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MongoDB Change Stream Pipeline

In modern applications, real-time data processing has become increasingly important. MongoDB's Change Streams provide a way to watch for database changes in real-time. By adding pipelines to your change streams, you can filter and transform these events to match your specific needs, making your applications more efficient and focused.

What is a Change Stream Pipeline?

A Change Stream Pipeline is an array of aggregation stages that processes change events before they are returned to your application. It works similarly to MongoDB's aggregation pipeline but is specifically designed to operate on change events.

Think of a pipeline as a series of filters and transformations that your change events pass through:

Why Use Change Stream Pipelines?

Without pipelines, your application would receive all change events for a collection or database, forcing you to filter them in your application code. Using pipelines offers several advantages:

  • Reduced network traffic: Only relevant events are sent to your application
  • Lower processing overhead: MongoDB filters events before sending them
  • Cleaner application code: Less filtering logic in your application
  • Transformed data: Events can be reshaped before reaching your application

Basic Syntax

Here's how you define a change stream with a pipeline:

const changeStream =[
// Pipeline stages go here
{ $match: { ... } },
{ $project: { ... } },
// More stages as needed

Common Pipeline Stages for Change Streams

1. The $match Stage

This is the most commonly used stage with change streams. It filters change events based on specified conditions.

Example: Watch only insert operations

const changeStream =[
$match: {
'operationType': 'insert'

// Now the change stream will only notify about inserts
changeStream.on('change', (change) => {
console.log('New document inserted:', change.fullDocument);

Example: Watch specific fields for updates

const changeStream =[
$match: {
'operationType': 'update',
'updateDescription.updatedFields.status': { $exists: true }

// This will only notify when the "status" field is updated
changeStream.on('change', (change) => {
console.log('Status field was updated:', change.updateDescription.updatedFields.status);

2. The $project Stage

Use $project to reshape the change event document, including only the fields you need.

Example: Simplify change events to include only essential information

const changeStream =[
$project: {
_id: 0,
operation: '$operationType',
documentId: '$documentKey._id',
updatedFields: {
$cond: {
if: { $eq: ['$operationType', 'update'] },
then: '$updateDescription.updatedFields',
else: '$$REMOVE'

// Output will be a simplified object with just the fields you need
changeStream.on('change', (change) => {
console.log('Change detected:', change);
// Example output: { operation: 'update', documentId: ObjectId('...'), updatedFields: { name: 'New Name' } }

3. The $redact Stage

The $redact stage can be used to exclude sensitive information from change events.

Example: Redacting sensitive payment information

const changeStream =[
$redact: {
$cond: {
if: { $eq: [{ $substr: [{ $toString: "$fieldPath" }, 0, 8] }, "payment."] },
then: "$$PRUNE",
else: "$$DESCEND"

4. The $addFields Stage

Add calculated fields to your change event documents.

Example: Adding a timestamp and user-friendly message

const changeStream =[
$addFields: {
timestamp: { $toDate: '$clusterTime' },
message: {
$concat: [
'Document was ',
' at ',
{ $toString: { $toDate: '$clusterTime' } }

changeStream.on('change', (change) => {
console.log(change.message); // Example: "Document was update at 2023-05-15T14:23:45.123Z"

Combining Multiple Stages

The real power of pipelines comes when combining multiple stages:

const changeStream =[
// Stage 1: Filter for updates to the price field
$match: {
'operationType': 'update',
'updateDescription.updatedFields.price': { $exists: true }
// Stage 2: Extract only needed fields
$project: {
_id: 0,
productId: '$documentKey._id',
oldPrice: '$fullDocumentBeforeChange.price',
newPrice: '$updateDescription.updatedFields.price',
percentChange: {
$multiply: [
$divide: [
{ $subtract: ['$updateDescription.updatedFields.price', '$fullDocumentBeforeChange.price'] },
// Stage 3: Filter for significant price changes (more than 5%)
$match: {
$or: [
{ percentChange: { $gt: 5 } },
{ percentChange: { $lt: -5 } }

changeStream.on('change', (change) => {
console.log(`Price alert! Product ${change.productId} price changed by ${change.percentChange.toFixed(2)}%`);
console.log(`Old price: $${change.oldPrice}, New price: $${change.newPrice}`);

