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Redis Transactions


When building applications with Redis, you'll often need to execute multiple commands together as a single operation. Redis transactions allow you to group commands and execute them sequentially and atomically, ensuring that either all commands are processed or none of them are.

In this tutorial, you'll learn:

  • What Redis transactions are and why they're useful
  • How to use the MULTI, EXEC, and DISCARD commands
  • How optimistic locking works with the WATCH command
  • Practical examples of transactions in real-world scenarios

Understanding Redis Transactions

A Redis transaction is a sequence of commands that are executed as a single isolated operation. Redis transactions are different from traditional database transactions in a few key ways:

  1. Commands in a Redis transaction are executed sequentially (not interleaved with commands from other clients)
  2. Either all commands in a transaction are processed, or none are processed
  3. Redis does not provide rollback capabilities if a command fails during execution

Let's dive into how transactions work in Redis.

Basic Transaction Commands

Redis provides three main commands for handling transactions:

  • MULTI - Marks the start of a transaction block
  • EXEC - Executes all commands issued after MULTI
  • DISCARD - Discards all commands issued after MULTI

Let's see a simple example:

> SET user:1:name "John"
> SET user:1:email "[email protected]"
> INCR user:1:visits
1) OK
2) OK
3) (integer) 1

In this example:

  1. We start a transaction with MULTI
  2. We queue three commands (two SET and one INCR)
  3. Each command returns "QUEUED" to indicate it has been added to the transaction
  4. When we call EXEC, all three commands are executed, and their results are returned in order

If we decide not to execute our queued commands, we can use DISCARD:

> SET user:2:name "Alice"
> GET user:2:name

As you can see, after using DISCARD, the SET command is not executed.

Command Errors During Transactions

There are two types of errors that can occur in a Redis transaction:

  1. Queue-time errors: Errors detected when a command is queued (before EXEC)
  2. Execution-time errors: Errors detected when a command is executed (after EXEC)

Queue-time Errors

If Redis detects a queue-time error (like a syntax error), it will reject the command and the transaction can still continue:

> SET user:3:name "Bob"
(error) ERR unknown command 'INCORRECT_COMMAND'
> SET user:3:email "[email protected]"
1) OK
2) OK

In this case, the invalid command is rejected, but other valid commands are still executed when EXEC is called.

Execution-time Errors

If a command fails during execution (after EXEC), Redis will still execute all other commands in the transaction:

> SET user:4:name "Charlie"
> INCR user:4:name # This will fail because we're trying to increment a string
> SET user:4:email "[email protected]"
1) OK
2) (error) ERR value is not an integer or out of range
3) OK

Notice that even though the INCR command failed during execution, the other commands still executed successfully. This is an important difference from traditional database transactions, which would roll back all changes if any command fails.

Optimistic Locking with WATCH

Redis provides an optimistic locking mechanism with the WATCH command. It allows you to monitor one or more keys and ensure they haven't changed before executing a transaction.

Here's how it works:

  1. You WATCH one or more keys
  2. You check their values
  3. Based on those values, you decide what commands to include in your transaction
  4. If any of the watched keys are modified before your transaction executes (EXEC), the transaction is aborted

Let's look at an example:

> SET balance 100
> WATCH balance
> GET balance
# At this point, we decide to decrement the balance by 20
> DECRBY balance 20
1) (integer) 80

Now, let's see what happens if another client modifies the watched key before EXEC is called:

Client 1:

> WATCH balance
> GET balance
# Client 1 decides to decrement balance by 20
> DECRBY balance 20
# Before calling EXEC, Client 2 modifies the balance

Client 2:

> INCR balance
(integer) 81

Client 1 (continuing):


Client 1's transaction was aborted (returning nil) because the watched key was modified by Client 2 before the transaction was executed. This helps prevent race conditions and ensures your transaction logic is based on the most current data.

Real-world Example: Implementing a Simple Counter

Let's implement a simple view counter for a blog post using Redis transactions:

const redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient();

async function incrementViewCount(postId) {
try {
// Start a transaction
await client.multi()
.zadd('popular_posts', { score:, value: postId })

console.log(`View count incremented for post ${postId}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error incrementing view count:', error);

// Usage

In this example:

  1. We increment the view count for a specific post
  2. We update a sorted set that tracks popular posts based on recent views
  3. Both operations happen atomically in a single transaction

Real-world Example: Implementing a Simple Transfer System

Let's implement a more complex example: a system for transferring points between users:

const redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient();

async function transferPoints(fromUser, toUser, amount) {
let success = false;
let retries = 3;

while (!success && retries > 0) {
try {
// Watch the balances
await`user:${fromUser}:points`, `user:${toUser}:points`);

// Get current balances
const fromBalance = parseInt(await client.get(`user:${fromUser}:points`)) || 0;
const toBalance = parseInt(await client.get(`user:${toUser}:points`)) || 0;

// Check if sender has enough points
if (fromBalance < amount) {
console.log(`User ${fromUser} doesn't have enough points.`);
await client.unwatch();
return false;

// Execute transaction
const results = await client.multi()
.decrby(`user:${fromUser}:points`, amount)
.incrby(`user:${toUser}:points`, amount)

// If transaction succeeded
if (results !== null) {
console.log(`Transferred ${amount} points from user ${fromUser} to user ${toUser}`);
success = true;
return true;
} else {
console.log('Transaction aborted. Retrying...');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error transferring points:', error);

if (!success) {
console.log('Failed to transfer points after multiple attempts');
return false;

// Usage
transferPoints('user1', 'user2', 50);

In this example:

  1. We use WATCH to monitor both users' point balances
  2. We check if the sender has enough points
  3. We execute a transaction that decrements the sender's balance and increments the receiver's balance
  4. If the transaction fails (e.g., if another client modified either balance), we retry

Visualizing Redis Transactions

Limitations of Redis Transactions

While Redis transactions are powerful, they have some limitations:

  1. No rollback capability: If a command fails during execution, Redis won't undo previous commands in the transaction
  2. No nested transactions: You can't start a new transaction inside an existing one
  3. No conditional execution: Unlike SQL's IF statements, Redis can't conditionally execute commands within a transaction based on the result of previous commands
  4. Limited isolation: While a transaction is executing, other clients can still read data (but they'll see the data as it was before the transaction)

Best Practices

  1. Keep transactions short: Long-running transactions can block other clients
  2. Handle transaction failures: Always check the result of EXEC and retry if necessary
  3. Use WATCH carefully: Watching too many keys increases the chance of transaction abortion
  4. Consider Lua scripts: For more complex operations, Redis Lua scripts might be a better option than transactions


Redis transactions provide a way to execute multiple commands atomically, ensuring that all commands are executed sequentially without interference from other clients. Key points to remember:

  • Use MULTI to start a transaction, EXEC to execute it, and DISCARD to cancel it
  • Redis doesn't provide rollback capabilities if a command fails during execution
  • Use WATCH for optimistic locking to ensure data consistency
  • Redis transactions are useful for operations that need to be executed together, like transferring points between users or updating related counters


  1. Implement a rate limiter using Redis transactions
  2. Create a simple leaderboard system that atomically updates scores and rankings
  3. Build a shopping cart system that checks inventory levels before completing a purchase
  4. Implement a basic reservation system using optimistic locking with WATCH

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)