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Ubuntu Text Viewing


Working with text files is a fundamental skill for any programmer or system administrator using Ubuntu. The terminal provides powerful tools for viewing, searching, and analyzing text files without the need for graphical editors. In this guide, we'll explore the most common commands for viewing text files in the Ubuntu terminal, their practical applications, and how to use them effectively.

Basic Text Viewing Commands

The cat Command

The simplest way to display the contents of a file is using the cat command (short for concatenate):

cat filename.txt


cat hello.txt


Hello World!
This is a simple text file.
Created for demonstration purposes.

When to use cat:

  • For small files that fit on a single screen
  • When you need to quickly view the entire content at once
  • For concatenating multiple files together

For larger files, cat will output everything at once which can be overwhelming. In such cases, use less or more commands described below.

The more Command

The more command displays text one screen at a time:

more filename.txt

Navigation in more:

  • Press Space to view the next page
  • Press Enter to advance one line
  • Press q to quit

When to use more:

  • For files that don't fit on a single screen
  • When you need simple forward navigation

The less Command

The less command is an improved version of more with bidirectional scrolling:

less filename.txt

Navigation in less:

  • Use and keys to scroll line by line
  • Use Space or Page Down to go forward one page
  • Use b or Page Up to go back one page
  • Press / followed by text to search forward
  • Press ? followed by text to search backward
  • Press n to find the next occurrence
  • Press N to find the previous occurrence
  • Press q to quit


less /var/log/syslog

When to use less:

  • For large files like logs
  • When you need to search through content
  • When you need bidirectional navigation

The less command is one of the most versatile text viewers in Ubuntu. Remember the phrase "less is more" (meaning less has more features than more).

Viewing File Portions

The head Command

The head command shows the first 10 lines of a file by default:

head filename.txt

You can specify how many lines to display:

head -n 5 filename.txt


head -n 3 /etc/passwd



When to use head:

  • To check the beginning of files
  • To preview file content
  • To extract header information

The tail Command

The tail command shows the last 10 lines of a file by default:

tail filename.txt

You can specify how many lines to display:

tail -n 5 filename.txt


tail -n 3 /var/log/syslog


Mar 12 21:45:03 ubuntu systemd[1]: Starting Daily apt download activities...
Mar 12 21:45:04 ubuntu systemd[1]: apt-daily.service: Succeeded.
Mar 12 21:45:04 ubuntu systemd[1]: Finished Daily apt download activities.

A particularly useful feature of tail is the -f (follow) option, which continuously displays new lines as they're added to the file:

tail -f /var/log/syslog

When to use tail:

  • To check the end of files
  • To monitor log files in real-time with -f
  • To view the most recent entries

Advanced Text Viewing

The grep Command

While not strictly a viewing command, grep is essential for finding and displaying specific text within files:

grep "search_term" filename.txt


grep "error" /var/log/syslog


Mar 12 15:23:42 ubuntu app[1234]: An error occurred during network initialization
Mar 12 16:45:12 ubuntu kernel: [ERROR] Failed to allocate memory

Search options:

  • -i: Case-insensitive search
  • -n: Show line numbers
  • -r: Recursive search through directories
  • -v: Show lines that do NOT match

Example with options:

grep -in "warning" /var/log/syslog


143:Mar 12 14:32:11 ubuntu app[5678]: Warning: Configuration file missing
267:Mar 12 18:15:09 ubuntu kernel: [WARNING] Temperature threshold exceeded

Viewing Compressed Files

Ubuntu provides special commands to view compressed files without explicitly extracting them:

For .gz files:

zcat file.txt.gz
zless file.txt.gz

For .bz2 files:

bzcat file.txt.bz2
bzless file.txt.bz2

For .xz files:

xzcat file.txt.xz
xzless file.txt.xz


zless /var/log/syslog.1.gz

Practical Examples

Example 1: Analyzing Log Files

Finding and analyzing error messages in a server log:

# View the last 100 lines of a log file
tail -n 100 /var/log/apache2/error.log

# Follow new entries in real-time
tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log

# Search for error messages
grep -i "error" /var/log/apache2/error.log

# Search for a specific IP address
grep "" /var/log/apache2/access.log

Example 2: Examining Configuration Files

Reviewing and understanding system configuration files:

# View the SSH server configuration
less /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# Find specific settings in the Apache configuration
grep -n "DocumentRoot" /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

# Check the first 20 lines of a config file for comments
head -n 20 /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

Example 3: Combining Commands with Pipes

Ubuntu's command-line power comes from combining commands with pipes:

# Find lines containing "error" and show the last 5
grep "error" /var/log/syslog | tail -n 5

# Count how many warning messages are in a log file
grep -i "warning" /var/log/syslog | wc -l

# Find unique IP addresses in an Apache access log
grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' /var/log/apache2/access.log | sort | uniq

Text Viewing Workflow Diagram

Here's a decision flow for choosing the right text viewing command:


Ubuntu terminal provides a comprehensive suite of tools for viewing text files:

  • Basic viewing: cat, more, less
  • Viewing portions: head, tail
  • Searching content: grep
  • For compressed files: zcat, zless, etc.

Mastering these commands will significantly enhance your productivity when working with text files in the Ubuntu terminal. Each command has its specific use case, and often they can be combined together using pipes for more powerful text processing.

Additional Resources

  • Practice Exercises:

    1. Create a large text file and practice navigating through it with less
    2. Monitor a log file in real-time using tail -f while performing actions that generate log entries
    3. Use grep to find all occurrences of a specific term in your home directory recursively
  • Advanced Topics to Explore:

    • Text processing with awk and sed
    • Regular expressions with grep
    • Binary file analysis with hexdump and strings
Key Takeaway

Learning these text viewing commands is essential as they form the foundation of file interaction in the terminal. Once mastered, you'll find yourself working more efficiently with configuration files, logs, and code in Ubuntu.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)