MongoDB BSON Serialization
When working with MongoDB, understanding BSON serialization is essential. BSON, which stands for "Binary JSON," is the binary-encoded format that MongoDB uses to store documents and make remote procedure calls. In this guide, we'll explore what BSON is, how MongoDB uses it for serialization, and how to work with BSON types in your applications.
What is BSON?
BSON is a binary representation of JSON-like documents that extends the JSON model to provide additional data types and to be more efficient for encoding and decoding within different languages.
Key characteristics of BSON include:
- Binary format (more compact than JSON in many cases)
- Support for additional data types not available in JSON
- Designed for efficiency in traversal and parsing
- Language-independent specification
Why MongoDB Uses BSON
MongoDB stores data in BSON format for several important reasons:
- More Data Types: BSON supports data types that aren't part of the JSON specification, like dates and binary data
- Efficiency: Binary format allows for faster parsing
- Traversability: BSON is designed to be quickly traversed
- Space Efficiency: In many cases, BSON is more space-efficient than JSON for the same data
BSON Data Types
Here are some of the common data types supported in BSON:
Type | Description | JSON Equivalent |
Double | 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point | Number |
String | UTF-8 string | String |
Document | Embedded document | Object |
Array | BSON array | Array |
Binary data | Binary data | N/A |
ObjectId | MongoDB's unique identifier | N/A |
Boolean | true/false | Boolean |
Date | Milliseconds since Unix epoch | N/A |
Null | Null value | null |
Regular Expression | Regular expression | N/A |
Timestamp | Internal MongoDB timestamp | N/A |
Decimal128 | IEEE 754 decimal-based floating-point | N/A |
Working with BSON in Applications
BSON Serialization in Node.js
When working with MongoDB in Node.js using the official driver, BSON serialization happens automatically:
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
async function main() {
const uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
const client = new MongoClient(uri);
try {
await client.connect();
const database = client.db("sample_db");
const collection = database.collection("sample_collection");
// Insert a document - MongoDB driver handles BSON serialization
const doc = {
name: "John Doe",
age: 30,
created: new Date(), // Will be serialized as BSON Date type
scores: [85, 92, 78], // Will be serialized as BSON Array
address: { // Will be serialized as BSON embedded document
street: "123 Main St",
city: "Anytown"
const result = await collection.insertOne(doc);
console.log(`Document inserted with _id: ${result.insertedId}`);
// Retrieve document - MongoDB driver handles BSON deserialization
const found = await collection.findOne({ name: "John Doe" });
console.log("Retrieved document:", found);
} finally {
await client.close();
BSON Serialization in Python
In Python, the PyMongo driver handles BSON serialization and deserialization:
from pymongo import MongoClient
from datetime import datetime
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
# Connect to MongoDB
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client['sample_db']
collection = db['sample_collection']
# Insert a document - PyMongo handles BSON serialization
doc = {
"name": "Jane Smith",
"age": 28,
"created":, # Will be serialized as BSON Date
"scores": [90, 85, 92], # Will be serialized as BSON Array
"profile_id": ObjectId(), # Explicit BSON ObjectId
"address": { # Will be serialized as BSON embedded document
"street": "456 Oak Ave",
"city": "Somewhere"
result = collection.insert_one(doc)
print(f"Document inserted with _id: {result.inserted_id}")
# Retrieve document - PyMongo handles BSON deserialization
found = collection.find_one({"name": "Jane Smith"})
print("Retrieved document:", found)
# Access specific BSON types
print(f"Document created at: {found['created']}")
print(f"Document ObjectId: {found['_id']}")
Working with Special BSON Types
The ObjectId
is a 12-byte identifier typically used as the _id
field in MongoDB documents:
// Node.js example
const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb');
// Create a new ObjectId
const newId = new ObjectId();
console.log(newId.toString()); // Prints something like: 60f5b1b9e4b0b8f3b5a9b0a1
// Create ObjectId from a hex string
const idFromString = new ObjectId("60f5b1b9e4b0b8f3b5a9b0a1");
// Get creation timestamp from ObjectId
const timestamp = idFromString.getTimestamp();
console.log(timestamp); // Prints the creation date
# Python example
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from datetime import datetime
# Create a new ObjectId
new_id = ObjectId()
print(str(new_id)) # Prints something like: 60f5b1b9e4b0b8f3b5a9b0a1
# Create ObjectId from a hex string
id_from_string = ObjectId("60f5b1b9e4b0b8f3b5a9b0a1")
# Get creation timestamp from ObjectId
timestamp = id_from_string.generation_time
print(timestamp) # Prints the creation date
Working with dates in BSON:
// Node.js example
const now = new Date();
// When you insert this into MongoDB, it's stored as a BSON Date
const doc = { eventTime: now };
// When you retrieve it, it comes back as a JavaScript Date object
collection.findOne({}).then(doc => {
const retrievedDate = doc.eventTime;
console.log(retrievedDate instanceof Date); // true
# Python example
from datetime import datetime
now =
# When you insert this into MongoDB, it's stored as a BSON Date
doc = {"eventTime": now}
# When you retrieve it, it comes back as a Python datetime object
retrieved_doc = collection.find_one({})
retrieved_date = retrieved_doc["eventTime"]
print(isinstance(retrieved_date, datetime)) # True
Binary Data
For storing binary data like images or files:
// Node.js example
const { Binary } = require('mongodb');
// Create binary data
const buffer = Buffer.from('Hello, world!', 'utf8');
const binaryData = new Binary(buffer);
// Store in MongoDB
const doc = {
filename: 'hello.txt',
content: binaryData
// Insert document
# Python example
from bson.binary import Binary
# Create binary data
binary_data = Binary(b"Hello, world!")
