Swift Protocol Associated Types
When working with Swift protocols, you might encounter situations where you want to define a requirement for a type, but you don't want to specify exactly what that type should be. Instead, you want the adopting type to decide. This is where associated types come in.
Associated types provide a powerful way to create flexible, reusable protocols that can work with different data types. They let you define a placeholder name for a type that will be specified later by conforming types.
In this tutorial, you'll learn:
- What associated types are and why they're useful
- How to define and use associated types in protocols
- How to specify associated type constraints
- Real-world applications of protocol associated types
Understanding Associated Types
What Are Associated Types?
An associated type is a placeholder name for a type that is used as part of a protocol. Rather than specifying a concrete type such as Int
or String
, you define a name that represents the type. The actual type is determined by the type that conforms to the protocol.
Think of associated types as a type of generics for protocols. They provide flexibility by allowing different conforming types to specify different concrete types.
Basic Syntax for Associated Types
You define an associated type in a protocol using the associatedtype
protocol ContainerProtocol {
associatedtype Item
mutating func add(item: Item)
func count() -> Int
func itemAt(index: Int) -> Item
In this protocol, Item
is an associated type. It represents the type of elements that will be stored in a container but without specifying what that type actually is.
Implementing Protocols with Associated Types
When conforming to a protocol with an associated type, you need to specify the concrete type that will be used for the associated type. You can do this explicitly or let Swift infer the type from your implementation.
Explicit Type Definition
You can explicitly specify the type for an associated type using a typealias
struct IntContainer: ContainerProtocol {
// Explicitly define the associated type
typealias Item = Int
private var items = [Int]()
mutating func add(item: Int) {
func count() -> Int {
return items.count
func itemAt(index: Int) -> Int {
return items[index]
Inferred Type Definition
Swift can also infer the associated type based on your implementation:
struct StringContainer: ContainerProtocol {
// Item is inferred to be String based on the implementation
private var items = [String]()
mutating func add(item: String) {
func count() -> Int {
return items.count
func itemAt(index: Int) -> String {
return items[index]
In this example, Swift infers that Item
is String
based on the implementation of the add()
and itemAt()
Using Protocols with Associated Types
Let's see how we can use our protocol in practice:
// Creating and using an IntContainer
var intContainer = IntContainer()
intContainer.add(item: 5)
intContainer.add(item: 10)
print("Number of items: \(intContainer.count())") // Output: Number of items: 2
print("First item: \(intContainer.itemAt(index: 0))") // Output: First item: 5
// Creating and using a StringContainer
var stringContainer = StringContainer()
stringContainer.add(item: "Hello")
stringContainer.add(item: "World")
print("Number of items: \(stringContainer.count())") // Output: Number of items: 2
print("First item: \(stringContainer.itemAt(index: 0))") // Output: First item: Hello
Associated Type Constraints
Sometimes, you might want to place constraints on associated types to ensure they have certain properties or conform to specific protocols. You can use the where
clause to specify these constraints.
Constraining Associated Types
Here's how you can constrain an associated type:
protocol ComparableContainer {
associatedtype Item where Item: Comparable
func isSorted() -> Bool
func add(item: Item)
func getItems() -> [Item]
In this protocol, the Item
type must conform to the Comparable
protocol. This ensures that we can compare items to check if they are sorted.
Implementing a Protocol with Constrained Associated Types
Now let's implement the ComparableContainer
struct NumberContainer: ComparableContainer {
private var items = [Int]()
func isSorted() -> Bool {
// Check if items are in ascending order
for i in 0..<(items.count - 1) {
if items[i] > items[i+1] {
return false
return true
mutating func add(item: Int) {
func getItems() -> [Int] {
return items
Let's see how this works:
var numbers = NumberContainer()
numbers.add(item: 3)
numbers.add(item: 1)
numbers.add(item: 4)
print("Items: \(numbers.getItems())") // Output: Items: [3, 1, 4]
print("Is sorted: \(numbers.isSorted())") // Output: Is sorted: false
var sortedNumbers = NumberContainer()
sortedNumbers.add(item: 1)
sortedNumbers.add(item: 2)
sortedNumbers.add(item: 3)
print("Items: \(sortedNumbers.getItems())") // Output: Items: [1, 2, 3]
print("Is sorted: \(sortedNumbers.isSorted())") // Output: Is sorted: true
Real-World Example: Creating a Data Source Protocol
Let's consider a real-world scenario where associated types are particularly useful. We'll implement a flexible data source protocol that can work with different types of data.
