout the execution of your program. Unlike variables, which can be modified after they are created, constants are immutable—once you assign a value to a constant, that value cannot be changed.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to declare and use constants in Swift, understand when to use constants instead of variables, and see how constants can make your code safer and more efficient.

Declaring Constants in Swift

In Swift, you declare a constant using the let keyword. Here's the basic syntax:

let constantName: DataType = value

Let's look at a simple example:

let maximumScore: Int = 100

This creates a constant named maximumScore of type Int with a value of 100. Once defined, you cannot change this value later in your program.

Type Inference

Swift is smart enough to infer the type of your constant based on the value you assign to it. This means you can often omit the type declaration:

let maximumScore = 100  // Swift infers this as an Int
let pi = 3.14159 // Swift infers this as a Double
let greeting = "Hello" // Swift infers this as a String

Constants vs Variables

To better understand constants, let's compare them with variables:

FeatureConstant (let)Variable (var)
MutabilityCannot be changed after initializationCan be changed anytime
Declarationlet name = valuevar name = value
Use caseFor values that won't changeFor values that might change

Example Comparing Constants and Variables

// Using a constant for a value that shouldn't change
let maximumLoginAttempts = 3

// Using a variable for a value that will change
var currentLoginAttempts = 0

// This works because currentLoginAttempts is a variable
currentLoginAttempts += 1

// This would cause a compilation error because maximumLoginAttempts is a constant
// maximumLoginAttempts += 1 // Uncommenting this line would cause an error

When to Use Constants

You should use constants:

  1. When a value won't change throughout the execution of your program
  2. When you want to ensure that a value cannot be accidentally modified
  3. When working with configuration values or settings

Using constants whenever possible is considered best practice in Swift because:

  • It makes your code safer by preventing accidental changes
  • It helps the Swift compiler optimize your code
  • It clarifies your intent to other developers

Declaring Multiple Constants

You can declare multiple constants in a single line:

let x = 0, y = 0, z = 0

This creates three constants: x, y, and z, all with the value 0.

Constants with Different Data Types

Constants can hold values of any data type in Swift:

// Integer constant
let age: Int = 25

// Double constant
let temperature: Double = 98.6

// String constant
let name: String = "Swift Programmer"

// Boolean constant
let isSwiftAwesome: Bool = true

// Array constant
let primeNumbers: [Int] = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]

// Dictionary constant
let countryCode: [String: String] = ["US": "United States", "CA": "Canada"]

Once these constants are declared, their values cannot be changed.

Constants and Type Safety

Swift is a type-safe language, which means it helps you to be clear about the types of values your code can work with. When you declare a constant with a certain type, you cannot assign a value of a different type to it:

let score: Int = 100
// score = 85.5 // Error: Cannot assign value of type 'Double' to type 'Int'

Constants in Action: Real-World Examples

Let's look at some practical examples of using constants in real applications:

Example 1: Configuration Settings

let serverURL = ""
let maxConnectionAttempts = 3
let timeoutInterval = 30.0

func connectToServer() {
print("Connecting to \(serverURL)")
print("Will attempt connection \(maxConnectionAttempts) times")
print("Timeout set to \(timeoutInterval) seconds")



Connecting to
Will attempt connection 3 times
Timeout set to 30.0 seconds

Example 2: Mathematical Calculations

let pi = 3.14159
let radius = 5.0

// Calculate area of a circle
let area = pi * radius * radius
print("Area of circle with radius \(radius): \(area)")

// Calculate circumference of a circle
let circumference = 2 * pi * radius
print("Circumference of circle with radius \(radius): \(circumference)")


Area of circle with radius 5.0: 78.53975
Circumference of circle with radius 5.0: 31.4159

Example 3: App Settings

struct AppSettings {
let appName = "MyAwesomeApp"
let version = "1.0.0"
let maxFileSizeMB = 10
let supportedFileTypes = ["jpg", "png", "pdf"]

func displaySettings() {
print("\(appName) v\(version)")
print("Max file size: \(maxFileSizeMB)MB")
print("Supported file types: \(supportedFileTypes.joined(separator: ", "))")

let settings = AppSettings()


MyAwesomeApp v1.0.0
Max file size: 10MB
Supported file types: jpg, png, pdf

Constants and Initialization

Constants must be assigned a value when they are declared or during initialization. For example, in a class or struct, you can initialize a constant in the initializer:

class User {
let id: String
let joinDate: Date
var lastLoginDate: Date

init(id: String) { = id
self.joinDate = Date()
self.lastLoginDate = Date()

let newUser = User(id: "user123")
print("User ID: \(")
print("Join date: \(newUser.joinDate)")

Lazy Constants

Unlike variables, constants cannot be declared as lazy. If you need a lazily initialized value that will not change after initialization, you can use a computed property that returns a stored value on first access:

struct ComplexCalculation {
var input: Int
private var storedResult: Int?

var result: Int {
if let result = storedResult {
return result

// Complex calculation performed only once
let calculatedResult = input * input * input
storedResult = calculatedResult
return calculatedResult

var calculation = ComplexCalculation(input: 4)
print(calculation.result) // Calculated and stored
print(calculation.result) // Uses stored value


Constants are a fundamental aspect of Swift programming that help you write safer, more intentional code:

  • Use let to declare constants that should not change during program execution
  • Swift can infer the type of your constants based on the assigned value
  • Constants make your code safer by preventing accidental modifications
  • Use constants whenever you have values that should not change
  • Constants must be initialized before they are used

By utilizing constants appropriately, you ensure that your Swift programs are more predictable, less error-prone, and often more efficient.


To practice working with constants, try the following exercises:

  1. Create constants to store your personal information (name, age, etc.)
  2. Write a program that calculates the area and volume of a sphere using constants
  3. Create a program that uses constants to store color values (RGB) for a user interface
  4. Refactor an existing piece of code to replace variables with constants where appropriate

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)