MongoDB Mongos Routers
In a MongoDB sharded cluster, the mongos router serves as the interface between client applications and the sharded cluster. It plays a critical role in the MongoDB sharding architecture by directing queries to the appropriate shards and aggregating results from multiple shards.
When your data grows beyond the capacity of a single server, MongoDB sharding allows you to distribute your data across multiple machines. The mongos router is the component that makes this distribution transparent to your application.
In this guide, we'll explore:
- What mongos routers are and their purpose
- How mongos routers work in a sharded cluster
- How to deploy and configure mongos routers
- Best practices for mongos deployment
- Common troubleshooting scenarios
Understanding the Mongos Router
What is a Mongos Router?
A mongos (pronounced "Mongo S") router is a MongoDB process that acts as a query router, providing an interface between client applications and the sharded cluster. It determines which shard contains the data being requested in a query and routes the operation to the appropriate shard(s).
Key Responsibilities of Mongos Routers
- Query Routing: Directs operations to the appropriate shard(s)
- Results Aggregation: Combines results from multiple shards into a single result set
- Metadata Caching: Caches shard metadata from config servers
- Connection Pooling: Maintains connection pools to each shard
- Authentication: Authenticates clients and enforces access control
How Mongos Works
When a client sends a query to a mongos router:
- The mongos consults its cached metadata (from the config servers) to determine which shard(s) contain the relevant data
- It routes the query to the appropriate shard(s)
- If multiple shards are involved, it merges the results
- It returns the final result to the client
The client application doesn't need to know anything about the sharding configuration—it simply connects to the mongos as if it were a regular MongoDB server.
Deploying Mongos Routers
Basic Setup
To start a mongos router, you use the mongos
executable (instead of the mongod
executable used for regular MongoDB instances).
Here's a basic example of starting a mongos instance from the command line:
mongos --configdb configReplSet/configsvr1:27019,configsvr2:27019,configsvr3:27019 --bind_ip localhost,server_IP --port 27017
Or through a configuration file:
configDB: configReplSet/configsvr1:27019,configsvr2:27019,configsvr3:27019
port: 27017
bindIp: localhost,server_IP
Then start mongos with:
mongos --config /path/to/mongos.conf
Connecting to a Mongos Router
Connecting to a mongos router is identical to connecting to a regular MongoDB instance:
// Connect to mongos router
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
// Connection URL
const url = 'mongodb://mongos-host:27017';
// Database Name
const dbName = 'myDatabase';
async function main() {
// Create a new MongoClient
const client = new MongoClient(url);
try {
// Connect to the MongoDB server
await client.connect();
console.log('Connected successfully to mongos');
// Get the database
const db = client.db(dbName);
// Perform operations as usual
const collection = db.collection('myCollection');
const result = await collection.find({}).toArray();
console.log('Query result:', result);
} finally {
await client.close();
Multiple Mongos Routers
In production environments, you typically deploy multiple mongos routers for redundancy and load balancing.
Load Balancing
Client applications can connect to any mongos in the cluster. To distribute the load:
- Client-Side Load Balancing: Clients maintain a list of mongos routers and implement their own load-balancing strategy.
- Hardware Load Balancer: Deploy a load balancer (like HAProxy, F5, or an AWS ELB) in front of your mongos routers.
Here's an example of HAProxy configuration for mongos load balancing:
frontend mongodb_frontend
bind *:27017
mode tcp
default_backend mongodb_backend
backend mongodb_backend
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
server mongos1 mongos1:27017 check
server mongos2 mongos2:27017 check
server mongos3 mongos3:27017 check
Deployment Strategies
There are several strategies for deploying mongos routers:
- Co-located with Application Servers: Install mongos on the same servers as your application for minimal network latency.
- Dedicated Mongos Tier: Deploy mongos on dedicated servers for better resource isolation.
- Hybrid Approach: A combination of both strategies based on your workload characteristics.
