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Swift Structure Methods


In Swift, structures aren't just containers for data—they can also contain functions that act on that data. These functions, known as methods, enable you to add behavior to your structures, making them more powerful and versatile. Methods belong to a specific type and can access and modify the properties of that type.

In this guide, we'll explore how to define and use methods in Swift structures, from basic instance methods to more advanced concepts like mutating methods and type methods.

Understanding Methods in Structures

Methods are functions that are associated with a particular type. When these functions are part of a structure, they can:

  • Access the structure's properties
  • Modify the structure's data (with some restrictions)
  • Perform operations based on that data
  • Provide functionality specific to instances of that structure

Instance Methods

Instance methods are functions that belong to instances of a particular structure. They can access and modify the properties of that specific instance.

Basic Syntax

struct MyStructure {
// Properties
var someProperty: Int

// Instance method
func doSomething() {
// Method implementation

Example: Distance Calculation

Let's create a Point structure representing a 2D point with methods to calculate distance:

struct Point {
var x: Double
var y: Double

// Method to calculate distance from origin (0,0)
func distanceFromOrigin() -> Double {
return sqrt(x*x + y*y)

// Method to calculate distance from another point
func distance(to anotherPoint: Point) -> Double {
let deltaX = x - anotherPoint.x
let deltaY = y - anotherPoint.y
return sqrt(deltaX*deltaX + deltaY*deltaY)

// Create point instances
let point1 = Point(x: 3, y: 4)
let point2 = Point(x: 6, y: 8)

// Use methods
print("Distance from origin: \(point1.distanceFromOrigin())") // Output: 5.0
print("Distance between points: \(point1.distance(to: point2))") // Output: 5.0

Mutating Methods

By default, methods of a structure cannot modify the structure's properties. This is because when you call a method on a structure, Swift passes a copy of that structure to the method, not a reference.

To modify properties of a structure within its method, you must mark the method with the mutating keyword.


struct MyStructure {
var someProperty: Int

mutating func changeProperty() {
someProperty = newValue // This changes the actual instance

Example: Counter Structure

struct Counter {
var count = 0

mutating func increment() {
count += 1

mutating func increment(by amount: Int) {
count += amount

mutating func reset() {
count = 0

// Create a counter
var myCounter = Counter()
print("Initial count: \(myCounter.count)") // Output: 0

// Use mutating methods
print("After increment: \(myCounter.count)") // Output: 1

myCounter.increment(by: 5)
print("After increment by 5: \(myCounter.count)") // Output: 6

print("After reset: \(myCounter.count)") // Output: 0

Remember that mutating methods can only be called on variable instances of a structure (declared with var), not constant instances (declared with let).

let constantCounter = Counter()
// constantCounter.increment() // This would cause a compile-time error

Self Property in Methods

Within a method, you can use the self property to refer to the current instance. This is particularly useful when parameter names shadow property names.

struct Person {
var name: String

func introduce(name: String) {
print("Hello \(name), I'm \(")

mutating func changeName(to name: String) { = name

var person = Person(name: "John")
person.introduce(name: "Sarah") // Output: Hello Sarah, I'm John
person.changeName(to: "David")
print( // Output: David

Type Methods

Type methods belong to the structure type itself, not to instances of the structure. They're defined with the static keyword.


struct MyStructure {
// Type method
static func someTypeMethod() {
// Implementation

// Calling a type method

Example: Math Utilities

struct MathUtils {
// Type properties
static let pi = 3.14159

// Type methods
static func square(_ number: Double) -> Double {
return number * number

static func cube(_ number: Double) -> Double {
return number * number * number

static func areaOfCircle(radius: Double) -> Double {
return pi * square(radius)

// Use type methods without creating an instance
let squaredValue = MathUtils.square(4)
print("4 squared is \(squaredValue)") // Output: 16.0

let circleArea = MathUtils.areaOfCircle(radius: 5)
print("Area of circle with radius 5: \(circleArea)") // Output: 78.53975

Practical Example: Temperature Converter

Let's create a more comprehensive example that demonstrates various types of methods:

struct Temperature {
var celsius: Double

// Computed property using instance properties
var fahrenheit: Double {
return celsius * 9/5 + 32

var kelvin: Double {
return celsius + 273.15

// Instance method
func isFreezing() -> Bool {
return celsius <= 0

// Mutating method
mutating func warm(by amount: Double) {
celsius += amount

// Type method for conversion
static func convert(fahrenheit: Double) -> Temperature {
let celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9
return Temperature(celsius: celsius)

// Type method for predefined temperatures
static func freezingPoint() -> Temperature {
return Temperature(celsius: 0)

static func boilingPoint() -> Temperature {
return Temperature(celsius: 100)

// Create a temperature
var currentTemp = Temperature(celsius: 22.5)
print("Current temperature: \(currentTemp.celsius)°C, \(currentTemp.fahrenheit)°F, \(currentTemp.kelvin)K")
// Output: Current temperature: 22.5°C, 72.5°F, 295.65K

// Use instance method
print("Is it freezing? \(currentTemp.isFreezing())") // Output: false

// Use mutating method
currentTemp.warm(by: 5)
print("After warming: \(currentTemp.celsius)°C") // Output: 27.5°C

// Use type methods
let freezing = Temperature.freezingPoint()
print("Freezing point: \(freezing.celsius)°C") // Output: 0.0°C

let boiling = Temperature.boilingPoint()
print("Boiling point: \(boiling.celsius)°C") // Output: 100.0°C

// Convert from Fahrenheit
let convertedTemp = Temperature.convert(fahrenheit: 98.6)
print("98.6°F = \(convertedTemp.celsius)°C") // Output: 37.0°C

Method vs. Function

It's important to understand the key difference between methods and functions:

  • A function is a standalone piece of code that performs a specific task
  • A method is a function that's associated with a particular type (like a structure)

Methods have access to the properties and other methods of their type, making them more integrated with the data they operate on.


Methods add behavior to Swift structures, allowing them to act on their data in meaningful ways:

  • Instance methods operate on specific instances and can access instance properties
  • Mutating methods let you modify properties within a structure
  • Type methods (using static) belong to the structure type itself, not to instances

By combining properties and methods, Swift structures become powerful building blocks for your applications, enabling you to create clear, concise, and maintainable code.

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a Rectangle structure with width and height properties. Add methods to calculate area, perimeter, and to check if it's a square.

  2. Design a BankAccount structure with methods to deposit, withdraw, and check balance. Use mutating methods where appropriate.

  3. Create a StringUtils structure with type methods for common string operations like counting words, capitalizing the first letter of each word, or reversing a string.

  4. Build a Measurement structure that can convert between different units of length (meters, feet, inches). Include both instance methods and type methods.

Additional Resources

Happy coding!

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