Redis Iteration
Iteration is a fundamental concept when working with any database, and Redis is no exception. As you build applications with Redis, you'll often need to retrieve and process multiple keys or values. However, Redis has unique approaches to iteration that differ from traditional databases due to its in-memory nature and data structure design.
In this tutorial, we'll explore various methods for iterating through Redis data structures, from basic scanning techniques to more advanced iteration patterns. Whether you're managing a few dozen keys or millions of records, understanding these iteration approaches will help you build more efficient and robust Redis applications.
Understanding Redis Iteration Challenges
Before diving into solutions, let's understand why iteration in Redis requires special consideration:
- Redis is single-threaded - Long-running operations can block other requests
- Memory efficiency - Redis stores data in memory, so inefficient iteration can cause memory spikes
- Large datasets - Redis can handle millions of keys, making naive iteration approaches problematic
Basic Key Iteration with KEYS and SCAN
The KEYS Command (Not Recommended for Production)
The simplest way to iterate through Redis keys is using the KEYS
command with a pattern:
KEYS pattern
For example:
KEYS user:*
1) "user:1000"
2) "user:1001"
3) "user:1002"
4) "user:1003"
Warning: While KEYS
is straightforward, it's not recommended for production environments because:
- It blocks the Redis server until completion
- Runtime complexity is O(N) with N being the number of keys in the database
- With large datasets, it can cause significant performance issues
The SCAN Command (Recommended Approach)
For production environments, the SCAN
command provides a safer alternative:
SCAN cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] [TYPE type]
command works through iteration, returning a cursor that you use in subsequent calls:
# First call
1) "3" # Next cursor
2) 1) "user:1000"
2) "user:1001"
# Next call with returned cursor
1) "0" # 0 indicates iteration complete
2) 1) "user:1002"
2) "user:1003"
- Returns a cursor and a portion of matching keys
- Does not block the Redis server for long periods
- Uses COUNT to hint at how many elements to return (not exact)
- Returns cursor 0 when iteration is complete
Here's a complete example using Node.js and the ioredis
const Redis = require('ioredis');
const redis = new Redis();
async function scanAllKeys(pattern) {
let cursor = '0';
const allKeys = [];
do {
// Scan with the current cursor
const [nextCursor, keys] = await redis.scan(cursor, 'MATCH', pattern, 'COUNT', 100);
cursor = nextCursor;
// Add found keys to our result array
// Continue until cursor is 0
} while (cursor !== '0');
return allKeys;
// Usage
.then(keys => console.log('Found keys:', keys))
.catch(err => console.error('Error:', err));
Iterating Through Hash Fields with HSCAN
For Redis Hash data structures, the HSCAN
command works similarly to SCAN
but for hash fields:
HSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]
Example of iterating through a user profile hash:
# First add some user data
HSET user:1000 username "johndoe" email "[email protected]" city "New York" age "32" status "active"
# Then iterate through the fields
HSCAN user:1000 0 COUNT 2
1) "3" # Next cursor
2) 1) "username"
2) "johndoe"
3) "email"
4) "[email protected]"
# Continue with returned cursor
HSCAN user:1000 3 COUNT 2
1) "0" # Iteration complete
2) 1) "city"
2) "New York"
3) "age"
4) "32"
5) "status"
6) "active"
Example with Python redis
import redis
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
def scan_hash(hash_key, pattern='*'):
cursor = 0
all_fields = {}
while True:
cursor, fields = r.hscan(hash_key, cursor, match=pattern)
if cursor == 0:
return all_fields
# Usage
user_data = scan_hash('user:1000')
print("User data:", user_data)
List Iteration with LRANGE
For Redis Lists, the LRANGE
command is the primary iteration method:
LRANGE key start stop
# Create a list
RPUSH notifications:user:1000 "New message from Alice" "Payment received" "Account updated"
