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Kong Migrations


Kong Gateway, like many database-backed applications, evolves over time. As new versions are released, the underlying database schema often needs to change to support new features or improve performance. Kong Migrations provide a standardized way to manage these database changes, ensuring a smooth transition between different Kong versions without data loss or service disruption.

In this guide, we'll explore how Kong handles database migrations, when and how to run them, and best practices to ensure your Kong deployment remains stable during upgrades.

Understanding Kong Migrations

What are Migrations?

Migrations are sets of instructions that modify your database schema from one version to another. They handle tasks like:

  • Creating new tables
  • Adding columns to existing tables
  • Modifying data types
  • Converting existing data to new formats
  • Removing deprecated database objects

Kong supports two database backends: PostgreSQL and Cassandra. The migration process is similar for both, with some platform-specific differences.

Migration States

When running migrations, Kong tracks the state of your database using the following terminology:

up-to-dateDatabase schema matches the current Kong version
pendingNew migrations need to be applied
executedMigrations have been run, but aren't yet finalized
missingSome migrations appear to be missing (indicates an error)

Migration Workflows

Kong provides two approaches to database migrations:

1. Standard Migration (Default)

The standard workflow runs migrations in a single step, completing all changes at once:

kong migrations up
kong migrations finish

2. Iterative Migration (For Zero-Downtime)

For production environments where downtime must be minimized, Kong supports an iterative approach:

# On old nodes (current version)
kong migrations up

# On new nodes (upgraded version)
kong migrations finish

This allows for a gradual rollout where old and new Kong nodes can coexist during the migration process.

Migration Commands

Kong provides several CLI commands to manage migrations:

kong migrations listCheck current migration status
kong migrations upRun new migrations
kong migrations finishFinalize pending migrations
kong migrations resetDrop all data and re-run migrations (⚠️ Destructive)

Let's look at each command in more detail:

Checking Migration Status

To see the current state of your database migrations:

kong migrations list

Example output:

Migrations available for running:
- plus (pending)
- hmac-auth (pending)
- rate-limiting (pending)

Run migrations with: kong migrations up

Running Migrations

To apply pending migrations:

kong migrations up

Example output:

migrating plus up
migrating hmac-auth up
migrating rate-limiting up

3 migrations processed
3 executed

Finalizing Migrations

After running migrations, especially in a multi-node environment, you need to finalize them:

kong migrations finish

Example output:

3 migrations finalized

Practical Migration Scenarios

Let's explore some common migration scenarios you might encounter:

Scenario 1: Simple Kong Version Upgrade

When upgrading Kong to a newer version (e.g., from 2.8.0 to 3.0.0):

# Stop Kong
kong stop

# Install new Kong version
# (package manager commands vary by OS)

# Run migrations
kong migrations up
kong migrations finish

# Start Kong
kong start

Scenario 2: Zero-Downtime Production Upgrade

For high-availability environments:

Implementation steps:

  1. On your existing Kong nodes:

    kong migrations up
  2. Deploy new nodes with the updated Kong version, but don't route traffic to them yet.

  3. On the new nodes:

    kong migrations finish
  4. Start the new Kong nodes:

    kong start
  5. Gradually shift traffic from old nodes to new nodes using your load balancer.

  6. Once all traffic is on the new nodes, decommission the old nodes.

Scenario 3: Emergency Rollback

If problems occur after migration:

# Restore database from backup
# (PostgreSQL example)
pg_restore -d kong kong_backup.dump

# Start previous Kong version
kong start

Best Practices

To ensure smooth migrations, follow these best practices:

  1. Always backup your database before migrations

    # PostgreSQL example
    pg_dump -d kong > kong_before_migration.sql
  2. Test migrations in a staging environment first

  3. Review release notes for breaking changes before upgrading

  4. Plan for downtime or use the iterative migration approach

  5. Monitor your Kong nodes closely after migration

  6. Keep your Kong version current to avoid having to skip multiple versions

Troubleshooting Common Migration Issues

Problem: Migration Failed - Database Error

Error: POSTGRESQL error: relation "routes" already exists

Solution: The database may be in an inconsistent state. Restore from backup and try again, or contact Kong support.

Problem: Missing Migrations

Error: Missing migrations: acl, basic-auth

Solution: Ensure you're not skipping Kong versions. Migrations must be run sequentially.

Problem: Schema Bootstrap Issues

Error: POSTGRESQL error: could not connect to database

Solution: Verify database connectivity and permissions:

# Check PostgreSQL connection
psql -U kong -d kong -h localhost


Kong Migrations provide a robust mechanism for managing database schema changes during Kong upgrades. By understanding the migration commands and following best practices, you can maintain a stable Kong environment while adopting new features and improvements.

Remember these key points:

  • Always backup your database before migrations
  • Use kong migrations list to check status
  • For production, consider the iterative up then finish approach
  • Test migrations in staging before production
  • Monitor your Kong instance after migrations

Additional Resources


  1. Set up a test Kong environment with PostgreSQL and practice running migrations between two Kong versions.
  2. Write a shell script that automates the database backup and migration process.
  3. Create a migration strategy document for your organization that outlines the steps for both regular and emergency scenarios.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)