Configuration Options
Mongos routers have several important configuration options:
Essential Configuration Parameters
- configDB: Specifies the config server replica set (required)
- port: The port mongos listens on (default: 27017)
- bindIp: IP addresses mongos binds to
- logpath: Path for log files
- keyFile/clusterAuthMode: Authentication settings
Performance Tuning Options
- maxConns: Maximum number of simultaneous connections
- cursorTimeoutMillis: How long to keep inactive cursors open
- connPoolMaxConnectionsPerHost: Maximum connections per shard
- connPoolMaxInUseConnections: Maximum in-use connections per shard
Example configuration with performance tuning:
configDB: configReplSet/configsvr1:27019,configsvr2:27019,configsvr3:27019
port: 27017
bindIp: localhost,server_IP
maxIncomingConnections: 2000
destination: file
path: /var/log/mongodb/mongos.log
logAppend: true
keyFile: /path/to/keyfile
connPoolMaxConnectionsPerHost: 200
connPoolMaxInUseConnections: 150
cursorTimeoutMillis: 30000
Practical Example: Setting Up a Complete Sharded Cluster
Let's walk through a complete example of setting up a sharded cluster with mongos routers:
Step 1: Start the Config Server Replica Set
# Start each config server
mongod --configsvr --replSet configRS --dbpath /data/configdb --port 27019
Initialize the config server replica set:
_id: "configRS",
configsvr: true,
members: [
{ _id: 0, host: "configsvr1:27019" },
{ _id: 1, host: "configsvr2:27019" },
{ _id: 2, host: "configsvr3:27019" }
Step 2: Set Up Shard Replica Sets
# Start shard 1 replica set members
mongod --shardsvr --replSet shard1RS --dbpath /data/shard1 --port 27018
# Initialize shard 1 replica set
_id: "shard1RS",
members: [
{ _id: 0, host: "shard1svr1:27018" },
{ _id: 1, host: "shard1svr2:27018" },
{ _id: 2, host: "shard1svr3:27018" }
# Repeat for shard2RS, shard3RS, etc.
Step 3: Start the Mongos Router
mongos --configdb configRS/configsvr1:27019,configsvr2:27019,configsvr3:27019 --port 27017
Step 4: Add Shards to the Cluster
Connect to mongos and add the shards:
// Connect to mongos
mongo --host localhost --port 27017
// Add shards
// Enable sharding on a database
// Shard a collection
sh.shardCollection("myDatabase.users", { "userId": 1 })
Step 5: Verify the Sharded Cluster Status
// Show sharding status
// Check config databases
use config
Monitoring Mongos Routers
Important Metrics to Monitor
- Connection Count: Number of active connections
- Query Performance: Average query response time
- Memory Usage: Resident and virtual memory
- CPU Usage: Overall CPU utilization
- Network Traffic: Network I/O
Using the MongoDB Shell
// Connect to mongos
mongo --host mongos-host --port 27017
// Check server status
// Analyze current operations
// Get mongos-specific stats
db.adminCommand({ "connPoolStats": 1 })
Using MongoDB Cloud Manager or Ops Manager
MongoDB Cloud Manager and Ops Manager provide comprehensive monitoring solutions for MongoDB deployments, including mongos routers. These tools offer:
- Real-time monitoring of all mongos instances
- Alerts for performance issues
- Historical performance data
- Detailed metrics on query performance
Troubleshooting Common Mongos Issues
Connection Issues
Problem: Clients cannot connect to mongos Solution:
- Verify mongos is running:
ps aux | grep mongos
- Check if it's listening on the expected port:
netstat -tlnp | grep mongos
- Confirm network connectivity:
telnet mongos-host 27017
- Review the mongos log for errors:
tail -f /var/log/mongodb/mongos.log
Performance Issues
Problem: Slow queries through mongos Solution:
- Enable profiling:
db.setProfilingLevel(1, 100)
(log operations taking more than 100ms) - Check explain plans:
- Verify shard key distribution:
- Check for jumbo chunks:
use config; db.chunks.find({jumbo: true})
Metadata Refresh Issues
Problem: Stale metadata or chunk migration issues Solution:
- Force metadata refresh:
db.adminCommand({ flushRouterConfig: 1 })
- Check balancer status:
- Review changelog:
use config; db.changelog.find().sort({time:-1}).limit(10)
Best Practices for Mongos Deployment
- Deploy multiple mongos routers for redundancy and load distribution
- Locate mongos close to your application servers to minimize network latency
- Scale mongos horizontally based on application load
- Monitor mongos performance regularly
- Keep mongos versions consistent across your deployment
- Upgrade mongos instances before upgrading the shard and config servers
- Set appropriate connection pool sizes based on your workload
Mongos routers are the gateway to your sharded MongoDB cluster, providing a unified interface for client applications. They handle the complex work of routing queries to the appropriate shards and aggregating results, making the sharded architecture transparent to applications.
Key takeaways:
- Mongos routers direct operations to the appropriate shards
- They maintain no persistent state—all metadata is stored in the config servers
- For production deployments, use multiple mongos instances for redundancy
- Place mongos routers close to your application servers for optimal performance
- Monitor mongos instances regularly to ensure optimal operation
Additional Resources
- MongoDB Documentation: MongoDB Sharding
- MongoDB University: Free courses on MongoDB sharding and architecture
- MongoDB Blog: Technical articles and best practices
- Set up a local test sharded cluster with two shards and a mongos router
- Write a script that connects to a mongos router and inserts data across multiple shards
- Experiment with different shard keys to observe their effect on data distribution
- Configure a simple load balancer (like HAProxy) in front of multiple mongos instances
- Simulate a failure of one mongos router and observe how applications can seamlessly connect to another
By understanding and properly configuring mongos routers, you can build scalable MongoDB deployments that grow with your application's needs while maintaining consistent performance.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)