Kong Plugin Development
Kong is a popular, open-source API gateway that manages the interface between clients and your API services. One of Kong's most powerful features is its extensibility through plugins. Kong plugins allow you to add functionality to your API gateway, including authentication, rate limiting, logging, and more.
This guide will walk you through the process of developing custom plugins for Kong. We'll cover the basics of the Kong plugin architecture, setting up a development environment, and creating your first plugin from scratch.
Before diving into plugin development, you should have:
- Basic understanding of APIs and API gateways
- Familiarity with Lua programming language (Kong plugins are written in Lua)
- Kong installed locally for testing (Docker is recommended)
- Basic understanding of HTTP requests and responses
Kong Plugin Architecture
Kong plugins operate within Kong's request/response lifecycle, allowing you to execute custom logic at various points.
Kong processes requests and responses through several phases, and plugins can hook into one or more of these phases:
- Certificate - Handles TLS handshake
- Rewrite - URI manipulations
- Access - Authentication, authorization, rate limiting
- HTTP Client - Preparing to send request to upstream service
- Header Filter - Processes response headers from upstream
- Body Filter - Processes response body from upstream
- Log - Logging after response has been sent to client
Setting Up Your Development Environment
Let's set up a development environment to create and test Kong plugins.
1. Create a Plugin Directory Structure
Kong plugins follow a specific directory structure:
├── kong/
│ └── plugins/
│ └── myplugin/
│ ├── handler.lua
│ └── schema.lua
└── kong-plugin-myplugin-0.1.0-1.rockspec
The handler.lua
file contains the plugin's logic, while schema.lua
defines the configuration schema.
2. Creating Your First Plugin
Let's create a simple "Hello World" plugin that adds a custom header to responses.
First, create the schema.lua
local typedefs = require "kong.db.schema.typedefs"
return {
name = "hello-world",
fields = {
{ consumer = typedefs.no_consumer },
{ protocols = typedefs.protocols_http },
{ config = {
type = "record",
fields = {
{ message = { type = "string", default = "Hello, World!" } },
Next, create the handler.lua
local HelloWorldHandler = {
VERSION = "0.1.0",
PRIORITY = 1000,
function HelloWorldHandler:header_filter(conf)
kong.response.set_header("X-Hello-World", conf.message)
return HelloWorldHandler
Finally, create the .rockspec
package = "kong-plugin-hello-world"
version = "0.1.0-1"
source = {
url = "git://github.com/yourusername/kong-plugin-hello-world",
tag = "0.1.0"
description = {
summary = "A Kong plugin that adds a Hello World header",
license = "MIT"
dependencies = {
"lua >= 5.1"
build = {
type = "builtin",
modules = {
["kong.plugins.hello-world.handler"] = "kong/plugins/hello-world/handler.lua",
["kong.plugins.hello-world.schema"] = "kong/plugins/hello-world/schema.lua",
Testing Your Plugin
To test your plugin locally with Kong, you'll need to:
- Install the plugin using LuaRocks or by adding it to Kong's plugin path
- Enable the plugin in Kong's configuration
- Apply the plugin to a service or route
Installing with LuaRocks
# From your plugin directory
luarocks make
# Or install directly from Git
luarocks install https://github.com/yourusername/kong-plugin-hello-world/kong-plugin-hello-world-0.1.0-1.rockspec
Configuring Kong
Add your plugin to the plugins
list in kong.conf
plugins = bundled,hello-world
Applying the Plugin
Use Kong's Admin API to apply your plugin to a service:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/my-service/plugins \
--data "name=hello-world" \
--data "config.message=Hello from my custom plugin!"
Advanced Plugin Development
Once you've mastered the basics, you can build more complex plugins. Let's explore some advanced concepts.
Accessing Request Information
Kong provides access to request information through the kong.request
function MyPlugin:access(conf)
local client_ip = kong.client.get_ip()
local headers = kong.request.get_headers()
local query_params = kong.request.get_query()
local body, err = kong.request.get_body()
-- Use this information to make decisions or modify the request
Modifying Requests and Responses
You can modify requests before they reach upstream services:
function MyPlugin:access(conf)
-- Add a header to the request
kong.service.request.set_header("X-Custom-Header", "Custom Value")
-- Change the request path
-- Modify query parameters
kong.service.request.set_query({new_param = "value"})
And modify responses before they reach the client:
function MyPlugin:header_filter(conf)
-- Add a response header
kong.response.set_header("X-Response-Time", ngx.now() - ngx.req.start_time())
function MyPlugin:body_filter(conf)
local chunk, eof = ngx.arg[1], ngx.arg[2]
-- Replace text in the response body
if chunk then
chunk = chunk:gsub("old text", "new text")
ngx.arg[1] = chunk
Storing Data with Kong's DAO
For plugins that need to store data, Kong provides a DAO (Data Access Object) abstraction:
-- Define a custom entity in your schema.lua
local schema = {
name = "my_custom_entities",
primary_key = { "id" },
fields = {
{ id = { type = "string" } },
{ created_at = { type = "number", default = ngx.time() } },
{ consumer_id = { type = "string" } },
{ some_data = { type = "string" } },
-- Then use it in your plugin
function MyPlugin:access(conf)
local entity, err = kong.db.my_custom_entities:insert({
consumer_id = kong.client.get_consumer().id,
some_data = "stored value"
if err then
kong.log.err("Failed to store data: ", err)
return kong.response.exit(500, { message = "Internal server error" })
Example: Building an API Key Validation Plugin
Let's build a more practical plugin that validates API keys against a predefined list.
