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Kong Vault


Kong Vault is a powerful secrets management solution integrated with Kong API Gateway that helps you securely store, access, and rotate sensitive data such as API keys, credentials, and certificates. Kong Vault enables you to centralize your secrets management while maintaining tight access controls, eliminating the need to hardcode sensitive information in your configurations.

In this guide, you'll learn how to set up and use Kong Vault to securely manage sensitive data in your Kong API Gateway environment.

What is Kong Vault?

Kong Vault is a secrets management solution that works with the Kong API Gateway to provide:

  • Secure storage of sensitive information
  • Encryption of data at rest and in transit
  • Access control based on Kong's authentication mechanisms
  • Integration with external vault providers like HashiCorp Vault
  • Automatic rotation of secrets
  • Centralized management of all secrets


Before getting started with Kong Vault, ensure you have:

  • Kong Gateway installed (version 2.8 or later)
  • Basic familiarity with Kong configuration
  • Admin access to your Kong instance

Setting Up Kong Vault

1. Enable the Kong Vault Plugin

First, you need to enable the Kong Vault plugin in your Kong configuration file (kong.conf):

plugins = bundled,vault

If you're using environment variables:

export KONG_PLUGINS=bundled,vault

Restart Kong to apply the changes:

kong restart

2. Configure Kong Vault

Kong Vault can be configured globally or for specific services/routes. Here's how to configure it globally:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/vault/config \
--data "prefix=vault" \
--data "vault_type=env" \
--data "description=My Vault Configuration"

This sets up Kong Vault to use environment variables as the storage backend. Other supported backends include:

  • env: Environment variables
  • kong: Kong's internal database
  • hashicorp: HashiCorp Vault
  • aws: AWS Secrets Manager

Using Kong Vault

Storing Secrets

Let's store a database password in Kong Vault:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/vault/secrets \
--data "name=db_password" \
--data "value=super-secure-password" \
--data "tags=database,production"


"id": "5e8f3a2d-c846-4f27-b9e6-74f4e44ef706",
"name": "db_password",
"prefix": "vault",
"vault_type": "env",
"tags": ["database", "production"],
"created_at": 1647432871,
"updated_at": 1647432871

Retrieving Secrets

To retrieve a secret:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/vault/secrets/db_password


"id": "5e8f3a2d-c846-4f27-b9e6-74f4e44ef706",
"name": "db_password",
"value": "super-secure-password",
"prefix": "vault",
"vault_type": "env",
"tags": ["database", "production"],
"created_at": 1647432871,
"updated_at": 1647432871

Using Secrets in Kong Configuration

You can reference Kong Vault secrets in your Kong configurations using the {vault://} syntax. For example, when configuring a service that requires authentication:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/my-api/plugins \
--data "name=basic-auth" \
--data "config.username=admin" \
--data "config.password={vault://db_password}"

Kong will automatically resolve the reference to the actual secret value when needed.

Real-World Example: Securing Database Credentials

Let's walk through a complete example of using Kong Vault to secure database credentials for a service.

1. Store the credentials in Kong Vault

# Store username
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/vault/secrets \
--data "name=db_user" \
--data "value=api_user" \
--data "tags=database,credentials"

# Store password
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/vault/secrets \
--data "name=db_pass" \
--data "value=complex-password-123" \
--data "tags=database,credentials"

2. Configure a Kong Service

# Create a service
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services \
--data "name=user-database" \
--data "url=postgres://localhost:5432/users"

# Create a route
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/user-database/routes \
--data "name=user-api" \
--data "paths[]=/users"

3. Apply a plugin that uses the credentials

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/user-database/plugins \
--data "name=postgres-auth" \
--data "config.username={vault://db_user}" \
--data "config.password={vault://db_pass}"

Now your Kong service is configured with securely stored credentials that aren't exposed in your configuration files.

Secret Rotation

Kong Vault makes it easy to rotate secrets without downtime:

curl -X PATCH http://localhost:8001/vault/secrets/db_pass \
--data "value=new-complex-password-456"

Kong will automatically use the new password for all subsequent requests, without requiring service restarts or redeployment.

Advanced Features

Vault References in Kong Declarative Configuration

If you're using Kong's declarative configuration (YAML/JSON), you can include vault references:

_format_version: "2.1"
- name: payment-service
- name: key-auth
- apikey
key: "{vault://payment_api_key}"

Using HashiCorp Vault as Backend

For enterprise environments, you can configure Kong Vault to use HashiCorp Vault as the backend:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/vault/config \
--data "prefix=hcv" \
--data "vault_type=hashicorp" \
--data "" \
--data "config.port=8200" \
--data "config.token=s.token123" \
--data "config.mount=kong" \
--data "description=HashiCorp Vault Integration"

Then you can store and retrieve secrets using this configuration:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/vault/secrets \
--data "prefix=hcv" \
--data "name=api_key" \
--data "value=abcd1234"

Monitoring and Debugging

You can check the status of your Kong Vault configuration:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/vault/config

And list all secrets (names only, not values):

curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/vault/secrets

Kong Vault Architecture

Here's a diagram showing how Kong Vault integrates with Kong Gateway:

Security Best Practices

When using Kong Vault, follow these best practices:

  1. Limit access to the Vault Admin API
  2. Enable encryption for Kong's database
  3. Regularly rotate credentials and secrets
  4. Use HashiCorp Vault or cloud provider solutions for production environments
  5. Implement least privilege access controls
  6. Audit access to secrets regularly
  7. Use SSL/TLS for all Kong Admin API communications


Kong Vault provides a secure way to manage sensitive information in your Kong API Gateway environment. By centralizing secrets management, you can:

  • Eliminate hardcoded credentials in your configurations
  • Easily rotate secrets without downtime
  • Maintain tight access controls on sensitive information
  • Integrate with enterprise-grade vault systems like HashiCorp Vault

By following the guidelines in this tutorial, you can significantly improve the security posture of your API infrastructure.

Additional Resources


  1. Set up Kong Vault using environment variables as the backend.
  2. Store API keys for three different services in Kong Vault.
  3. Configure a Kong service to use a secret from Kong Vault.
  4. Practice rotating a secret and verify that the service continues to function correctly.
  5. If available, configure Kong Vault to use HashiCorp Vault as the backend.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)