# Store in MongoDB
doc = {
"filename": "hello.txt",
"content": binary_data
# Insert document
Dealing with BSON Serialization Issues
When working with MongoDB, you might encounter serialization issues:
Non-serializable Objects
Not all objects can be directly serialized to BSON. For example, JavaScript functions or complex objects:
// This will cause an error
const badDoc = {
calculate: function() { return 5 + 5; }, // Functions aren't serializable
// To fix it, either remove non-serializable properties or convert them to strings
const goodDoc = {
calculate: "function() { return 5 + 5; }", // Now it's a string
Custom Type Handling
For custom types, you'll need to provide serialization instructions:
// Node.js example
class Person {
constructor(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
// Convert to a MongoDB-friendly format
toMongo() {
return {
age: this.age,
_type: 'Person' // Metadata to help with deserialization
// Recreate from MongoDB document
static fromMongo(doc) {
if (doc._type === 'Person') {
return new Person(, doc.age);
return null;
// To save a Person object
const john = new Person("John", 30);
await collection.insertOne(john.toMongo());
// To retrieve and convert back
const doc = await collection.findOne({name: "John"});
const person = Person.fromMongo(doc);
BSON vs. JSON Comparison
To understand the differences better, let's look at a comparison:
// JSON representation
const jsonPerson = {
"name": "Alice",
"birthDate": "1990-05-15T00:00:00.000Z", // String representation of date
"scores": [95, 87, 92],
"id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011" // String representation of ObjectId
// BSON representation (conceptual, not actual code)
const bsonPerson = {
name: "Alice", // UTF-8 string
birthDate: ISODate("1990-05-15T00:00:00.000Z"), // BSON Date type
scores: [95, 87, 92], // BSON Array
id: ObjectId("507f1f77bcf86cd799439011") // BSON ObjectId
The BSON version stores dates and ObjectIds in their native BSON types, which is more efficient and preserves type information.
BSON Document Size Limitations
MongoDB has some limitations on BSON documents:
- Maximum BSON document size: 16 megabytes
- Maximum document nesting depth: 100 levels
For larger data, consider using GridFS, which is MongoDB's specification for storing and retrieving large files.
// Example of checking document size (Node.js)
const { BSON } = require('mongodb');
const doc = { /* large document */ };
const bsonSize = BSON.calculateObjectSize(doc);
console.log(`Document size in bytes: ${bsonSize}`);
if (bsonSize > 16 * 1024 * 1024) {
console.log("Document too large for MongoDB (> 16MB)");
Performance Considerations
Some best practices for BSON serialization:
- Keep documents reasonably sized: Excessively large documents can impact performance
- Use appropriate data types: Using native BSON types is more efficient
- Consider schema design: How you structure your data affects serialization efficiency
- Be mindful of arrays: Arrays that grow without bounds can cause documents to exceed size limits
Real-World Example: Building a Blog Application
Let's implement a simplified blog system that demonstrates BSON serialization:
// Node.js example
const { MongoClient, ObjectId } = require('mongodb');
async function blogExample() {
const client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
try {
await client.connect();
const db = client.db("blog");
const postsCollection = db.collection("posts");
const commentsCollection = db.collection("comments");
// Create a blog post with various BSON types
const post = {
title: "Understanding BSON in MongoDB",
content: "BSON is a binary encoding format...",
author: "developer123",
tags: ["mongodb", "databases", "programming"],
publishedDate: new Date(),
readTimeMinutes: 5,
metadata: {
featured: true,
categoryId: new ObjectId()
viewCount: 0
// Insert the post
const postResult = await postsCollection.insertOne(post);
console.log(`Post created with ID: ${postResult.insertedId}`);
// Add some comments
const comments = [
postId: postResult.insertedId,
user: "reader1",
text: "Great explanation!",
createdAt: new Date(),
upvotes: 3
postId: postResult.insertedId,
user: "reader2",
text: "I have a question about...",
createdAt: new Date(),
upvotes: 1
await commentsCollection.insertMany(comments);
// Retrieve post with comments (aggregation to demonstrate complex query)
const result = await postsCollection.aggregate([
{ $match: { _id: postResult.insertedId } },
{ $lookup: {
from: "comments",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "postId",
as: "comments"
console.log(JSON.stringify(result[0], null, 2));
} finally {
await client.close();
This example shows how various data types are serialized to BSON when stored in MongoDB, including strings, dates, arrays, numbers, embedded documents, and ObjectIds.
BSON serialization is a fundamental concept in MongoDB that affects how your data is stored and retrieved. Understanding BSON helps you design more efficient schemas and work more effectively with MongoDB.
Key takeaways from this guide:
- BSON is MongoDB's binary format for storing documents
- BSON supports more data types than JSON, including dates, binary data, and ObjectId
- MongoDB drivers handle serialization and deserialization automatically
- Being aware of BSON serialization helps you design better MongoDB schemas
- There are size limitations and performance considerations to keep in mind
Additional Resources
To deepen your understanding of BSON serialization:
- Explore the MongoDB documentation on BSON Types
- Learn about schema design patterns for MongoDB
- Practice with different BSON types in your driver of choice
Practice Exercises
- Create a document that uses at least five different BSON types and insert it into MongoDB
- Write a function that calculates the BSON size of a document before inserting it
- Create a custom class with toMongo() and fromMongo() methods for serialization/deserialization
- Build a small application that stores and retrieves images as binary data in MongoDB
- Experiment with MongoDB's Schema Validation to ensure documents conform to expected BSON types
By mastering BSON serialization, you'll be better equipped to work efficiently with MongoDB and design optimal data models for your applications.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)