-- schema.lua
return {
name = "api-key-validator",
fields = {
{ consumer = typedefs.no_consumer },
{ protocols = typedefs.protocols_http },
{ config = {
type = "record",
fields = {
{ api_keys = { type = "array", elements = { type = "string" }, default = {} } },
{ header_name = { type = "string", default = "X-API-Key" } },
-- handler.lua
local ApiKeyHandler = {
VERSION = "0.1.0",
PRIORITY = 1000,
function ApiKeyHandler:access(conf)
-- Get the API key from the request
local api_key = kong.request.get_header(conf.header_name)
if not api_key then
return kong.response.exit(401, { message = "API key is required" })
-- Check if the API key is in the allowed list
local key_found = false
for _, allowed_key in ipairs(conf.api_keys) do
if api_key == allowed_key then
key_found = true
if not key_found then
return kong.response.exit(403, { message = "Invalid API key" })
-- If we get here, the API key is valid
kong.service.request.set_header("X-Consumer-Custom-ID", api_key)
return ApiKeyHandler
Debugging Kong Plugins
Debugging Kong plugins can be challenging. Here are some effective techniques:
Kong provides a logging module to help debug your plugins:
function MyPlugin:access(conf)
kong.log.debug("Debug message - only seen when Kong's log level is debug")
kong.log.info("Informational message")
kong.log.err("Error message")
kong.log.inspect({ complex = "data structure" }) -- Pretty-print tables
Running Kong in Debug Mode
Set Kong's log level to debug in kong.conf
log_level = debug
Using the Kong PDK in Custom Plugins
The Plugin Development Kit (PDK) provides a set of functions to interact with Kong. Here's how you can use it:
-- Access plugin configuration
kong.log.debug("Config parameter: ", conf.some_param)
-- Access request information
local header_value = kong.request.get_header("X-Custom-Header")
local query_param = kong.request.get_query_arg("param_name")
-- Manipulate response
kong.response.set_header("X-Rate-Limit-Remaining", "10")
-- Exit early with a custom response
return kong.response.exit(403, { message = "Access denied" })
Best Practices for Kong Plugin Development
Respect the Priority: Set the
of your plugin appropriately to ensure it runs in the correct order relative to other plugins. -
Error Handling: Always handle errors gracefully and provide meaningful error messages.
local result, err = some_function()
if err then
kong.log.err("Error: ", err)
return kong.response.exit(500, { message = "Internal server error" })
Performance Considerations: Be mindful of the performance impact of your plugin, especially in high-traffic environments.
Testing: Write unit tests for your plugin using Kong's test helpers.
Documentation: Document your plugin thoroughly, including configuration options and expected behavior.
Version Compatibility: Be aware of Kong version compatibility and document which versions your plugin supports.
Deploying Kong Plugins
Once your plugin is ready for production, you have several options for deployment:
- LuaRocks: Publish your plugin to LuaRocks, Kong's package manager.
- Custom Docker Image: Create a custom Kong Docker image that includes your plugin.
- Custom RPM/DEB Packages: Package your plugin for distribution.
For a custom Docker image, create a Dockerfile:
FROM kong:latest
USER root
# Install LuaRocks packages
RUN luarocks install kong-plugin-your-plugin
# Set custom plugins in Kong configuration
ENV KONG_PLUGINS=bundled,your-plugin
USER kong
In this guide, we've covered the essentials of Kong plugin development, from setting up your development environment to creating, testing, and deploying plugins. We've also explored advanced concepts like modifying requests and responses, storing data, and following best practices.
Kong's plugin architecture provides a powerful way to extend its functionality to meet your specific needs. With the knowledge gained from this guide, you're now equipped to build custom plugins that enhance your API gateway implementation.
Additional Resources
- Kong Documentation
- Kong Plugin Development Guide
- Kong Plugin Development Kit (PDK) Reference
- Kong Nation Community
- Lua Programming Language
- Create a rate-limiting plugin that restricts requests based on IP address.
- Develop a plugin that adds CORS headers to responses.
- Build a logging plugin that sends request data to a third-party service.
- Create a plugin that transforms JSON responses by adding, removing, or modifying fields.
- Implement a caching plugin that stores responses and serves them for repeated requests.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)