# Iterate through all items (0 to -1 means all elements)
LRANGE notifications:user:1000 0 -1
1) "New message from Alice"
2) "Payment received"
3) "Account updated"
For large lists, you can paginate using ranges:
# First page (0-9)
LRANGE very_long_list 0 9
# Second page (10-19)
LRANGE very_long_list 10 19
Ruby example for paginated list access:
require 'redis'
redis =
def get_paginated_list(list_key, page_size = 10)
list_length = redis.llen(list_key)
pages = (list_length.to_f / page_size).ceil
(0...pages).map do |page|
start_idx = page * page_size
end_idx = start_idx + page_size - 1
redis.lrange(list_key, start_idx, end_idx)
# Usage
pages = get_paginated_list('notifications:user:1000', 5)
pages.each_with_index do |items, index|
puts "Page #{index + 1}:"
items.each { |item| puts "- #{item}" }
Set Iteration with SSCAN
For Redis Sets, use the SSCAN
SSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]
# Create a set of tags
SADD product:tags "electronics" "laptop" "gaming" "high-performance" "sale"
# Iterate through tags
SSCAN product:tags 0 COUNT 3
1) "3" # Next cursor
2) 1) "electronics"
2) "laptop"
3) "gaming"
# Continue iteration
SSCAN product:tags 3 COUNT 3
1) "0" # Iteration complete
2) 1) "high-performance"
2) "sale"
Java example:
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.ScanParams;
import redis.clients.jedis.ScanResult;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class SetScanner {
public static Set<String> scanSet(Jedis jedis, String key, String pattern) {
Set<String> allMembers = new HashSet<>();
String cursor = "0";
ScanParams params = new ScanParams().match(pattern).count(100);
do {
ScanResult<String> scanResult = jedis.sscan(key, cursor, params);
cursor = scanResult.getCursor();
List<String> members = scanResult.getResult();
} while (!cursor.equals("0"));
return allMembers;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Jedis jedis = new Jedis("localhost", 6379)) {
Set<String> tags = scanSet(jedis, "product:tags", "*");
System.out.println("Product tags: " + tags);
Sorted Set Iteration with ZSCAN and ZRANGE
Redis Sorted Sets provide multiple iteration approaches:
ZSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]
Similar to other SCAN variants, it returns a cursor and members with scores.
Using ZRANGE (by index)
ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES]
# Create a leaderboard
ZADD leaderboard 100 "player1" 85 "player2" 95 "player3" 120 "player4"
# Get top 3 players
1) "player4"
2) "120"
3) "player1"
4) "100"
5) "player3"
6) "95"
Using ZRANGEBYSCORE (by score)
ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count]
# Get players with scores between 90 and 110
1) "player3"
2) "95"
3) "player1"
4) "100"
PHP example for paginated leaderboard:
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);
function getLeaderboardPage($page = 1, $pageSize = 10) {
global $redis;
$startIdx = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
$endIdx = $startIdx + $pageSize - 1;
// Get paginated leaderboard (reversed for highest first)
$players = $redis->zRevRange('leaderboard', $startIdx, $endIdx, true);
$result = [];
$rank = $startIdx + 1;
foreach ($players as $player => $score) {
$result[] = [
'rank' => $rank,
'player' => $player,
'score' => $score
return $result;
// Usage
$page1 = getLeaderboardPage(1, 2);
echo "Top Players:
foreach ($page1 as $entry) {
echo "#{$entry['rank']}: {$entry['player']} - {$entry['score']} points
Stream Iteration with XREAD and XRANGE
Redis Streams (available in Redis 5.0+) provide powerful iteration capabilities:
XRANGE key start end [COUNT count]
# Add events to a stream
XADD events * type login user_id 1001
XADD events * type logout user_id 1002
XADD events * type payment user_id 1001 amount 29.99
# Read all events
XRANGE events - +
1) 1) "1631234567890-0"
2) 1) "type"
2) "login"
3) "user_id"
4) "1001"
2) 1) "1631234569123-0"
2) 1) "type"
2) "logout"
3) "user_id"
4) "1002"
3) 1) "1631234571456-0"
2) 1) "type"
2) "payment"
3) "user_id"
4) "1001"
5) "amount"
6) "29.99"
Using XREAD for "live" iteration
XREAD [COUNT count] [BLOCK milliseconds] STREAMS key [key ...] id [id ...]