protocol DataSource {
associatedtype Data
associatedtype ID: Hashable
func fetchItem(withID id: ID) -> Data?
func fetchAllItems() -> [Data]
func count() -> Int
Now let's create a couple of implementations:
// A model for users
struct User {
let id: Int
let name: String
let email: String
// A user data source
class UserDataSource: DataSource {
// Here, Data is User and ID is Int
private var users: [Int: User] = [
1: User(id: 1, name: "Alice", email: "[email protected]"),
2: User(id: 2, name: "Bob", email: "[email protected]"),
3: User(id: 3, name: "Charlie", email: "[email protected]")
func fetchItem(withID id: Int) -> User? {
return users[id]
func fetchAllItems() -> [User] {
return Array(users.values)
func count() -> Int {
return users.count
// A model for products
struct Product {
let sku: String
let name: String
let price: Double
// A product data source
class ProductDataSource: DataSource {
// Here, Data is Product and ID is String
private var products: [String: Product] = [
"ABC123": Product(sku: "ABC123", name: "Laptop", price: 1299.99),
"DEF456": Product(sku: "DEF456", name: "Smartphone", price: 799.99),
"GHI789": Product(sku: "GHI789", name: "Headphones", price: 249.99)
func fetchItem(withID id: String) -> Product? {
return products[id]
func fetchAllItems() -> [Product] {
return Array(products.values)
func count() -> Int {
return products.count
Let's use these data sources:
let userDS = UserDataSource()
let user = userDS.fetchItem(withID: 1)
print("User: \(user?.name ?? "Not found")") // Output: User: Alice
print("Number of users: \(userDS.count())") // Output: Number of users: 3
let productDS = ProductDataSource()
let product = productDS.fetchItem(withID: "ABC123")
print("Product: \(product?.name ?? "Not found")") // Output: Product: Laptop
print("Number of products: \(productDS.count())") // Output: Number of products: 3
Note how we can use the same protocol for very different types of data sources. The associated types allow us to create a flexible abstraction.
Working with Protocol Types with Associated Types
When you have a protocol with associated types, you cannot use it directly as a variable type because Swift needs to know the concrete types at compile time. You can work around this limitation using generics or type erasure.
Using Generics
func processItems<T: ContainerProtocol>(in container: T) {
print("Processing \(container.count()) items")
var intContainer = IntContainer()
intContainer.add(item: 42)
processItems(in: intContainer) // Output: Processing 1 items
Type Erasure (Advanced)
Type erasure is a more advanced technique used to "erase" the specific associated types, letting you use the protocol as a type. Here's a simple example:
// Type-erased container
class AnyContainer<T>: ContainerProtocol {
private let _add: (T) -> Void
private let _count: () -> Int
private let _itemAt: (Int) -> T
init<C: ContainerProtocol>(_ container: C) where C.Item == T {
_add = { container.add(item: $0) }
_count = container.count
_itemAt = container.itemAt
func add(item: T) {
func count() -> Int {
return _count()
func itemAt(index: Int) -> T {
return _itemAt(index)
With type erasure, you can create an array of containers with different concrete implementations:
var containers: [AnyContainer<Int>] = []
var intContainer = IntContainer()
intContainer.add(item: 42)
var anotherIntContainer = IntContainer()
anotherIntContainer.add(item: 10)
anotherIntContainer.add(item: 20)
print("Total containers: \(containers.count)") // Output: Total containers: 2
print("First container has \(containers[0].count()) items") // Output: First container has 1 items
print("Second container has \(containers[1].count()) items") // Output: Second container has 2 items
Associated types in Swift protocols are a powerful feature that allows you to create flexible, reusable abstractions. They let you define placeholder types that are specified by conforming types, making your protocols more versatile.
In this tutorial, you learned:
- How to define protocols with associated types
- Ways to conform to protocols with associated types
- How to constrain associated types
- Real-world applications of associated types
- Techniques for working with protocols that have associated types
Associated types might seem challenging at first, but they become an essential tool in your Swift toolkit once you understand them. They enable you to write code that is both flexible and type-safe.
Additional Resources
Create a
protocol with an associated type for the element type. Implement this protocol for integer and string stacks. -
Design a
protocol with associated types for both the key and value. Implement a simple memory cache. -
Extend the
protocol to include methods for adding and updating items. Implement these methods in both data source classes. -
Create a
protocol with associated input and output types. Implement a transformer that converts between different units of measurement. -
Implement a more complex type erasure example for a protocol with multiple associated types.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)