This pipeline:

  1. Watches for price updates
  2. Calculates the percentage change
  3. Only notifies for changes greater than 5%

Real-World Examples

Example 1: Notification System for Critical User Actions

Imagine you're building a banking application and need to monitor for security-sensitive operations:

const securityStream = db.collection('transactions').watch([
$match: {
$or: [
{ 'operationType': 'insert', 'fullDocument.amount': { $gt: 10000 } },
{ 'operationType': 'update', 'updateDescription.updatedFields.status': 'rejected' },
{ 'fullDocument.flags.suspicious': true }
$addFields: {
alertLevel: {
$switch: {
branches: [
case: { $gt: ['$fullDocument.amount', 50000] },
then: 'HIGH'
case: { $eq: ['$fullDocument.flags.suspicious', true] },
then: 'MEDIUM'
default: 'LOW'

securityStream.on('change', (change) => {
// Alert security team based on alertLevel
notifySecurityTeam(change.alertLevel, change.fullDocument);

Example 2: Inventory Management System

For an e-commerce application that needs to track low stock levels:

const inventoryStream = db.collection('products').watch([
// Match products where quantity drops below threshold
$match: {
'operationType': 'update',
'updateDescription.updatedFields.quantity': { $exists: true }
// Calculate if this update brought the stock below threshold
$addFields: {
newQuantity: '$updateDescription.updatedFields.quantity',
isLowStock: { $lt: ['$updateDescription.updatedFields.quantity', 10] },
wasLowStock: { $lt: ['$fullDocumentBeforeChange.quantity', 10] }
// Only alert on new low stock situations
$match: {
isLowStock: true,
wasLowStock: false
// Shape the output
$project: {
_id: 0,
productId: '$documentKey._id',
productName: '$',
currentStock: '$newQuantity'

inventoryStream.on('change', (change) => {
console.log(`Low stock alert: ${change.productName} has only ${change.currentStock} units left!`);
// Trigger reordering process
reorderInventory(change.productId, 100 - change.currentStock);

Performance Considerations

When working with change stream pipelines:

  1. Put the most selective filters first: Place $match stages early in your pipeline to reduce the amount of documents processed by later stages.

  2. Avoid complex calculations when possible: Complex operations in pipelines can consume significant resources.

  3. Consider resumability: Change streams are resumable after network interruptions, but ensure your pipeline produces consistent results.

  4. Index support: Ensure that fields used in your $match conditions are properly indexed.

  5. Testing with realistic data volumes: A pipeline that works well with small data sets might perform poorly at scale.


While powerful, change stream pipelines have some limitations:

  • You cannot use all aggregation pipeline stages (e.g., $out, $merge, and some others are not supported)
  • Pipeline stages cannot access collections other than the one being watched
  • For sharded clusters, certain operations may not be atomically processed by the change stream
  • Pipelines cannot reference data that's no longer in the database


Change Stream Pipelines are a powerful feature in MongoDB that allow you to filter and transform database change events in real-time. By designing effective pipelines, you can:

  • Filter out irrelevant events
  • Extract only the information you need
  • Transform events to match your application's requirements
  • React to specific patterns or thresholds in your data

This capability enables you to build more efficient, responsive, and maintainable real-time applications with MongoDB.

Additional Resources

Exercises for Practice

  1. Create a change stream pipeline that watches for document deletions and captures the document before it was deleted.

  2. Build a pipeline that detects when a user's role changes from "user" to "admin" and generates an audit event.

  3. Develop a pipeline for a social media application that tracks when posts receive more than 5 new likes within a minute.

  4. Create a pipeline that monitors product reviews and alerts when a product receives a rating below 2 stars.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)