Example of a GO program that processes events in real-time:
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
rdb := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: "localhost:6379",
// Process new events as they arrive
lastID := "0-0" // Start from beginning
for {
// Read new messages, blocking for up to 5 seconds
streams, err := rdb.XRead(ctx, &redis.XReadArgs{
Streams: []string{"events", lastID},
Count: 10,
Block: 5 * time.Second,
if err != nil {
if err == redis.Nil {
// No new messages
fmt.Printf("Error: %v
", err)
// Process messages
for _, stream := range streams {
for _, message := range stream.Messages {
fmt.Printf("ID: %s, Data: %v
", message.ID, message.Values)
// Update last seen ID
lastID = message.ID
Performance Best Practices
When implementing iteration in Redis, keep these best practices in mind:
- Use SCAN variants instead of KEYS/SMEMBERS/HGETALL for large datasets
- Adjust COUNT parameter based on your dataset size (higher for sparse data)
- Process in batches rather than collecting all data before processing
- Consider key naming conventions that make pattern matching more efficient
- Monitor memory usage during large iterations
- Use Redis Pipelines to batch commands when iterating
Real-World Example: User Session Cleanup
Let's build a practical example of iterating through active user sessions to remove expired ones:
const Redis = require('ioredis');
const redis = new Redis();
async function cleanupExpiredSessions(olderThanHours = 24) {
console.log(`Starting cleanup of sessions older than ${olderThanHours} hours...`);
const now =;
const cutoffTime = now - (olderThanHours * 60 * 60 * 1000);
let cursor = '0';
let scannedCount = 0;
let deletedCount = 0;
// Begin scan iterations
do {
// Scan for session keys
const [nextCursor, keys] = await redis.scan(
cursor = nextCursor;
scannedCount += keys.length;
if (keys.length === 0) continue;
// Use pipeline for efficiency
const pipeline = redis.pipeline();
// First get all last accessed timestamps
keys.forEach(key => {
pipeline.hget(key, 'lastAccessed');
const results = await pipeline.exec();
const keysToDelete = [];
// Check which sessions are expired
results.forEach((result, index) => {
const [err, lastAccessed] = result;
if (err) return;
const lastAccessedTime = parseInt(lastAccessed, 10);
if (lastAccessedTime && lastAccessedTime < cutoffTime) {
// Delete expired sessions
if (keysToDelete.length > 0) {
await redis.del(...keysToDelete);
deletedCount += keysToDelete.length;
console.log(`Progress: Scanned ${scannedCount}, Deleted ${deletedCount}`);
} while (cursor !== '0');
console.log(`Cleanup complete. Scanned ${scannedCount} sessions, deleted ${deletedCount} expired sessions.`);
return { scanned: scannedCount, deleted: deletedCount };
// Usage
.then(result => console.log('Cleanup result:', result))
.catch(err => console.error('Error during cleanup:', err));
Redis iteration strategies vary depending on the data structure you're working with:
Data Structure | Command to Use | Notes |
All keys | SCAN | Safe for production, cursor-based |
Hash | HSCAN | Iterates through field-value pairs |
List | LRANGE | Can be paginated with start/stop |
Set | SSCAN | Similar to SCAN but for set members |
Sorted Set | ZSCAN, ZRANGE, ZRANGEBYSCORE | Multiple options based on needs |
Stream | XRANGE, XREAD | Powerful for time-series data |
Understanding these iteration patterns is crucial for efficiently working with Redis at scale. By choosing the right technique for your specific use case, you can maintain Redis performance even when dealing with large datasets.
- Basic Iteration: Write a script that counts all keys in a Redis database using the SCAN command.
- Pattern Matching: Use SCAN with a pattern to find all user-related keys and report how many users have email addresses.
- Hash Analysis: Iterate through a large hash using HSCAN to find the field with the largest value.
- Leaderboard Pagination: Implement a function that returns paginated results from a Redis sorted set (leaderboard).
- Data Migration: Write a script that iterates through all keys matching a pattern and copies them to a new prefix.
Additional Resources
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)